Even if Lin Chen's final acupoint expansion multiple is the same as Zhao Mingyu's, it is 1850 times. With the core method effect of Ji Shen Possession and'Tai Yi Fu Heavenly Art', his final holy cave The expansion multiple is: 9250 times!

Lin Chen now needs a good rest, ready to go, and adjust to his best condition!

During the period of sneaking into the holy prison, he really never rested. This is actually a disadvantage for expanding the acupoint.

Expanding the acupuncture points requires that Saint Essence, Qi, and Spirit all reach the peak and intense moments. Now if Lin Chen expands the acupuncture points, it is equivalent to'catch the duck on the shelf'.

To complete the best adjustment, then, all burst out with the strongest strength!

In a flash for three days, Lin Chen stayed at home and even spent the whole time recuperating. He also doesn't cultivate. He occasionally reads a few light books to relax his mind, such as "Time Management" and "Extreme Challenge". "My cultivation technique depends on X", relax completely.

Finally, on the fourth day, Lin Chen left the customs!

At this time, there are only less than five days left before the Ladder Tournament is held!

Wyvern city, full of vast crowds, all major Grade 8 giants gathered near Heavenspan Pagoda!

An evildoer Heaven's Chosen is about to walk like a dragon and stepped like a tiger into the Heavenspan Pagoda, preparing to expand the cave, but finds that in the center of wyvern, there are countless eyes densely packed Locked on Heavenspan Pagoda.

As soon as he appeared, he was scanned up and down by countless great abilities, which made him a little flattered!

"Is this this kid?"

"Isn't it? Although it is young, it is far from what I imagined."

"You guys What look, this kid is not Lin Chen."

Many powers are talking in the sky.

"Well, so many guys can come to see this Young Master expand their acupuncture points? It seems that they are very optimistic about me!"

That enchanting Heaven's Chosen said with a smile that he feels good about himself , A woman next to sneered said with a smile.

"You don't have a lot of shit, people are not here to come to see you, you should pay attention to the latest news yourself."


A stream of light lased and Lin Chen arrived at the entrance of Heavenspan Pagoda.

Countless powers who released their minds all stared at Lin Chen.

Lin Chen’s Perfection spirit strength of the Holy Land was released, and there was no pressure at all. He walked slowly to the entrance of Heavenspan Pagoda, which caused a lot of amazing surprises!

"This youngster!"

"It's him! The old man can't feel the Holy Force in his holy cave, weird, very weird!"

"This Do you dare to fight with Lin Chen from the Law Enforcement Group on the evildoer list? It seems that there is nothing special."


Wyvern City, in a hidden pavilion.

Several talents who mainly organize the ladder competition stand in the lobby, rushing to the three silhouettes in the dark, respectfully a cup one fist in the other hand.

"Unexpectedly, the three adults will come in person, excuse me for not going out to meet you, and I hope to forgive me."

In the dark, there are three illusory leaning against the sky and the earth. shadow, sound transmission.

"We are here this time for one person."

Several powerful people were puzzled and asked: "My sirs?"

" A few days ago, Lin Chen challenged the Law Enforcement Group of the evildoer list. I heard that he was here too?"


The person who spoke was a drunk old man. .

"He is about to expand his acupuncture points. I have arranged the Heavenspan Pagoda for him..."

The drunk old man stopped talking.

"Expanding points?"

The three illusory shadow startled.

"Would you like to summon him?"

"No, if this kid has something to do with that woman, we can't move him easily, let's see how his acupuncture points are. Right."

After the three exchanged, one of them said solemnly.

"Don't disturb him for the time being, let him expand his acupoints first, and then we will cross-examine him."


Heavenspan Pagoda has a mature charm The beautiful woman took over Lin Chen's jade enchanting order, said with a slight smile.

"Lin Chen Young Master, right, the drunk Old Senior has long let us wait for you. We have prepared the cavity expansion chamber at the highest level of Heavenspan Pagoda for you. Please come with me."


