Scarlet Divine flame came from above Nine Heavens, descending to Heaven and Earth, a woman in a red dress appeared from the Divine flame and descended to both sides. intermediate.

She was the only one, and she instantly suppressed the audience!

Ask Dao Palace, Zixia King Valley, Law Enforcement Group, Sword Domain Three Elders, Yin Demon Three Ghosts, all powerhouses, their expressions have changed suddenly!

Other weak forces can't recognize it, they won't admit it wrong! The Divine flame is a unique symbol of a certain force!

Divine flame Palace! !

This force once stood at the top of the Holy Realm, ruled over thirty-six domains, and dominated an entire era!

Even after a shocking change, the Divine flame palace has fallen, and its background is by no means comparable to them!

If it is the ordinary powerhouse of the Divine flame palace, it's okay, but the three old Sword Domain and Jiancheng, as well as the Captains of the Law Enforcement Group, have seen the portrait of this woman!

"One of the Two Great Protectors of the Divine flame Palace, Shangguan Jue?"

Yin Demon is shocked!

The Purple Heavenly Tiger of Zixia King Valley clicking one's tongue in wonder, it’s amazing!

"It's too strong, my mother, even if we don’t come to Zixia Wanggu, I’m afraid there will be nothing wrong with this kid..."

Divine flame Palace The name, above Grade 6 sect, known to everyone, known to everyone!

Even the unruly sword saints of Sword Domain cast horrified eyes at Lin Chen, calling them all stunned!

Divine flame Palace can be dispatched because of him, if it is ordinary Elder, they would not be so moved.

But this is Venerable Dharma Protector!

The Divine flame palace has only two protectors, each of whom was once a figure in the holy world, who has reached the top of the enchanting list and ranked on the holy talent list!

This is the real second only to Divine flame Palace Lord, and Divine flame Palace Old Ancestor and the others. It is not an exaggeration to call it second in command!

This kid is who are you, who can let the second-in-command of the Divine flame palace go to Qiyu...

"Does this little fellow have a background?"

"Isn’t Allure saying that he has no background? Not to mention the Grade 6 Saint Level Alchemist, even Grade 7 and Grade 8 are impossible, please move the Divine flame palace!"

Sword Domain The three old men's eyes were full of shock. This woman has few rivals in their Sword Domain. Perhaps only the'those' can be compared!

Lin Chen's handsome face is dull, his mouth is slightly open, and his eyes are full of incredible!

Shangguan Jue, the lady in red dress, is the great character who once came to Nine Provinces to take away Bai Ruoyan!

It seems that he perceives Lin Chen’s puzzled gaze, Shangguan Jue laughed and cursed--"smelly brat, what to look at, you don’t understand Ruoyan, Ruoyan still doesn’t understand you. You go everywhere. If you can cause trouble, if you die here, Ruoyan, a little girl, can’t run away. Isn’t the old lady coming to treat you with the aftermath?"

Lin Chen corner of mouth twitching, Ruoyan really understands him ......

In fact, there is one more thing she hasn't said. If Lin Chen is dead, more than one Bai Ruoyan will run away.

There is also Shen Lingshuang, this little girl is now the most hot enough to scald one's hands in the Divine flame palace......

Shangguan Jue almost completely ignored the opposite Law Enforcement Group , Sternly taught Lin Chen.

"You kid, you are not clever in doing things. How can you know how to kill the enchanted person? You can find a place to shame him in your back. No matter what, you know, it’s not like a robber who is going to be a gangbang in the street."

Lin Chen's mouth twitched slightly, this great aunt is really too strong...

But! This handsome guy likes this attitude!

In front of the Law Enforcement Group Captain of the enchanting list, do you not want face?

Sword Domain’s powerhouse suddenly reduced the pressure, holding an attitude of watching the show, with a joking expression on his face.

Just kidding, the Divine flame Palace Guardian is here, they don’t even have the chance to make a move.

You know, Yin Demon Sanguisheng and Law Enforcement Group Captain complexion ashen, but they dare not even fart!

Suppress! This is from true strength suppression!

Big fist, I can bully you! Without strength, face is a fart!

Yin Demon, the three ghost saints Li Nei, the middle head of the ghost ghost brace oneself gritted his teeth--"This senior, we also have a relationship with those above. If you openly oppress us like this, you are not afraid of causing all Domain war?"

