On the grassland, a delicate and delicate girl holds petals in her hand, her snow-white skin is shining, but her head has jade-like crystal-like antlers, full of colors Crystal brilliance.

Her eyes flashed across a ray of strange light, and her spirituality eyes were full of lightness.

"Trifling Human Race, how can I catch me? Your actions are already under my control. Any Saint’s luck will not escape this Young Lady. The clever and brilliant Fayan, a little bit~"

She unearthly spit out her lilac tongue in a certain direction, which is really weird and cute.

"Finally got rid of those annoying spirits, alas, looking handsome is really annoying, chasing me all the time and asking why so much."

Silver Robe, walking slowly out of the forest, was about to release his spirit strength when he met a girl in a white skirt who was still admiring flowers on the grass.

When the two sides looked at each other, the girl’s lovable body trembled!

Her spirituality eyes stared at the visitor for a while, suddenly a look of horror appeared!


She can't see this man's luck, nothing at all!

Like this person, appear out of thin air here!

But he seems to be the Saint cultivation base! How could Saint not have a trace of luck!

"Who you are, why are you here..."

The girl was terrified, and the lovable body trembled and couldn't help but backed up a few steps.

She has never seen such a Human Race, and she has no luck at all!

"Huh?" Lin Chen's eyes lit up!

This girl, has the attribute rays of light!

At this moment, the girl's face changed a little, and the corner of her eyes swept in the direction just now.

"Well, those Human Races who searched for me are coming!"

The girl in the white skirt got up, her lovable body was radiant, and she flashed across the sky.

Swipe~! The moment she acted, Lin Chen took a step, her figure flashed beside the woman, and pushed her to the bottom of the tree. The girl took a moment to lose her face!

What the hell is going on with this man, she can't perceive his luck and trajectory at all!

Lin Chen extend the hand ……

"You, what do you want to do. Don’t! Don’t think that you can bully me if you are handsome..."

The girl in the white skirt screamed in fright, Lin Chen reached out and touched her head, then stroked her colorful jade horns.

[The host gets 190,000 innate talent points, 210,000 innate talent points, 180,000 innate talent points...]

The girl’s colorful jade horns sparkle with a lot of attributes rays of light, Lin Chen’s innate talent, soaring all the way!

"Ok...so awesome, so many, so awesome!"

Lin Chen's eyes shined, staring at the little girl excitedly, scared the child to the point of shivering .

"It's over, I knew I would not run out, wu wu wu, I shouldn't listen to my mother, saying that the beast wants to find someone who protects his life..."

When the little girl in the white skirt sobbed, she found that the other party did not do anything more to her. Instead, she stroked her horns and hair, which made her feel comfortable.

The sea of ​​flowers is swaying, and the boy is holding the girl, and the scene is once charming and weird.

[Get 390,000 innate talent points, 280,000 innate talent points, 300,000 innate talent points...]

Lin Chen's innate talent points are still rising! Tens of millions of points have been added in an instant!

"What kind of Little Darling is this, it can even increase my innate talent points so much!"

Lin Chen licked his lips dryly--"Don't Chaotic, just keep it like this for a while, what's your name?"

Seeing his increasingly excited appearance, the girl in the white skirt was throbbing, is he finally going to be beastly!

But, not even a quarter of an hour, the innate talent point attribute stopped rising.

"Isn't there anymore, more than 80 million innate talent points, really amazing..."

Lin Chen clicked one's tongue in wonder while letting go of the girl.

Before the girl could speak, the sky dimmed with a boom!

White skirt girl complexion slightly changed!

"Well, that group of people are catching up!"

Although she has infinite potential and strange skills, she is not good at fighting. If you are found, it will be difficult to get rid of it!

"Little devil, do you dare to move my Nangong Family's beast?"

Thunder's furious coldly shouted sound exploded, and the gray light energy that penetrated the ground veins pointed across the sky. After birth, count the ten thousand zhang's fingerprints moved towards Lin Chen's direction and pressed fiercely down!

The pretty face of the girl in the white skirt is pale, and her spirituality eyes are full of fear.

"Pretend what a big-tailed wolf."

Lin Chen sneered, disillusioning the 9th layer Flame Seal in his palm, and slammed it toward the sky as he urged hundreds of billions of dragons to condense!

Boom~! The scarlet flame giant palm shrouding the heavens and hiding the earth appeared through the air, brewing the strongest pure power, and hit the opponent's tyrannical finger head-on!

Boom! boom! boom!

In the sky, the aftermath of energy exploded everywhere, exclaiming from the void.

"Body refinement Saint? Saint 3rd-layer? No, it's not that simple!"

At this time, Lin Chen narrowed his eyes, and a sonic boom tore the void, straight away The girl in the white skirt came.

Lin Chen pulled backhand and pulled the girl to his side, the eight-headed spirit dragon burst into the air and roared!


A roar breaks thousands of mountains, and a roar breaks the wind and clouds. In the entire southern mountain range, the mountains burst and ground split instantly, the airflow collapsed into an endless vortex, and the terrible mental roar seemed to overthrow Heaven and Earth!

A silhouette that dived into the void was roared back dozens of steps!

"en? There's more."

Lin Chen slightly raised the corner of his mouth, flicked his arm, and threw the girl in the white skirt into the sky!

"Yeah~!" The girl screamed, covering the bottom of the skirt with her bare hands.

Tear and pull~! Lin Chen's fingertips swiped across the air, a starlight emerged from nothing, and the sword glow was so fierce that it opened a crack in the sky out of thin air!

Orange-level intermediate cultivation technique, "Billions of Starlight"! Lin Chen refers to the sword, a finger's prestige is like a holy sword out of the sheath, dividing Heaven and Earth!

pu chi ~! The wind ripped apart, and a strange blade glow was smashed by Lin Chen.

With a shot of the magic wing, Lin Chen caught the girl in the white skirt high in the sky, and said with a smile - "Are they all here for you? How about it, are they exciting."


"Why are you like this! You bully me!" The girl in the white skirt groaned with tears.

"Why don't you give it to them?"

Lin Chen said with a smile, the girl shook her head like a rattle.

in the sky, the four silhouettes appear, like a sea of ​​Saint Wei, and shine forever, overlooking the two Lin Chen.

"Elder Liu has already been sent, and I am rushing over."

One of the old men and tone barely fell, an aurora shuttling through the void, with a cold face and an arrogant expression of Nangong Jue appeared awe-inspiring!

Beside him, there is also a Life and Death Realm Elder!

Nangong Jue looked towards the white skirt girl, her eyes were full of greed and fanaticism, and the white skirt girl couldn't help leaning against Lin Chen.

This look is exactly the same as those people used to.

Four Elder sound transmission The Life and Death Realm Elder, learned that Lin Chen and the four of them actually had a slight fight against them, can't help being emotional!

Such a terrible youngster, it is very likely that the background is not small!

"We are the deacon Elder of Nine Heavens Sacred Dragon, dare you to ask you who are?"

Life and Death Realm Elder asked Lin Chen cautiously.

"Me?" Lin Chen raised his brow, jokingly said with a smile.

"I am the last handsome king after the three handsome kings. The common assets of all women in the holy world. My beauty is burning in the hearts of all beautiful women. You can call me You can call me an arsonist with a handsome sound."

"I will fix them later, you can take the opportunity to go."

Lin Chen’s private sound transmission Give the girl in the white skirt, startled her look!

He... he wants to let himself go?

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