The look of the three old men in Sword Domain is rare and solemn!

The Captain of the Law Enforcement Group, they didn't pay attention to it at all. The problem is this Old Guy!

"Yin Demon Three Ghosts? How did you become such a ghost?"

Jian Qingcheng's father brows tightly frowns, mood grave: "Fuse together?"

"These three old bastard are not dead yet? Their three people have become one, and it seems that they have broken through a new realm!"

"These three old ghosts are lucky , The last big battle clearly cut them into seven or eight pieces, which actually allowed them to go a step further!"

The three elders of Sword Domain looked a little solemn.

"None of you three old fart died, how could the old man and the others die."

The ghost of the three ghosts said with a smile, He is the head on the left side. Although he has the face of a kind old man, when he stares at the three elders, there is a vague killing intent in his eyes!

"Not staying obediently and honestly in the Sword Domain, run out to die? The old man happened to have no chance to take revenge, so you sent it to the door!"

Saint, with a fierce face and grinning teeth, like a ferocious beast, he finally found his prey and is about to run away!

"It turned out to be the Yin Demon three ghosts, this kind of Legendary character has also come out..."

The look of Zixia Wanggu and the others is unprecedentedly solemn!

Characters of this level, placed in their Zixia King Valley at the peak period, are also the Peak powerhouses that can be easily obtained!

"This time is tricky, these three old ghosts seem to be a little weird..."

The Purple Heavenly Tiger guarded the Little Demon Empress with a very serious expression.

Even the people of Zixia King Valley they are here today are not even juniors in front of these three elders!

This is Immemorial Era, a super powerhouse that has been famous for a long time!

"What a terrifying coercion, it's not an exaggeration to call it pressure on all the powerhouses present..."

Lin Chen's eyes are extremely solemn!

Although the two sides are separated by thousands of miles, Lin Chen knows that he did not feel the pressure of the three ghosts, all because of the gathering of sword saint powerhouses on the Sword Domain side, and the sword is extremely powerful. Shared the pressure that's all.

If you let him face these three old ghosts face-to-face, he might not even be able to hold a palm in his normal state!

These three old ghosts must be the old monsters of the Law Enforcement Group that the Little Demon Empress said!

With this kind of existence, he wants to try to contend with only one kind of probability, that is,'Death to Death' plus'Tian Rebel' innate talent, plus the War God three-piece suit, maybe there is a chance to fight head-on!

Even the arrogant little shadow showed a bit of fear!

The more intelligent creatures have the instinct to estimate opponents, it is better to face those Captains of the Law Enforcement Group. Little Shadow also has several points of disdain, at least they can't catch themselves!

But in the face of these three ghosts, it has an instinctive fear. At least, it has no absolute certainty that it can escape in the hands of this old monster!

The three ghost saints were originally the same triplets brothers, with a spiritual heart, bloodline coexistence, a kind of cultivation technique and core method of fellow practitioners, and even sanctification on the same day.

In the battle between Ancient Era's Sword Domain and the evildoer leader, the three old ghosts and the three old Sword Domain belonged to the same realm.

The three old men of Sword Domain joined other powerhouses at the time and cut the three of them into fragments. Even their spirits were almost shattered.

Although the three Sword Domain elders were also hit hard by a mortal counterattack, it is expected that even if these three old ghosts survived, Saint Physique would die, and it would be impossible to return to at the peak period forever. Completely ruined.

But now that the three of them reappear, they have merged into one? This must be their last move to save their lives, and it is also related to their cultivation technique and core method.

The three people who merge into one become a brand-new individual. With the perception of the three elders, their realm is one more holy cave than the three elders!

In the later stage of the holy land cultivation, every opening of a holy cave will bring changes in Heaven and Earth turning upside down!

Although the three big ghost saints have become one, there is no doubt that even if it is a single body, if one more holy cave is opened, the strength will be transformed to all new realm!

Accurately speaking, the three ghost sages nowadays are consciously three of them, but from the cultivation base of the holy cave, they are alone.

"If it weren't for the request of the ghost saint senior, I really don't want to fight with these lunatics."

A Law Enforcement Group Captain shook his head. Although they are now superior in number, Sword Everyone knew the name of Domain!

As the domain where'Sword God' was born, it is one of the most terrifying areas in the holy realm today!

"The three old ghosts of them actually reached that realm one step ahead of us, but fortunately, they got this result when they merged with three of them. If all three of them advance to this stage, with these three Old Guy’s temperament, those of us who come here today will probably be annihilated. The battle back then will have different results."

Jianming Elder's sleeves lightly flicked, and the sword lightened. For a mouthful of azure light sword, with a sword in hand, the sword power of the old man Jianming skyrocketed, like a mouthful of Divine Sword that pierced the sky! The clouds are broken!

"It's no wonder that these Law Enforcement Groups came so fast, they were premeditated."

The old man Jian Jin stood up ahead, with his palms in his hands, a purple light holy sword Appearing, the sword weapon has a dragon roar.