Shangguan Jue pretending to be pretending to suddenly realize!

"Oh! So you want fairness. I like fairness the most!"

With a wave of Shangguan Jue's sleeve robe, the corners of her beautiful lips slightly raised.

"Okay, nonsense, speak with strength, go head-to-head, you guys go together, I single-handedly challenge a group of you."

Lin Chen: "...How do you listen to this? Are you so familiar?"

Hearing this, the powerhouse's scalp exploded!

The person who asked Dao Palace was frightened and backed away several thousands li, his teeth trembled!

Don't say that the powerhouses of the Law Enforcement Group, even the Yin Demon three ghosts, can't help but take a step back subconsciously!

Pull it down! Who really wants to fight you!

Fight with Divine flame, the guardian of the palace? Too long?

The beautiful eyes of the Little Demon Empress shined brightly, like seeing an'idol', staring at Shangguan Jue with a face full of admiration at this moment!

Shangguan Jue smiled sharply and gave a cold voice!

"If you don’t come, you will remember it later. This kid is covered by my Shangguan Jue, whoever wants to fuck him, come fuck me first!"

Lin Chen:" …It sounds a little weird?"

The people from the Law Enforcement Group looked at each other, is it going to be flat again this time?

It was the Sword Domain back then, and now it is the Divine flame palace. If this continues, how majestic is their Law Enforcement Group on the enchanting list!

Suddenly, Shangguan Jue’s Xueyan condensed her eyes, in a flash, she looked at the distant void!

Almost the moment when Shangguan Jue reacted, the domineering laughter echoed between Heaven and Earth!

"Oh? Divine flame palace, can you really regard yourself as the overlord of the holy world? No one can save the life of this kid today!"

The laughter was thunderous and shocked Heaven and Earth trembled with fear, Lin Chen's mental perception was as if he had been hit by a lightning bolt. Although he did not cause substantial damage, he felt an extremely terrifying Shengwei!

pu chi ~~! bang bang bang!

Laughter stirs Heaven and Earth, one after another The pitch-black shadows cover Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, with a radius of tens of millions of miles, as if plunged into endless darkness !

All the powerhouses that have just been relaxed before are fully alert for an instant!

Even Shangguan Jue, Xueyan appeared strange and confused.

She felt a very strange aura in the shadowy aura that covered the sky!

The Shadow Clan? Dragon Clan? Demon Race? All confused together!

"chi chi!"

The little shadow on Lin Chen's shoulder suddenly went mad and grinned.

The Black Dragon-shaped shadow body soars and entrenches Lin Chen's head, revealing the body, staring at up ahead!

"This breath is exactly the same as the little shadow!"

When Lin Chen was shocked, inside the Taoyuan planting capsule, an ancient mirror was shining brightly, as if he had sensed the call. The riot was directly suppressed by Lin Chen’s Avatar!

Lin Chen is shocked!

This is the Sky Swallowing Mirror!

The person who came, is the master of this heaven-swallowing mirror?

So to say...

The endless shadows, like dragging Heaven and Earth into the boundless void, except for Shangguan Jue, all have lost their perception of'space' , Can't even break open the space!

A group of dark clouds appeared in the sky.

Whether it’s the Law Enforcement Group, Sword Domain, Zixia Wanggu, and Lin Chen, all looked towards the direction of Heiyun!

The black clouds are rolling, and the seven silhouettes gradually appear!

The leader of a young man, has a dignified appearance, his face is like a crown jade, but pale, his brows are red, and his body is full of colorful brilliance!

That is the rays of light unique to the different crystal!

Next to him is an old man with a kind face, but his old eyes are rolling in crazy killing intent and greed, staring in the direction of Lin Chen!

The people on the Law Enforcement Group are the first to recognize the person on the dark cloud!

No. 1 on the list of evildoers in the past, cloudy day! !

The old man standing next to him is the deceased Tuosheng!

No, to be precise, it should be the'ultimate shadow' of the possessed Fleshy body!

Lin Chen clenched his fists silently, and the little shadow faintly burst out roar!

The two pairs of mortal enemies’ eyes, for a moment, ignoring all the powerhouses, colliding piece!

Lin Chen, to the cloudy sky!

The fourteenth period of the ultimate shadow, against the thirteenth period of the ultimate shadow!

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