They came in a hurry and didn't bring too many powerhouses.

If you want to break through today, you will inevitably have to fight hard. If you are careless, you may have to pay a lot of money!

"Leave the Old Guy to me. You can help someone to help that kid. Don't let the person who asks Dao Palace take him away."

Purple Heavenly Tiger left a word, Then slowly lifted off.

The handsome middle-aged man and the charming woman's demeanor changed slightly. He dragged the Law Enforcement Group Captain alone?

When the young Junya was about to protect Lin Chen, suddenly Lin Chen pushed away and stood up.

"Everyone of the Purple Cloud Valley, as well as the little fairies, I take your thoughts. However, I, Lin Chen, always do things one person."

Lin Chen The corner of his mouth faintly rises with a crazy arc!

"You don't need to take action! I'll single out all of them! Let's do it if you don't accept it!"


Three golden divine splendors flashed, Lin Chen's right arm and legs, and the divine splendor's golden armor appeared!

Ask Dao Palace’s guardian old woman and two Elders Hei and Bai, the pupils trembled!

Three pieces!

This child can fight with powerhouses above the 6th-layer in the Holy Realm, thanks to the power of the golden light arm armor, but now there are two more leg armors? He actually has three pieces? What a perversion is that!

Two Elders Hei and Bai are scared! If it weren't for the law-guard old woman to shoot, they and Lin Chen just fought recklessly, maybe it was them who was going to have trouble!

Law Enforcement Group's Captain brows tightly frowns, this child imposing manner is vigorous, and there is no trace of bluffing at all. Is there really a hole card?

Lin Chen is about to fully launch the War God three-piece suit——

a long whistle completely broke through the void and broke the Space Imprisonment of the Law Enforcement Group!

"hahahaha! It's good to do things one by one, and do whatever you don't want to accept. The old man likes it. Well, this little fellow fits my eyes."

"For his toughness, I can barely let him be a quasi-grandson-in-law, but he still has to be evaluated."

Tens of thousands of sword lights are coming from the sky. Break through the ten thousand zhang void, weaving into layers of sword qi storms, overwhelming mountains and seas, shattering mountains, rivers, sun and moon!

Sword qi In the storm, a group of silhouettes came from the front. The space between Heaven and Earth burst into countless cracks in an instant, and the sword marks pierced through the void, like myriad swords simultaneously go out, sword qi roared into the sky!

The azure robe man headed by the azure robe is dashing out of the dust, dressed in azure clothes, azure sword, and radiant, as if there is a sword in the world, the imposing manner of One Sword Splitting The Heavens!

Battallion men and horses are appearing, there are three old men walking side by side, their feet on the sword qi flying up and down, evolving the Supreme sword qi of All Heavens Myriad Manifestations, just like Sword Immortal is coming!

Then there are twenty-one people with countless sword lights, either with swords at the waist, or with swords behind them, or with empty hands, one eye, such as myriad swords simultaneously go out, sword qi Yuntian covers the earth! A peerless sword technique natural phenomenon with latitude and longitude is evolving infinite sword dao, space roars, Heaven and Earth trembled with fear!

The group of people who walked out of the massive sword qi storm, without exception, are all peerless sword saints!

Everyone, placed in thirty-six domains, is a super sword dao powerhouse admired by hundreds of millions of swordsmen!

The hidden bosses of Odd Fields gasped air-conditioning fiercely!

It can’t be wrong, except for that area, there is no place in the holy world where so many peerless sword saints can gather at the same time! They are here too!

The expressions of the people who asked Dao Palace changed drastically, like a mouse meeting a cat!

Even Zixia Wanggu couldn't help but exclaim when he saw this group of people!

"It turned out to be the people of Sword Domain, and they were all sword saints above Life and Death Realm, what a sharp sword qi coercion!"

"The swordsmanship of the three old men It’s particularly scary. Is this the Peak powerhouse of sword dao... My second elder Ziqing sword saint of Zixia Wanggu is more inferior than that!"

