Previously, Sacred Dragon was smashed into several pieces by the ultimate shadow. Lin Chen almost thought that he was incapable of recovering from the sky. In addition to powerless to defend himself, he once thought that he would lose the Sacred Dragon he had cultivated for many years. .

According to system’s answer, all the growth attribute values ​​he obtained this time were all derived from the [Dual Cultivation 合欢] innate talent. Isn’t it, Luo Yaoer’s back-feeding him has recovered his vitality and blood? Sacred Dragon?

"This Dual Cultivation acacia is too fierce, I will find a few Female Powerhouses to sleep a few times, and sleep directly to the acupoint expansion?"

Lin Chen laughed and laughed.

However, he is very clear. It's not that Dual Cultivation Acacia is too fierce, but Luo Yaoer, too powerful to surpass his cognition!

He is probably the first man in Human Race history to have slept with the Fiend Empress.

When I think of this, Lin is full of pride! The most handsome man in the holy world slept with the Fiend Empress, um, it sounds like it should be by rights.

"system, I want to consume all the kit essence attributes."

[Consumption of 92 million points kit essence attributes, the host War God three-piece set percentage charge has been added. Ultimate right arm armor charge: 7%-Ultimate right leg armor charge: 7.1%-Ultimate left leg armor charge: 7%. 】

This large number of attributes of the essence of the suit allows Lin Chen to make up for the previous consumption, and it also soars the higher realm!

"The power of the 5% charged War God three-piece set is enough to make me match the star realm for a short time, and even a few small realm higher. I don’t know if I can shake the star realm now. The powerhouse of the last level."

Lin Chen's mouth rose, and this increase in strength is the fastest soaring since he became a holy.

"I don't know what's going on there, go back and have a look."

Lin Chen clasped the space jade slip, moved the magic mark in his palm, body flashed, and disappeared in the mountain within the valley.

The silent valley returned to silence again. A faint barrier of space once again shrouded this place. From the outside world, the place was misty and misty, even Saint could not enter it.


In the cracked great hall, the three biggest Supreme Elder and Palace Lord in Bingxin Palace can be said to be too big to breathe!

Because there are too many terrible powerhouses in this great hall! It's because they have a hard time to reach the level in their lifetime!

Zixia Wanggu, Sword Domain various sects, Divine flame Palace Lord, all of them are Legendary-like characters. How can ordinary Saints like them come in contact with?

That day, after Lin Chen was abducted, the powerhouses evacuated with news, and no one dared to continue the war.

Even though Shangguan Jue was imprisoned at the time, Sword Domain was not to be trifled with!

In order to stop Shangguan Jue, Yin Tianzi paid a huge price. The key is that the ultimate shadow has also been hit harder than ever before, and neither side will be pleased if it continues.

However, at this time the entire dilapidated great hall.

Whether it is Zixia Wanggu or Sword Domain various sects, or the "Venerable" Shangguan Jue, there is no good face, either a gloomy look or a sinking face, or anxious, with a disguise on his face. Worry about falling.

Can you not worry about it! That kid was captured by the Fiend Empress, it is totally unknown whether he is dead or alive!

Bang~! The beautiful face was unwilling and angry, Shangguan Jue smashed a table and chair with a palm!

"Why, why this is the result of this seat, if it is a Saint King, it would be the Fiend Empress!"

Her first sentence, Almost didn't let the people present throw a dog and eat shit.

Is this the confidence of Venerable Dharma Protector? The horror is too much!

What if Saint King came here?

The corners of the people in Zixia King Valley twitched slightly...

Listen, is this what people say?

Sword Domain’s powerhouse is full of wry smiles. The position of the Venerable is not inferior to that of Saint King. If she really wants to fight, Saint King may not be able to take Lin Chen away in her hands.

Previously, it was completely because the weird creature of Ultimate Shadow put everyone together. If confronted head-on, the ultimate shadow and the cloudy sky will also be difficult to defeat a protector of the law.

"Daddy, he won't..."

Sword Qingcheng, with pale cheeks and a lot of thinness, has no longer the domineering heart Sword Dao of the past idiots, and when he wants to cry, he is affectionate. , Is completely like a little girl.

Sword Domain's three elders are all in their hearts. They want to go out and fight the powerhouse and want to make their granddaughter happy.

"Hey..." Jian Cheng sighed; "Little girl, people always have to learn to accept when they can't get it. This time, things are beyond our ability."

"Don't worry." Sitting in the great hall, the relaxed little demon queen said with a beautiful smile: "He must be fine, as long as he is a mother, who can get that badass in this holy realm? I think he can get rid of the crisis."

"Uncle, Qingwu, is he confident of Lin Chen?"

The handsome young man from Zixia Wanggu said, Purple Heavenly Tiger tsk tsk twice.

"Come on, this little girl was still drinking two nights ago. You don't know her character, you rarely touch drinks. Last time it was because of her mother when she left Zixia Wanggu. Wine, she doesn't feel good, don't irritate her."

Seven days and nights have passed since Lin Chen was abducted.

During this period, many powerhouses who care about Lin Chen have lived like years.

Just as Zixia Wanggu had something important to leave and was about to stand up to say goodbye, a youthful laugh broke the dull silence.

"Huh? Why are you all here? Are those guys retreating? I'm planning to use them to try my new tricks."

A silver robe, the corner of the young man's mouth Hanging laughter walked into the great hall, everyone startled!

Jian Qingcheng covered her red lips lightly with her bare hand, tears burst into her eyes. The Little Demon Empress gritted her teeth tightly, and the vague worry in her eyes disappeared in a moment.

Lin Chen? He is not dead!

When everyone was in ecstasy, they were all stunned when they saw Lin Chen's appearance!

Yes, he is more handsome than before.

But this is not the problem, it's that all of his body and cheeks, even the neck, ears, forehead, palms and backs of his eyes, are all bright red and magnificent tooth marks!

It's all Luo Yaoer's gnawing!

This...what's the situation? Everyone is more frightened!

Shangguan Jue, who has always been peaceful, seemed to think of certain probabilities, and once again showed a horrified face!

She looked at Lin Chen again and again, and finally opened the mouth and said with a shocked and trembling tone.

" put her to sleep?"

Many powerhouses burst their scalp!


Wait! Lin Chen put her to sleep!

Sword Domain’s various sects powerhouse gasp!

That woman, most likely to be the Fiend Empress, who forcibly broke into the holy prison and swept through the gods!

For such a heaven-defying existence, what kind of person can he impress her? Or in other words, the probability that she might be impressed?

She will have an intersection with a Human Race teenager?

The amount of information is too large, and the powerhouses of all walks of life are still a little confused.

Lin Chen scratched his head, showing an awkward and polite smile.

"Well, to be precise, she should have put me to sleep"

The people in Zixia Wanggu almost suspected that they had heard it wrong!

Even Shangguan Jue can’t care about his image, his eyes are wide, and his red lips are slightly open...

My dear, she put you to sleep?

Seeing everyone's wonderful appearance, Commander Lin suddenly felt that he was despondent, said in deadly earnest.

"Well, although I suffered a bit this time, I will definitely make it back next time! Try to get me to sleep with her next time!"

Everyone: "..."

Do you want to next time?

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