Purple Heavenly Tiger and the others look horrified!

In the Holy Realm, talking about'Gods' is a taboo!

Is this Senior mad?

The white-haired old man has always looked kind, but his eyes have become sharp, staring at Lin Chen, as if he wanted to hear his answer.

Lin Chen shook his head.

"I can't answer this question."

"Because I don't believe in God."

The white-haired old man was a little surprised, and then asked:" What does Little Brother believe in?"

"This." Lin Chen stretched out his fist, "I only believe in myself, and my fist."

White hair The old man startled, and immediately raised his head and laughed!

"hahaha, interesting, interesting. You are a very interesting person, um, old fogey, I am looking forward to your next performance."

If you have a deep look at Lin Chen At a glance, the white-haired old man took the two little girls away.

The little girl on the left asked curiously: "Ancestral Grandfather, who is more powerful than this little brother and elder sister."

The white-haired old man and the joyful laughed.

"Naturally, your elder sister is much better. However, after he expands his acupuncture points, maybe he may surpass your elder sister in the future."

The little girl was very surprised, "Wow , Then this big brother is so powerful, can he surpass the elder sister?"

"hehe, everything is possible, your elder sister is a born sage, but the world there is always someone stronger ."

"grandfather, do you continue to tell us the story last time, what happened after Lin Xingchen's fall? What about his family? Didn't you save him?"

"Hehe, this question can make Ancestral Grandfather stump..."


Lin Chen looks at the white-haired old man's leaving back, his heart clicking one's tongue in wonder.

The enchanting list ladder match, really hidden dragons and crouching tigers!

This Senior is also an old monster!

The background may be even scarier than that drunk old man!

Lin Chen and the others stayed in Yunding Building on the night, the major Dragon City instantly in a frenzy!

"Strange domain Lin Chen, making a big fuss with Ye Family?"

"The ten most beautiful little demon queens who grabbed Ye Family, also stopped the happy event?"

"The two parties have entered into a gambling agreement to bet on the multiples of the acupoints? It's too great!"

"Walk around, go to Heavenspan Pagoda and have a look!"

"I am not optimistic about this youngster. What kind of talent Zhao Mingyu is. The old man had personally seen that an Early-Stage Elder in the star realm, who could not go through three rounds in Zhao Mingyu's hands. This kid is a real monster. Grade 8 sect is also the strongest one!"

"I heard that there is still a handicap open, and Lin Chen pays one hundred? Fart, I, Stud Zhao Mingyu!"

"Bah, I'm special Stud Lin Chen!"

"You Stud Lin Chen? Why is he?"

"Just rely on him to look more handsome than me!"

"You Stud Lin Chen? Why is he?"

"He is more handsome than me!"



Lin Chen made a big fuss about the Ye Family, and within a day, all the forces spread, and in the major Dragon City, many forces even rushed to it. Wait outside at Heavenspan Pagoda!

There are not many opportunities to meet such fierce confrontations and people who challenge the enchanting authority in front of the tournament!

Even, some outside the court began to surround the handicap and bet Lin Chen, betting that he can expand his hole several times.

For a time, the major Dragon City became more lively and booming!

Lin Chen and Zhao Mingyu stood on the cusp of the storm!

Wyvern city, in an elegant attic.

"Is this the Lin Chen mentioned by Goddess?"

"Sora has an arrogant temperament, without sufficient strength, just a foolish man."

"When sanctification breaks the nine acupoints, just this. Sanctification can break the nine acupoints. There is not no one in my Divine flame palace. There is more than one."

"I don't care about these. , Potential is potential, battle strength is battle strength, and the rules of our Divine flame palace do not mean that a person can be reversed with a big fist. It must be matched with a strong enough power and sect background!"

"Even if Lin Chen expands his acupoints more than Zhao Mingyu, he is not qualified to touch a piece of Goddess hair."

Heaven's Chosen from Divine flame Palace gathers here, basically disdainful of this matter. .

Only one elegant man smiled and asked the handsome young man in the lobby.

"Oh? Have you already seen that Lin Chen? How?"

The unearthly girl rushed to replied.

"It's amazing! I like it very much, but it's a pity that I didn't fight. I also want to see how he beat Ye Family or was beaten by Ye Family people."

The elegant man shook his head and laughed, looking towards his Senior Brother.

Jun handsome man nodded, slightly smiled, concise and concise.

"A person who is beyond common sense will turn into a dragon in a storm. This person is a strong enemy."


In Yunding Building, Lin Chen sat alone in his secret room, and Lin Ping'an slept very comfortably next to him, with sugar-coated sweet stains still hanging on his mouth.

Lin Chen opens the system and clicks on his innate talent column.

"system, I want to use the orange innate talent enhancer, strengthen, the innate talent possessed by the gods!"

Orange innate talent enhancer, Lin Chen once obtained , The innate talent strengthened by this thing will have the change of Heaven and Earth turning upside down!

Extreme God Possession has the effects of both passive innate talent and active innate talent. Strengthening this innate talent is the most effective and direct improvement!

[system answers the host, the possession of Extreme God is a special growth type innate talent, which cannot be strengthened. Please select the host again. ]


Lin Chen's mouth twitches slightly, unable to strengthen? Isn't this a fake?

After several confirmations, Lin Chen learned that this enhancer can only strengthen innate talents similar to the auxiliary class, such as: extinction rift, instant light and shadow, desperate life and death, super chaos, or heaven Inverse, Godslayer this one-time innate talent.

"No matter which permanent orange innate talent is strengthened, you can get extraordinary benefits. If you really want to choose, the most likely to kill the enemy is the extinction!"

After thinking about it, Lin Chen decided to strengthen the [Extinction Ripples] innate talent!

【Consuming 100 million high level innate talent points, the host has successfully extinct and strengthened to become innate talent, and has been upgraded to orange intermediate innate talent. ]

[Orange-level intermediate innate talent, exterminates the rift, consumes innate talent points to launch an attack with an incurable injury. If the enemy is broken and hits, the injury will continue to expand at a double speed for a long time unable to repair. 】

The injury has expanded and cannot be repaired! The effect of the previous extinction rift, just making the enemy's injury irreparable is enough scary.

Now it will gradually expand with the ebbing of time. That is to say, once a protracted battle is played, Lin Chen will definitely have the absolute advantage of a protracted battle, unless the opponent is already strong enough to be unable to break through the defense. Effect!

"Expanding the acupoint realm, transforming the condensing realm, is just laying the foundation, this time expanding the acupuncture point, I must adjust to the best state, on accumulation, on the sharpening, on the foundation, and looking at the holy realm. There should not be many people close to me. Except for the talents inferior to those legendary sages, I, Lin Chen, can explode them in everything!"

Lin Chen’s eyes reveal absoluteness. confidence!

Once you enter the state of expanding acupoints, the benefits of expanding acupoints are far beyond the reach!

His innate talent passive effect: all cultivation techniques increase the effect by 300%!

And Lin Chen's "Tai Yi Fu Heavenly Art" opens up Tai Yi time and space, obtains the perfect virtual holy cave, and adds the passive effect of extremely god possession, then the increase is four times!

In other words, Lin Chen's final multiple of acupuncture points will be increased by 4 times due to the core method effect of Heavenly Art!

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