"Yeah, I like this!"

Lin Ping'an wore an exquisite and beautiful moon dress, slim and cute, and bounced happily in the warehouse of City Lord Mansion.

"I like this too! Wow, this ring is so beautiful, and I want it too!"

Lin Ping’an emptied the entire warehouse inside and out. Smiling face.

"Right, Sir City Lord, I am a man of good faith and full of integrity. The biggest advantage is that he is handsome and able to play. The biggest disadvantage is that he is too honest. You see, I Just take a look, I'm not moving."

The corners of the Saints of City Lord Mansion are frantically twitching...

Are you special, you really have'integrity'!

You came to see that you didn't do anything, but the little girl next to you likes everything so much that she moved away!

How much does this youngster have to go through to have such a thick skin!

"Well, I have to say, the City Lord Mansion in Biyun City is still very beautiful. Let's go safe, let's go back."

Lin Chen pulls Lin Ping an When they left, the Saints dared not speak up!

How dare you! One more sentence may be heads down!

This is a fierce person who even kills the enchanting list! In the entire holy world, the only monster that dares to challenge the authority of the enchanting list in the current era!

On the basis of that hand that killed Life and Death Realm just now, and the fall of that group of evildoers Heaven's Chosen, no one thought they could escape from this child!

"Don't look at this kid and kind, he's tougher than anyone else..."

"Let’s admit it, if we can’t get out, don’t get close. , Coveting his Holy Artifact, I won’t suffer this sin, I did it myself!"


Lin Chen took Lin Pingan and flew in the air.

Lin Ping’an mumbled: “Why didn’t you call me in the fight just now.”

Lin Chen pretended to be serious: “What are you doing, when it’s not your turn to take action, these little fish Shrimp, stay obediently and honestly."

The Sacred Dragon guards the Holy Artifact natural phenomenon, and just happens to incorporate all the attribute light balls into the dragon body, so the attribute value of Lin Chen has increased. Somewhat, even though it is not as good as the holy prison, it is still a group of evildoers and Life and Death Realm.

Lin Chen glanced at his 6.51 million points of [Top Rune Energy], and sighed!

Fuck! What does it mean to have confidence!

6.51 million points of top rune energy is in hand, he can hit the rune of Slowness of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering hundreds of times in the holy prison!

Below the Holy Heart, unless it is the enchanting star-level Naxing Realm, otherwise within Saint Seventh Layer, there is no threat to his existence of Lin Chen!

With this rune energy, Lin Chen can singlehanded and go straight to any Grade 7 sect, it's nothing at all!

If the enchanting list Law Enforcement Group is dispatched again, even if Lin Chen can't beat him, if he wants to leave, with no difficulty!

Unless the opponent dispatches a character from the Sacred Heart State Peak, he will not be able to keep Lin Chen!

That's a fucking embarrassment! Grade 8 sect does not come out, he Lin Chen walk unhindered!

"Let's go and see my Holy Artifact!"

When Lin Chen entered the Heavenly Prison, the natural phenomenon suddenly disappeared!

Several stream of light, unexpectedly lasing towards Lin Chen!

"So fast! What is it?"

Lin Chen was about to stretch out his hand to block it. How did you know that the sacred light that rushed to stop to Lin Chen's body, spinning around, Unleash a terrible natural phenomenon!

It was the Holy Artifact that Lin Chen asked for casting!

One shot, one knife, one sword, one bow, three flying knives!

Lin Chen first observes the battle gun in his hand. The gun body is red and nine-foot-nine in length. The awe-inspiring righteousness soars into the sky. It is condensed in a radius of thousands of miles without dispersing, and all evils do not invade.

The sharp Dragon Qi with the tip of the spear rotates like a Ssangyong dance!

The battle spear is like a newborn baby, leaning on Lin Chen's shoulder, spirituality is beginning!

Lin Chen's heart is full of admiration, this gun is perfect!

Lin Chen is even more surprised when looking at knives and swords!