The old man of sword evil is even more murderous aura, holding swords in both hands, sword edge glowing sharply, and fighting intent soaring to the sky, ready to fight at any time!

"Let's deal with this old ghost, and you will protect that kid."

The old man, Jian Ming, said without returning to the sound transmission.


The father of Jian Qingcheng, Jian Cheng Sect Master rejected it!

"You really think that I was the stunned young man back then. Although these three old ghosts are fuse together, the realm can go further. To stop them, we must be four of us."

Jiancheng's attitude is firm. The three old realm has been seriously injured since the last war, and finally recovered. Realm has never had a breakthrough.

He is not at ease even if it is'three-to-one' right now, if the old man is injured, the consequences will be very serious!

At this time, the Three Ghosts said with a malicious smile to all Law Enforcement Group.

"Leave the first four to us, and you will leave the rest to you. Whatever you want to catch, I only want the lives of the people of Sword Domain!"

Three The faces of the people invariably showed a ferocious and ferocious smile, ghastly said with a smile.

"The pain of this fusion body, this hatred for hundreds of years, the three old man brothers have been tortured, and today they can finally repay them all! gā gā gā, 叽叽叽叽, you Sword Everyone in Domain is going to die!"

The three faces smiled terribly, and the whole sky became on the verge of collapse!

In the distance; a palace trembled and the earth cracked again!

The crimson Fairy pretty face in the Xuelong Palace is pale!

Just a few coercion released, it made her have some signs that she couldn't protect the people in Bingxin Palace!

This old ghost, the cultivation base is too terrifying! It's definitely not just the cultivation base of the Starland!

Choke choking~~~! !

One after another, the sword light of the million miles apart is like a peerless flying rainbow, and the sound of the sword chants is turned into a clear sword roar, which is gathered in the hands of the sword saints!

All sword saints in Sword Domain draw their swords at the same time!

All members of the Law Enforcement Group released the Holy Power, the rays of light in the holy cave broke the endless crystal walls of the space, and the imposing manner was like the sinking of the mountain and the sea!

"Protect Miss retreat first, and then protect Lin Chen!"

Purple Heavenly Tiger runs the core method, and all of Zixia Wanggu shows the appearance of cutting off one's means of retreat !

In that battle, it was true that Sword Domain and the evildoer leader were on the same level, and no one had any choice but to win the other.

But in a strict sense, it was the power of the enchanting leader who'lost'. This loss was due to reputation! The most majestic image they created was broken for the first time!

Otherwise, the Ghost Sage will definitely not go out in person. This battle is like retrieving the reputation of the year and the hatred of the Yin Demon Three Ghost Sages!

"It’s no wonder they will be dispatched in advance. They should have sensed my actions when I was waiting in Sword Domain... These three old ghosts had enmity with us in the past. Although they are now integrated, they can be realm. bring it up a level ……Oh, my Sword Domain powerhouse is not ready. Now, I didn’t help the little fellow Lin Chen, but dragged him into the water!"

Sect Master’s heart is inwardly shouted bad!

If Lin Chen is captured, his daughter is afraid that she will not become a tearful person, and it is possible that sword dao can't make any progress!

But if the third elder is injured, he will not be able to end it!

Various hidden old monsters of Qiyu directly bugged!

The leaders of Big Sect even withdrew their spiritual ideas!

Mother, if this battle is fought, let alone their spiritual thoughts, even the body will have to pay a heavy price!

With this fight, I am afraid the entire Northwestern Region of Wonderland will completely shake the sky!

Even if the Grade 8 and even higher-level forces of Qiyu are notified, it is too late to prevent the battle from happening!

Because no one can mobilize a powerhouse that can stop the fighting between the two sides in a short time!

At the crucial moment, Lin Chen stood at the forefront of the team for a flash?

His gaze is directly at Yin Demon Three Ghosts!

Yin Demon Ghost Saint trio's eyes narrowed, Saint Realm 3rd Layer? This cultivation base is not much different from trampling a mouse to death in front of him!

Boom~~~! !

Lin Chen's golden brilliance flashed all over, War God's leg armor, arm armor, and infinite golden divine splendor, his fighting intent soaring, his pure power began to skyrocket, he awe-inspiring low Hah!

"God! Inverse!"

Bang~! !

At this moment when Lin Chen is about to launch the'Tian Rebel', a blast shakes Nine Heavens and Ten Earths!

Above Nine Heavens, a scarlet Divine flame that implements Heaven and Earth, falls from the sky!

"Killing the small and the big, it is not enough to have the big one, and I want to be an old one. How many people are not human, ghosts and ghosts are so arrogant, have the ability to practice with this seat? ”

The fluttering figure walks out of the Divine flame, dancing lightly and gracefully flames are flying around the beautiful woman like an elf, wearing a red dress that is beautiful and beautiful, devastatingly beautiful Xue Di simply dismissed it!

At this moment, the expressions of all powerhouses in the audience have changed! !

Lin Chen's mouth is slightly open...

Even she is here?

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