On the boundary of the holy world, the scenery in the sea of ​​flowers is endless.

Longyou gallops for thousands of miles, moistening things silently here.

The white dew turns the frost and the red to embellish it, and the sea of ​​flowers sways the moon to shame.

The tooth marks of the shell teeth are carved into the body, and the snowy jade crisp reflects the spring.


Lin Chen’s body is transformed by the dragon Qingguo, and he is armed with the physique of the Dragon King Spear. He is exceptionally strong, not to mention his fleshy Saint Physique Body Refinement Realm is very strong, and the music never stops.

[Dual Cultivation Acacia continues to be launched, and the host has gained Battle Qi Essence 894.9 billion points, Qi and Blood Energy 700 billion points...]

[The host's Sacred Dragon body is being repaired , Began to make up for the wound...]

Lin Chen didn't know how long it took. Not only was his injury completely full, he even ushered in a new realm breakthrough.

Finally, when Luo Yaoer was satisfied, lying in the arms of the teenager, he quietly entered the cultivation state.

At this time, Lin Chen has more than a Red Seal on his face, and his whole body is covered with scars of red teeth, all left by the beautiful woman.

The beautiful and snow-white lovable body stretched out lazily in his arms, presenting a glamorous and peerless scene. Luo Yaoer was a little surprised when she raised her eyes to look at Lin Chen again.

"Really strong Sheng's vitality, he has a breakthrough cultivation base? This... is really a bad embryo, and doing that will also break through the cultivation base..."

Luo Yaoer's face is infinitely tender.

"You will be the first man of my Luo Yaoer, and the last. The magic seed has been planted in your body. I hope that after losing my memory, if I encounter you again, I will suffer The magic seed will affect you and not kill you..."

Her slender fingers are connected, one after another finger marks quickly outline the marks, a faint demonic energy is engraved on the back of Lin Chen, a Dao (dao) The character urn flashed by.

"If his life is endangered, the clan will be annihilated-Fiend Empress."

Luo Yaoer smiled: "With this mark, the people of Human Race must also I won't be embarrassed. I'm leaving, but we don't even have a chance to say goodbye." Suddenly, Luo Yaoer threw herself into Lin Chen's arms and wept silently.

After a while, she got up quickly, and when she left, only a space jade slip was left, without the slightest hesitation turning her head to leave.

She was afraid that she would look at him again and she would no longer want to go back.

Furthermore, Lin Chen, his Holy Force, like the revival of an angry dragon, broke through the holy caves all the way unstoppable, breaking through 25, 26, and 27 holy caves!

This, the momentum has not stopped!

Lin Chen learned from personal experience that the innate talent of'Dual Cultivation Acacia' can actually enable Dual Cultivator to obtain'cultivation base harmony'. If the two parties' cultivation bases are close, they will make progress together. If one party's cultivation base is high To the other party, it will feed back to the other party. And it will not have any negative impact on the backfeeding party.

Three days and nights passed, when Lin Chen opened his eyes again, the sea of ​​flowers shook suddenly, and the terrible Shengwei shook the whole sky trembling!

However, this space seems to have a special protection, Lin Chen cannot directly Tearing Space.

"Thirty holy caves in full bloom! Breaking six points in one breath, this innate talent is so cool..."

Lin Chen licked his tongue subconsciously, and come again. Second, isn't it necessary to expand the acupoints?


Lin Chen just broke through and turned to look at Gu Pan all around, Jiaren had gone to leave a lingering fragrance, he saw the space jade slip beside him.

"This jade slip seals a Demon Race forbidden technique, which allows you to resist many natural disasters and help you sneak into the holy prison. The method of use has been engraved on your demon mark."

"Move the jade slip, you can send it back to the previous place, if you can, find a chance to return to Human World, the holy world is not where you should stay. Hmph, remember, even if you have more Woman, you are also my Luo Yaoer's man, and I am your only female emperor." In jade slip, Luo Yaoer's light and humming voice came out, Lin Chen didn't t know whether to cry or laugh.

