The girl in the white skirt stared at Lin Chen in a daze with her beautiful eyes sparkling.

From all the Human Races she has seen, all have coveted her appearance, but this young man has to take the initiative to let him go?

"Where did the savage come from, dare to touch the beast of my Nangong Family, courting death!"

Nangong Jue is guarded by an aurora, the speed is extremely fast!

Because its cultivation base has overwhelmed Lin Chen, Nangong Jue's movement speed is no less inferior to Lin Chen's "Heavenly Demon Nine Wings"!

"Swiss beast?" Lin Chen reacted with lightning and flint. It turned out that this little girl was transformed by Rui beasts!

Nangong Jue's five fingers are flowing with a faint wind blade, and there is a faint dragon roar, tearing it off out of thin air!

"Smelly shameless, the girl will become your family before she agrees. If you want to fight, this handsome will accompany you to the end!"

Lin Chen jokingly smiled and pulled white. The girl in the skirt urged the Holy Force to wrap her fist, and the hundreds of billions of dragon power exploded, and she shook it with a frontal punch!

Shih~! boom! boom!

With one punch and one claw, the energy storm burst into the sky, and the two sides retreated.

Lin Chen takes ten steps back, and Nangong Jue takes five steps, but the latter’s each step is heavier.

"This kid can actually face Nangong Jue head-on?"

"Nangong Jue is the true biography of my Dragon Palace. It is a rare super evil that Supreme Elder came out of the mountain in person. , What is the origin of this child, how can he confront him?"

When the Elders were surprised, the Life and Death Realm Elder sighed: "Now is not the time to marvel, since this kid is stubborn , Let’s start first, don’t care about bullying the young with the old, bullying the few with more, now the first task is to take down this beast!"

The Elders looked at each other, and they moved the movement with eloquence. method, completely outflanking Lin Chen!

The pretty face of the girl in the white skirt appeared a little flustered.

Lin Chen smiled wickedly: "It’s me who bullies the less!"

Swipe~! Lin Chen all around blooming Six Paths nine-color divine light, six Phantom Clones are coming, like the stars supporting the moon, covering Lin Chen's retreat!

When Phantom Clone comes, the palms of all Avatars show two lavender and blood red medicine pills, swallow the entrance!

In a short time, Lin Chen’s entire Avatar imposing manner skyrocketed, and her pure power surged all the way. Each Avatar exceeded 130 billion dragon power. The spirit was like a barbarian dragon, and blood was like a mad dragon!

The speed of its Holy Force has increased by a few percent. There are thousands of phantoms flickering during the operation of the Holy Force!

Grade 3 Holy Pill, barbarian dragon Bloodburst Pill. It is also effective to take the Saint of Expanding Acupoint Realm. The user can temporarily increase a large amount of pure strength, will consume a large amount of energy and blood, and fall into a state of weakness afterwards.

Grade 4 Holy Pill, a thousand phantom shadow pill, can skyrocket the operating speed of the Holy Force, increase the movement speed by more than half, and the side effects will dry up the Holy Force.

However, these side effects will not have any effect on Lin Chen! Because he is taking Avatar!


When the Elders looked terrified, the mutation didn't stop!

bang! bang! bang!

The mountains vibrated, and thousands of water blue beams of light fell from the sky, building five unprecedented water prison cages, covering all the millions of li. among them!

The raging sea is smashing, the water prisons are everywhere, and a ten thousand zhang giant dragon is born, the breath of the dragon is born, the yin and yang Dragon Qi spins the dragon body all around, and the dragon's Might suppresses the eight wilderness, such as Sovereign Heaven The dragon king of and Earth, looks down upon innumerable living beings!

When the dragon tail swayed, Sacred Dragon lifted off, and the Avatar swarmed up, launching an aggressive great decisive battle high in the sky!

Four Saint Realm 5th Layer Perfection and one Life and Death Realm 6th-layer.

Lin Chen's Avatar can stop the opponent's Saint Realm 5th Layer Perfection alone.

Only Life and Death Realm Elder needs his Sacred Dragon and two Avatars to be dispatched to stop it reluctantly.

"Come on, don't be caught next time, not everyone can be as good as this handsome."