Sword, four feet seven, full body pure white as jade, Nine Heavens ice crystal snow soul embellished sword body, sword tip frost blooming, sword blade like unpolished jade, sword edge like cicada wings, sword hilt surge The icy breath condensed into wings and floated, and at a glance, it was like a world of ice!

When the sword is out, it freezes the world and cuts through the sky! Its breath is bitter and deep, dancing in the wind, spirituality is excellent!

The knife is dark red all over, coming out like a pool of blood. The spine of the knife is divided into nine blood lines, and the bloody Long Qing in the center of the hilt is connected. Long Qing blinks slightly, bursting into flames, Ten Sides All Extinguish, looking at the world, Heaven and Earth bow your head!

The bow is like a blue crescent moon, inlaid with three clouds, Thunder Star Stone, flashing with starlight, connecting into one piece, the bowstring is like a thunderstorm, Lin Chen pulls the bowstring slightly, the bowstring bounces out a clear sound , Shattering the mountains!

Three flying knives are even more amazing and mysterious!

One handle, pink like a crescent moon, blade like a cicada's wings, Tao Guangyaoyao, scorching its blossoms, where the brilliance shines, hundreds of flowers are blooming.

One handle, filled with sharp white light, high spirituality, and Lin Chen's heart, will automatically protect the lord, Lin Chen a single thought, it will bloom!

One handle, the blade is straight, thousands of thunders are mingled, the thunder is extinguished, and the sky is enraged, extremely overbearing!

Every Holy Artifact releases a natural phenomenon that is extremely horrible and has the same characteristics. Then, between the natural phenomenon, there are signs of stagnation in space and the cessation of time and space!

Grade 7, Grade 7, or Grade 7!

These Holy Artifacts, all of them are Grade 7!

Furthermore, Lin Chen felt that these Holy Artifacts, which seemed to be a rudimentary form, had automatically recognized him as their master!

"Is it because of the bottle of blood essence? Sacred Dragon is a part of my body, the bloodline is the same, they automatically recognize me as your Lord?"

Lin Chen Zheng When the surprise was overwhelming, concealed aura's Jin Wuxia and Liuzhi Xuanyuan rushed out of the tavern!


"My little friend, there has been some accident in the casting, but it does not seem to be a bad thing!"

The two looked excited and excited , Seeing that Holy Artifact has automatically recognized the Master, I am even more amazed!

"Lord, come in and discuss!"

Jin Wuxia's tone was full of excitement.

The four returned to the tavern, and two Mount Tai Big Dippers from the casting world informed Lin Chen of the accidental restoration of the casting.

"What? Accelerate the forming ahead of time?"

"After adding Ancestral Dragon scales to the caster, the Time Acceleration flowed, causing the Holy Artifact to be formed at an ultra-fast speed?"

"Nani? Seven Holy Artifacts are just the prototype of semifinished products? The future will be Grade 8 or even higher?"

When every accident comes, Lin Chen Can be described as dumbfounded!

"Yes, although these seven Holy Artifacts are not the highest-level Holy Artifacts we have cast, they have the highest spirituality! And, because of the Ancestral Dragon scales, they have a short-term impact on time and space. As for the extent to which it can be developed, it depends on the use of the host."

"In addition, the seven Holy Artifacts all have their own growth methods, and they are more like an early descendant Babies, there is still huge potential hidden!"

"Holy Artifacts that can be upgraded are extremely few in the history of castings, and all of them are below Grade 6, and above Grade 6 can The holy artifact that has been upgraded, Lord, this is the first time ever!"

Jin Wuxia looks pale, but his face is excited!

For both of them, to be able to cast this kind of Holy Artifact, the gain and sense of accomplishment are by no means ordinary!

"By the way, if you want to go to Zixia King Valley, my little friend, you have to hurry up. Recently, Sacred Domain, there was a grand event held. Qingwu's little girl's departure, maybe it's with that The event is related."

When the old man Xuanyuan said, Lin Chen immediately stood up, his mouth raised.

"Of course, Holy Artifact is available, I can’t wait!"

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