Is the strength really that wayward? Turn me over for a meal, wants to walk to walk?

"Wants to walk to walk, don’t leave a contact information, I’m someone who is a casual person! This time I was really taken advantage of, no, next time I have to take advantage of it! "

Lin Chen pretends to be'evil fiercely', and he has one more goal in his mind.

He knows that his time is becoming more and more pressing! When Luo Yaoer met him this time, he vaguely felt that an unprecedented storm was brewing!

In a moment of thought, Lin Chen was stunned by the soaring attribute value when he turned on the system!

[Heavenly Path Collection System version 7.0

Host: Lin Chen ——cultivation base: Saint Realm 3rd Layer Perfection (30 holy caves)——high level essence: 37 Trillion points

Ultimate strength: 68 billion dragon power (husk awakening + 100%)-high level vitality: 19 trillion points

high level spirit: 29.7 billion points ( Entering the Holy Land Great Accomplishment period)

high level cultivation technique essence: 10.8 billion points-advanced talisman literary energy: 4.94441 million points-intermediate Heavenly Dao value: 8 billion 900.02 million points.

Intermediate innate talent points: 4.1 billion points-suit essence: 92 million points

Blank attribute: 0 points-strengthening points: 68.9 billion points. ——Refining different crystals: 39 pieces.

High level element energy: Fire Element 4.9 billion points, Earth Element 4.9 billion points, Wood Element 4.9 billion points, Gold Element 4.9 billion points, Water Element 4.9 billion points, Thunder Element 4.9 billion points, Wind Element 4.9 billion points, 4.9 billion points for light, 4.9 billion points for dark.

Set column: Golden War God set, holding parts·Ultimate right arm armor——Ultimate left leg armor—(production picture)Ultimate right leg armor.

bloodline status bar-cultivation technique status bar-life awakening bar

Active innate talent bar-passive innate talent bar-nirvana bar-special rune bar- —Innate talent combo skills]

Lin Chen is confused!

"What...what's the situation?"

After repeatedly determining his attribute value, Lin Chen's mouth twitched fiercely a few times!

The value of this attribute has soared dozens of times!

Especially the element system. Before Lin Chen was no more than 100 million at most, now is all 4.9 billion?

[System hint host, all powerhouses encountered by the host before, and the cultivation base is higher than the host two realm, the system has automatically activated the innate talent to steal attribute values ​​and steal a large number of non-growth attributes value. All of the host’s soaring growth attributes are feedback from the Dual Cultivation Albizia innate talent. 】

After Lin Chen is shocked, he has unprecedented ecstasy!

The omen of God stealing?

No wonder! Previously, from asking Dao Palace to Zixia Wanggu, Law Enforcement Group, Sword Domain, Yin Tianzi and the others, all were stolen by him!

That is the powerhouse above Saint Realm 5th Layer Perfection!

"system ah system, you are already a mature system, you should learn to pick up attributes by yourself, this time I am very satisfied with the commander."

system: [……]

Suddenly, Lin Chen seemed to think of something, complexion greatly changed, and immediately released his Sacred Dragon!

Boom~! When Lin Chen's Sacred Dragon was born, he was entrenched in the sky, making Lin Chen's mouth open again!

Dragon's Might glows deep in the yin and yang dragon pupils, the yin and yang Dragon Qi flows all over the body, and the dragon scales of the ink azure reveal the indestructible, indestructible and impregnable, the dragon body is ten thousand. zhang, dragon tail is like a sword, brilliant blue and dazzling, a dragon claw is full of thousands zhang stalwart!

In the dragon body, densely packed criss-crossed Dragon Vein, each of them, like the mountains, the sun and the moon, has the tendency to swallow the stars and merge the sea. Lin Chen's spirit swept away and was completely shocked!

"10 billion Dragon Veins! 100 billion dragon power?"

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