The people who asked Dao Palace seemed to have regained their confidence in an instant, and immediately spread out to surround the Zixia King Valley and the others!

Law Enforcement Group on the enchanting list, the name is by no means a false name, even if there are a lot of powerhouses in Zixia Wanggu today, it may not be the opponent of Law Enforcement Group!

In terms of stepping back ten thousand steps, even if the two sides temporarily lose the victory and lose the temporary shelter of Zixia Wanggu, they asked the Dao Palace people to be enough to win Lin Chen!

At least, they think so.

"Law Enforcement Group?" Lin Chen narrowed his eyes, and soundly transmitted to the Little Demon Empress privately: "The reason why some Saints are afraid to kill genius is because they are afraid of attracting these guys. "

Not only is the Little Demon Empress not afraid, she is eager to have a try instead, smiling and charming, and sounding transmission to Lin Chen—"It's not quite right, this Law Enforcement Group should just be One of the groups, generally speaking, kills a genius of evildoers, the first thing to provoke is the forces behind it, and the single group of Law Enforcement Group."

"If the single group of Law Enforcement Group is unsure, There will be more Law Enforcement Groups appearing, and each Law Enforcement Group is very strong. They are all affiliated with the Ten Great Sects forces that formed the enchanting list, and some other Grade 8 sect powerhouses have joined."

"If the problem is extremely serious, it will even provoke a series of old monsters in the Law Enforcement Group. That level is a monster that really exists in the history of the Early-Stage era in the Holy Realm. It needs to be traced back. Only the Immemorial Era of the Holy Realm can find their footprints. It is also the level of Supreme Elder in Grade 8 sect. However, such characters are generally not sent out because of the fall of individual enchanting lists."

Here, the Little Demon Empress beamed her eyes and looked at Lin Chen expectantly.

As if telling him; you have to work hard to cause trouble, this Young Lady is like seeing what those old monsters are like.

Lin Chen rolled the eyes, then looked thoughtful, and quickly figured out the situation at the scene.

If there is a golden divine splendor on his legs, if something is wrong, Lin Chen will immediately use three War God suit parts!

"I still have a trick for the rebels. If you look at it according to the little fairy, unless it is the old monsters of the Law Enforcement Group who come, or come to more powerhouses, I will never win. It will be zero!"

Lin Chen's confidence in his heart is undiminished. Although he has not made much progress in his cultivation base, he is now far more capable than ever before!

Swipe~! The man in the purple robe stood in front of Lin Chen, his expression was pale, and all the Elders in the Zixia Valley were ready for battle!

"Zixia King Valley, the old man will return it to you in the original words. After three breaths, leave here. Otherwise, don't blame the old man for not remembering his old feelings. This young man is not qualified to despise the enchanting list. Rules!"

The white-bearded old man peaceful in the colorful clouds, there is a kind of sacred power in the words to teach the world, which makes people involuntarily convinced by him.

With a wave of his sleeves, all around the space trembled.

Lin Chen feels a dangerous atmosphere. This is an extremely brilliant Space Imprisonment method. The space here is all imprisoned, and no one can shuttle or move the space away!

Unless the cultivation base is higher than the old man, or many powerhouses team up with strikes.

Also, the little shadow can still maintain a calm appearance, even has several points of disdain.

"Law Enforcement Group, right, I have good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear."

At this moment, standing in front of Lin Chen and the Little Demon Empress The man in the purple robe suddenly said with a smile.


The eleven black robed man above the colorful clouds stepped out at the same time, ignoring him at all.

"Purple Heavenly Tiger, don't you take your people to roll. You can protect him for a while, but not his life."

white-bearded old man brows tightly frowns, there are faint wind and thunder in the colorful clouds!

The handsome young man and the charming lady protected Lin Chen and the Little Demon Empress at the same time, ready to take action at any time!

Purple Heavenly Tiger leisurely said with a smile.

"We really can't protect him, but you Old Guys haven't been born for too long. I'm afraid that you haven't even figured out what the current situation is. Do you know the identity of this little fellow?"


He pointed at Lin Chen, even the handsome Lin was stunned!

What is my identity? I have nothing but the most handsome name in the holy world!

"Dragon Clan’s Ten Thousand Dragons Club, this kid can hold a Sacred Dragon in his body. As Human Race, the body of Sacred Dragon, sneak into the Ten Thousand Dragons Club and win Dragon Clan’s King of Ten Thousand Dragons. Of course, I, Zixia Wanggu, can’t protect him, but you said, what if I take him here to break through and send him to the Great Wilderness to give to Dragon Clan?"

Purple Heavenly Tiger's arrogant and domineering remarks stirred up waves!

Many hidden bosses and sect giants spying secretly change suddenly!

How do they know the name of the Ten Thousand Dragons Association? Almost all the kings of the Ten Thousand Dragons of each generation are the Peaks of the Immemorial Dragon clan, and every one of them is like a king!

This kid turned out to be the King of Ten Thousand Dragons? Human Race is the king of ten thousand dragons? Are you telling the story here?

Lin Chen knew immediately, he released his Sacred Dragon, entrenched in the void, the vastness of the Dragon's Might, the mighty dragon body, and even the Law Enforcement Group of the enchanting list for a while!

The dragon body of the Great Dragon, the dragon tail of the hell water dragon, the dragon pupil of the Dragon Transformation made by Yin and Yang!

The bloodline is pure, the breath is pure, the genuine Grade 8 peak bloodline, three bloodline in one?

"The King of Ten Thousand Dragons is actually from the same source as this child?"

The knowledge is better than the Law Enforcement Group, which is also a shock!

They know very well that Dragon Clan with multiple bloodlines wants to increase the difficulty of bloodline quality. The purer the bloodline, the more likely it is to cause bloodline conflict and self-destruct! Three kinds of Grade 8 peak bloodline? Unique!

Law Enforcement Group has been on the list of evildoers all year round. They know that Dragon Clan has given birth to a new Legendary King of Dragons, with multiple bloodlines.

But they did not appear in the world tower, and did not immediately know that this is the Dragon Clan raised by this child, one man one dragon is of the same origin!

"A King of Ten Thousand Dragons plus a Champion of the Chosen Conference, if you push him in a hurry, hahaha! If I bring them to Dragon Clan, what will happen?"

Purple Heavenly Tiger jokingly said with a smile, the laughter is threatening!

The meaning is very simple. I, Zixia Wanggu, don’t plan to protect him all the time. I will lead someone to break through later. Your Law Enforcement Group is so awesome. You can go to Dragon Clan if you want someone to go!

If you don’t have it, in time, a super powerhouse will appear on Dragon Clan!

A Grade 6 Saint Level alchemist plus a 3rd-layer Grade 8 peak bloodline king of dragons. If this weight is forced to rely on Dragon Clan, the Law Enforcement Group will have to weigh it!

"I want to use this to bluff the old man, but it does let the old man see the potential of this child. Today’s results will only have two, either let this child confess his sins, or let him Used by my Law Enforcement Group!"

The old man with white beard was shocked in the imposing manner, and he personally left the colorful clouds and descended in front of everyone!

Purple Heavenly Tiger's eyes are squinted, didn't it stop the Old Guy......

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