Sword Domain powerhouse, come here, and secretly observe the situation. Qiyu all influence couldn't help being shocked again and again!

What a huge amount of capital can this group of super sword saints of Sword Domain be invited! How much energy and power is behind this child?

Dashuai Lin forced his mouth to open slightly and was dumbfounded. Even he was dumbfounded!

What's the situation?

When was my popularity so good?

Why so many super powerhouses are here! Hot pot is not so messy!

Lin, who is used to singlehanded to overthrow the enemy, suddenly faced this kind of ostentation, even a little dazed!

Where are so many big guys here to help? This is not a little child fighting! This is the conflict between the Big Sects of the real thing!

As soon as the people of Sword Domain arrived, they immediately stood in the direction of Lin Chen and Zixia Wanggu.

That aloof and remote, such as the Law Enforcement Group Captain who teaches the world, looks shocked!

"They are also out? Just for this kid? How could it be!"

The three gray-haired old men beside the azure robe man looked indifferent and disdainful. A wave of his sleeve robe.

"Isn't this kid Mo? I haven't seen him for a while, and he has become a Captain of the Law Enforcement Group."

"I was a small member of the Law Enforcement Group when we met. Things have remained the same, but people have changed!"

The old man sighed, the violent sword evil Elder waved his hand impatiently, and five white glow flashed past the sky. !

Law Enforcement Group’s Captain instantly turned pale with fright, definitely not as peaceful as before, pushing the palm backhand horizontally!

Shih~! Tear~! The power of the two against each other is not as heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, but hidden mystery and all kinds of changes!

The sharp white glow flashed away, and the white-bearded old man of Law Enforcement Group Captain let out a sullen sigh, stepped back dozens of steps, standing still, the palm of his hand was bleeding!

Ask the powerhouses of Dao Palace to blow their scalps!

One trick to see blood!

The gap between the two sides, obvious at a glance!

The old man of the sword evil coldly said: "Mo kid, it's the old man who blasted your dog's head, or you gotta fuck yourself, be smart, don't corrupt the old man's mood to see grandson-in-law, otherwise I blasted you on the spot."

The Little Demon Empress's eyes shone brightly, she even clapped her hands excitedly, and her lips muttered cheerfully; "Wonderful, wonderful!"

Lin Chen's mouth twitches slightly...

These people are so strong that they are perverted!

Especially the three elderly people at the head, let him have an immeasurable strength, deep and unmeasurable!

He can't figure out what realm the three people's cultivation base has reached!

Even the terribly strong Law Enforcement Group Captain can only be regarded as a junior in front of the three elders!

"What the hell is this kid..."

"The person who can move Sword Domain is not something Grade 6 Saint Level alchemists can do!"

"Hurry up and send the order back and turn on the sect protection formation. His grandma's. If this group of people fight, how many places in the northwestern region will have to be turned into rubble!"

"His sister Yes, when the old man went to Sword Domain to ask for a sword, he was fortunate to have seen this sword evil senior. Hundreds of epochs have passed, and he is still such a profound mystery, what a fucking horror!"

The hidden bosses of Qiyu are breathtaking, and the leaders of all influence are in a mess!

These three elders come out, I am afraid that it will be difficult for Law Enforcement Group to end today!

The Little Demon Empress couldn’t help but approach Lin Chen excitedly, stealing the sound transmission and saying—"Lin Chen, how did you do it so that Sword Domain’s so many powerhouses can help you out. Those are all people who don’t change from the past. They always do things their own way. High-level Saint Level alchemists are hard to move! Tell me, do you hide your background and influence? You are actually super cool behind the scenes. Hyun's second-generation ancestor?"

Lin sighed as he looked up at the sky forty-five degrees.

"I don't know, maybe, it's because of being handsome."

Little Demon Empress: "..."

At this time, inside the storm of sword qi There is also a beautiful red-haired lady who is like a butterfly flying over to Lin Chen anxiously.

When the Little Demon Empress saw the red-haired lady, she exclaimed subconsciously.

"It's really handsome!"

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