Lin Chen teases a girl in a white skirt With a smile, she gently pushed her palms, the girl was about to speak, she was sent away from the fighting area.

"Immemorial Dragon family?" Nangong Jue's eyebrows are full of disdain, "trifling tens of billions of Dragon Vein, the level of the 4th layer of the Holy Land, dare to display one's skill before an expert in front of this Young Master, courting death!"

He tore his fingers across the air, trying to forcefully tear the water prison, and rushing to the direction of the girl in the white skirt!

Tear and pull~! A touch of starlight cut through the sky, shooting vigorously, blocking a claw of Nangong Jue!

Lin Chen levitated in the air, blocking in front of Nangong Jue.

"You are probably also the enchanting list." Nangong Jue suddenly said, said with a sneer: "However, this Young Master does not need to know your origin. You are just rubbish in front of my Nangong Jue! The enchanting list is also divided into three, six and nine levels. Let you know the gap today. If you see people in my Nine Heavens Sacred Dragon temple in the future, remember to take a detour, waste!"

Nangong Jue movement method , Even Sacred Dragon's "Heavenly Prison" couldn't stop him. The speed was so fast that he turned into an aurora and swept in the direction of the snow skirt girl!

The offensive and the action are parallel. Nangong Jue refers to the shooting star, the void connects dots, and the five six-pointed star-like rays of light crisscross thousands of miles, shooting Lin Chen!

"Most of the people on the enchanting list have eaten Xiang, their mouths are so smelly."

The corners of Lin Chen's mouth rose, and the magic wings spread out behind him, turning into a black The light afterimage, continuously avoiding the six-pointed starburst from the longitudinal shooting, the silhouette is close to the Nangong Jue hundred zhang?

"It's not a good thing for a man to be too fast."

When Lin Chen's joking laughter echoed behind his back, Nangong Jue suddenly looked back and his pupils trembled!

Can this child keep up with her speed? Without the background of Life and Death Realm, the ordinary Saint Realm 5th Layer can't even chase his back!

Although Lin Chen's cultivation base is far inferior to Nangong Jue, his "Heavenly Demon Nine Wings" is a movement method used by Saint King of Haotian, and it ranks among the middle-level oranges!

This grade of movement method Absolute Art is rare in the world, not to mention Grade 7, even Grade 8 sect can hold few!

Not to mention the rarest movement class, Peak’s holy realm can easily tear through a deep enough space crystal wall and traverse a long enough distance, even if you control the Holy Force flight, the speed is extremely fast, and it can There are not many movement method battle skills that high-level Saints play a role.

The more the top cultivation technique goes back, the rarer it is! As the swordsman of Sword Domain said, those who can create orange-level cultivation techniques can only be possible with a cultivation base higher than Saint in the Saint Realm Peak! This kind of existence, even the number of holy realms, is extremely limited!

Lin Chen draws his sword suddenly, the blue moon splits the moonlight into the sky!

"Let Blade Qi fly for a while, tears!"

pu chi~! boom! boom! boom!

A strand of Blade Qi moving unhindered, when it explodes, endless Blade Qi fragments bloom, each Blade Qi fragment or mental fragment, or strength, or Blade Qi's edge, toward Nangong Jue twisted it!

The terrible Blade Qi storm engulfed Nangong Jue like a huge disaster that swallowed Heaven and Earth!

"Luo Sheng Gate of Ten Temples!" Nangong Jue both hands forming seals, the situation changes suddenly, ten thousand zhang giant gates are revealed out of thin air, if there is Rakshasa, all Blade Qi fragments will be blocked!

"Instant light splitting · 9th layer Burning Heavens Palm!"

Lin Chen rolled out with one palm, and the flame giant palm wrapped around the 9th layer Flame Seal turned into five. Push horizontally to destroy ten Luo Sheng Gate!

The violent Holy Force and pure strength of the red flames burst, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood with one palm, all crushing Luo Sheng Gate!

Such destructive power makes several Elders also look at him!

This palm technique, compared to one of the Absolute Art of their Nine Heavens Sacred Dragon Temple,'Nine Heavens Cloud Dragon Palm' is no less!

This child, who are you in the end!

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