"Lin Chen, are you okay! Did they hurt you!"

The red-haired lady is greeted gracefully, wearing a red dress like clouds and clouds, always Infatuated with Heart Sword Dao and indifferent to the beauty of Yan, her eyes were gentle at the moment, looking at Lin Chen with a bit of distress.

Lin Chen looked a little dumbfounded, Jian Qingcheng?

Could it be that... is it her?

"I rely on it! Isn't it...Is she the one who brought such a strong lineup?"

Lin Chen was shocked!

Is it worth her to do this? Am I finally handsome enough to surpass that man!

Faced with her worry, Lin Chen said helplessly; "I...I'm fine, these all are your family? Too strong..."

"You are busy It helps me...I can't bear it..."

Lin Chen is a bit blushed with shame. This sentence is true. He doesn't think he has the energy to please the Sword Domain three olds at this level. powerhouse!

"It's okay, you helped me too! In the funeral saint mountain range, if you didn't take action, I might be Haotian Saint King...you are injured!"

Jian Qingcheng hasn't finished speaking. When he saw the blood on Lin Chen's arm, his pretty face changed slightly, and when he held Lin Chen's palm--

The three old Sword Domain on one side changed his face instantly!

The old man of the sword evil scolded immediately!

"Boy, let go of your paws!"

This scolding scared the honest child Lin, quickly let go.

Seeing Lin Chen closing his hand like lightning, Jian Qingcheng's eyebrows flicked a trace of loss, and another Jian Ming elder hurriedly said again.

"Why are you little fellow stunned, take it back!"

Lin Chen's mouth twitched slightly, just about to raise his hand--

The third place The old man Jian Jin warned: "You can only hold two fingers! The old man hasn't agreed with you yet!"

Lin Chen: "...I am so special!"

Little The Demon Empress smiled in disregard of her image, and she trembled and laughed miserably.

Seeing the worried look of his daughter, the azure robe man sighed in his heart!

"Girlfriend, girl, you finally found a man who can hold you..."

When I look at Lin Chen for the second time, there is a touch of azure robe man’s eyes. Stunning as never before!

The spirit strength of the Great Accomplishment stage of entering the Holy Land, the spirit is like the Star River billions, vast and profound.

Removing the power on the armguards, Body Refinement Realm has reached about 18 billion dragon power, and the cultivation base is Saint 3rd-layer, with 24 holy caves in full bloom!

Grade 6 Saint Level The background of the alchemist, the identity of the king of dragons!

More importantly, all of this is based on his age! From the perspective of life fluctuation, this child is extremely young!

Ordinary Sacred Realm might think that he is almost the same as Genius. For Saint with a long life essence, it is difficult to distinguish the difference between ten thousand years old and one thousand years old. This is also Lin Chen's success. After Saint, many Saints automatically ignore his age.

Because, without careful investigation, it is extremely difficult to figure out the true age of a Saint, and it can only be estimated. But the father of Jian Qingcheng could see through Lin Chen's true age at a glance!

"In his early twenties? How is it possible that at such a young age, he has such a terrifying background!"

The azure robe man was shocked!

It’s no wonder that my own darlings will also fall in love, this is not only a evildoer, the talent is peerless, chasing the existence of some'Holy Infant'!

Besides him, the sword saints of Sword Domain's other sects are also looking at Lin Chen, and they are all shocked by their results!

There is such a young man here! They were still thinking about whether this child could be worthy of Jian Qingcheng, but now they are far beyond what they expected!

"This little fellow is so fierce..."

"Even the people from Sword Domain are here for him. It seems that this time it may not be our turn to worry about him. Oh, hahaha!"

"As expected, this child is often mentioned by the lady, this child is really amazing!"

"What happened in Sword Domain back then, Grade 7 sect and above well Known, their background can be said that there are few rivals in the holy realm. Now that they are taking action, I am afraid that the Law Enforcement Group will be deflated again."

The people in Zixia King Valley looked at each other, stepped back a little, only Protecting the Little Demon Empress has several points of the taste of watching a show.

On the other side;

"Jian Sha, Jian Ming, how did you Old Guy get out! Didn't the World War I teach you enough profound lessons!"

Law Enforcement Group Captain gnashing teeth, but has several points of fear and stage fright!

The azure robe man turned around, as if there was a sword qi storm in his eyes, he said with a smile that was gentle and elegant but still aggressive.

"The first battle of the year? Your Excellency thought too much. The people above you wanted to stabilize the state of mind of you insiders that's all. Back then, the two sides were only 50-50, and whoever won the other was nothing more than just not wanting to die. Knock that's all."

"Mother." The old man of Jian Sha came back with a violent temper, and coldly scolded: "What are you doing with him so much nonsense? Just do it if you don't get out!"

In his palm, the pure white sword qi is disillusioned, like the desire of the sky-splitting sword out of its sheath!

The expressions of the people in the Law Enforcement Group changed suddenly, and eleven black clothed persons stepped out together and asked the people from Dao Palace to brace oneself to the front!

This Old Guy is really starting to fight without a word! If you don't join hands, you really can't stop him!

"Overbearing old bastard, are you alone? Lao Tzu is also called a person!"

Law Enforcement Group's Captain lowered his heart, and a sapphire scroll appeared in his palm, filled with Power of Space like Incorporating the stars, the sun and the moon, the stalwart looks like the plane in front, and the mystery is hidden!

However, the Law Enforcement Group Captain has not crushed the sapphire scroll, and those who are present at the 6th-layer and above of the cultivation base of the cultivation base have felt what they have, and their expressions vary.

Seven holy lights descend like Nine Heavens above the sky, the sky is falling chaotically, the Shengwei shines forever, in the beam of light, there are rows of neat silhouettes, and the void in the several millions of circles is shaking and shaking, like It's going to collapse!

The hidden old monsters of Odd Fields gasped coldly!

There is another powerhouse here! This is the first batch!

In the beam of light, the gray-haired old man coughed lightly, "Oh...the people of Sword Domain, why do you want to force my Law Enforcement Group bitterly?"

The ferocious old man next to him, his face engraved with a hideous centipede scar, ferociously sneered—"If you didn't fight enough back then, you will have a good fight today!"

Waist in jade green dress The limbs twisted like an azure snake, and the beautiful woman shook her head reluctantly and said: "The people of Sword Domain are always like this. They are arrogant and unreasonable. I really don't want to see you."

Seven holy light, every Dao Guangzhu came out with twelve people, and the few headed by them were no less than the Law Enforcement Group Captain!

It is another seven enchanting list Law Enforcement Group! This lineup is completely used for the series of Sect extermination!

"Oh? Called a person?" The old man of Jiansha browses tightly frowns. From the perspective of reaction time, based on the cultivation base of these people, it is not enough to cross the space to reach the strange domain in a short time!

Sure enough, the moment the seven beams of light dissipated, powerhouse appeared!

In the sky, an old man walked faintly, making Sword Domain's powerhouses also show a solemn expression!

The old man was leaning on crutches, as if he couldn't help but feel weak, but strangely, he actually had three heads! !

Each head presents a different look. Some have divine poise and sagelike features, some are vicious, like a vicious centipede, and some are charitable, like a kind and kind old man.

Three heads of the same body, this old man is full of weird aura!

At this moment, the father of Jian Qingcheng and the three elders of Sword Domain, unanimously reveal a sense of dignity!

This old man, they have fought each other before! !

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