Six-finger Xuanyuan asked again, "By the way, Lin Chen, do you think about the name of Holy Artifact?"

Named Holy Artifact, this is Casting Item A link recognized by the Master. This is the time to witness my hard work.

Lin Chen nodded said with a smile.

"Nature, a sword can freeze Nine Heavens, its name is Frozen Heaven. A knife has an absolute flame, and a knife can destroy ten directions, called Jue Yan. The bow hides the power of the stars, and there is the wrath of clouds and thunders. , Named Nine Heavens Star Wrath. The red spear does not invade all evils, and it is righteous. It can punish all demons and is called Tumo. The three throwing knives each have the divine ability, one heart has a spiritual rhinoceros, its name is a spiritual rhinoceros, and a mouth can split the spirit of the holy realm. Under the pseudonym Shao Shen, he attacked Wushuang with one mouthful, and named Ben Lei."

The six-finger Xuanyuan trembled all over, and the two casters looked at each other and sighed.

"Frozen Heaven Jue Yan, Nine Heavens Star Fury. Slaughter the devil and spirits, and burns the gods to thunder. Unexpectedly, my big brother and I have cast such Holy Artifacts. These Holy Artifacts will definitely be ranked in the future. 8! Even higher!"

Jin Wuxia said with a smile: "In the hands of the lord, Grade 8 may not be Peak. Each of the seven Holy Artifacts has a growth method, and it may be able to surpass in the future. Grade 8!"

"I'll talk about these things later, hahaha, I'm leaving now."

Lin Chen is leading Lin Ping An to get up.

"The lord should act carefully. If possible, try not to go to the Sacred Domain. The Sacred Domain is the area with the most powerhouses besides second only to Saint King. It brings together the high-end power of the Holy Realm. ."

Jin Wuxia persuaded him that with his understanding of the lord’s temperament, he dared to fight hard, and he was not sure that something serious would happen to Sacred Domain until the day.

Lin Chen said with a smile: "Don't worry, you can't run if you can't beat it."

"I will come to think of a solution for the injury of the flawless big brother, and you will feel at ease. Let’s go. I have a space channel dedicated to Zixia Wanggu. You can get there as quickly as possible."

Six-finger Xuanyuan handed Lin Chen a volume of space jade slip.

"Then thank you for your trouble, senior!"

Lin Chen left the tavern, and the Tearing Space jade slip sent away.

Jin Wuxia shook his head and sighed as he watched Lin Chen leave.

"My lord, I have a strong temper, and I don’t know what major event this trip will cause."

"hahaha, brother Jin, let’s go, too. 23 enchanting Heaven's Chosen died, this Biyun City can’t stay, I have a good place to heal your injuries."

"Okay, then go."


Three days later, Zixia Wanggu.

In the Wanggu Hall.

"Fucking, it’s all from my own family, can sister-in-law be used so cruelly!"

"She still has her own family, if it weren’t for Wang Gu back then Supreme Elder forcibly asked Second Brother to marry her. It’s this woman, I’m annoyed when I see her!"

"Okay, quarreling all day long, there is no end! People are taken Let’s go, what's the use of talking about these? Why, some kind of hit the Sacred Domain?"

"Hit it! It's all two shoulders carrying a head, who is afraid of whom!"

"Enough, don't make any noise!"

When the Purple Heavenly Tiger scolded everyone, a stream of light descended on the king within the valley, which surprised everyone!

"Where is the coming..."

"Purple Heavenly Tiger senior, I trust you have been well since we last met."

Junior First Attack Silver robe, handsome and handsome, walked into the lobby with a smile.

"Lin Chen boy?"

"Hey, it's you!"

Everyone was startled, and immediately opened their eyebrows and smiled, and the purple Heavenly Tiger strode up to give I took Lin Chen a bear hug, said with a big smile.

"I haven’t seen you for more than half a year, did you go to retreat?"

Lin Chen did not deny, "Forget it, I’m here on this trip to help Zi From Xiawanggu."

tone barely fell, seeing Lin Chen coming, the handsome azure robe man and charming woman seemed to think of something, and said in astonishment.

"Little friend Lin Chen, 23 evildoers, Heaven's Chosen, fell at the same time a few days ago, and the location is also a strange land, can it be said..."

The corners of everyone's mouth trembled and looked. towards Lin Chen.

He simply smiled like a child, said without thinking: "Well, I commissioned to cast a few Holy Artifacts, and these evildoers were killed by me when they saw money."

The lobby is silent...


Killing a monster Heaven's Chosen makes people feel ridiculous. How about killing 23 people, can you still talk and laugh easily?

The Purple Heavenly Tiger took a deep look at Lin Chen.

He found that Lin Chen's aura facing them was very unusual.

If Lin Chen once faced them, he was neither humble nor overbearing, and he was not humiliated. Now Lin Chen is relaxed and freehand, showing absolute self-confidence in his gestures very naturally!

The former is more like Junior facing senior. But the latter is more like talking about peers!

In other words, the aura that Lin Chen showed has already regarded everyone present as characters of the same level, and there is no more difference between the two sides!

"How is it possible that the strength of this little fellow can surpass us? This is only half a year ago. What has he experienced? It is definitely not secluded cultivation. Retreat is impossible. Heaven and Earth turning upside down The change! Especially the little girl next to him, why did I have a kind of inexplicable heart palpitations when I looked at her, but I didn’t feel the slightest palpitations..."

When the purple Heavenly Tiger was shocked, he Behind him was a middle-aged man with sword eyebrows and stars.

He wore a Purple Gold robe, handsome and extraordinary, his face seemed to be in his thirties, and his temperament was like a giant amongst men. He said to Lin Chen cup one fist in the other hand.

"You are Lin Chen, right? I am Qingwu's father, Zi Mingyue."

Zi Mingyue is very sincere, and Lin Chen's expression turned, especially serious.

"Mingyue Uncle, what's the situation with the little fairy?"

Zi Mingyue sighed and invited Lin Chen to sit down.

The two sat down and everyone stood in the lobby. Zi Mingyue revealed his memories and said in a serious and sentimental manner.

"Back then, a traitor appeared in Zixia King Valley, destroying the king within the valley and causing strength great injury. Our King Elder Gu regained the King Valley by uniting other forces and brought me back to Qingwu. Her mother married together, but this is also the beginning of cause and effect."

"Qingwu her mother is very strong, although with the help of their family power, the Zixia King Valley is firmly established in the Sacred Domain. Heel, but what we were worried about finally appeared. Their family wanted to gradually erode the Zixia King Valley, causing us Elder to turn to their side, and resources. They even wanted to merge Zixia King Valley to become their family's subsidiary power."

"Wang Gu’s ancestors noticed the anomaly, and the two sides broke apart, but before the two sides had a thorough conflict, Qingwu came. Her amazing potential and talent gave her family hope, but because she was born Since Wang within the valley, the lifeline and potential are very suitable for the Zixia Huiyue Secret Realm in the valley. Therefore, the other party did not thoroughly cast aside all considerations for face, but instead left Qingwu in Zixia King Valley."

"Even Qingwu's surname is the same as her mother's surname. Just because of the pressure before, Qingwu has worked hard to cultivation like never before, but just a few days ago, they asked us to hand over Qingwu, and if we didn't, we would attack. Within the valley, it has brought a large number of Life and Death Realm and powerhouses of the Star Realm, and even the Sacred Heart Realm is not a few."

Zi Mingyue sighed deeply, seeming to be much older.

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