"Okay, thank you for your trouble, senior."

A beautiful woman leads the way, Lin Chen just about to step into Heavenspan Pagoda——

"Squad leader!"

A shout came, and Lin Chen was startled, when he turned to look around.

In the palace in the distance, Scarlet Fairy led the team alone, and behind him were all Lin Chen acquaintances!

Everyone in Class 66, as well as Han Ziyun, Ning Qingxuan, Yan Qianyun, have worshipped Yun Manqing and Leng Yueqi who have not seen him in the Palace of Lianxin for a long time, everyone is here!

"Squad leader, you will definitely surpass him!"

"Squad leader, Yueqi teacher said if you don’t mind if you take another one, even if you let it go... Yeah, teacher, I was wrong. !"

"Big brother, Jun Hao always believes that you can do miracles! Don't care about his enchanting list, you will be done!"

"Lin Lang, don't want to I put too much pressure on myself..."

In the face of everyone's cheering and shouting, Lin Shuai was moved to rustling sound, "What's the matter, why are everyone here..."

Crimson Fairy gave Lin Chen a wink, smiled, sound transmission said: "Your glorious moment, how can your servant miss it. The importance of expanding acupuncture points is equivalent to the sanctification of mortals. Burst nine points, how can the expansion of the points be Fanliu, your servant is still waiting to serve you as the master."

Lin Chen smiled silently, gave everyone a thumbs up, turned and stepped into it. Heavenspan Pagoda!

At this moment, all the mighties who are staring at Heavenspan Pagoda, send out Holy Force to talk.

"He went in, is he going to come finally."

"You said, how many times can this kid expand his acupuncture points?"

"Hey, normal The enchanting Heaven's Chosen, the total hole expansion is only 160 to 200 times, and the expansion of the hole 400 to 500 times, the talent of the enchanting, will be promoted to the Condensation Realm, Life and Death Realm, and Star Realm in the future like a hot knife through. butter."

"Although this child dares to fight and fight, but is too sharp, bloodline physique and other innate talents are average, the old man is not optimistic that he can expand the hole more than 700 times, let alone surpass Zhao Mingyu's. Wait for the monster."

"If the hole expansion can exceed 1000 times, it is basically the famous monster talent in the enchanting list. Although Zhao Mingyu's little fellow is extremely arrogant, he does have the capital to watch most of the enchanting evildoers. Heaven's Chosen!"

Visit the powerhouse of Grade 8 sect and Grade 7 sect of the Ladder Tournament, almost coming 2/3/2021! In order to see how many times this topical teenager can expand his acupuncture points!

Even the'three high-levels' who came to the Ladder Tournament also sent out their mental thoughts to observe this scene.

Outside Yunding Building, two simple little girls asked curiously.

"Ancestral Grandfather, how many times does he expand the acupuncture points? The elder sister seemed to have 1 acupoint expansion at the beginning..."

"Hush." ​​The old white-haired old man made a Silent gesture.

The white-haired old man once again looked at the sky above Heavenspan Pagoda, a spatial light screen showed the silhouette of Lin Chen, muttering to himself.

"Ancestral Grandfather can't see through it. This is the first time I have met Ancestral Grandfather who can't see through the cause and effect of fate..."

Heavenspan Pagoda, the top level.

The relationship specially ordered by the drunk old man allowed Lin Chen to enter the Secret Realm, the best space in Heavenspan Pagoda!

all around like a piece of white snow. When Lin Chen stepped into the Secret Realm, it seemed that the pores of his whole body were released into an extremely relaxed state, such as vortex-like snow-white energy surrounding him, making Lin Chen's mental perception has improved many times!

Like a blunt knife, a rusty blade, it is constantly sharpening and opening its front!

"My mental instantaneous speed has increased a lot? This space Secret Realm has special energy to stimulate Saint Physique and the effect of mental perception. In this state, whether it is a comprehend cultivation technique or a cultivation, you can twist the results for half the effort, it can also maximize the auxiliary hole expansion, and clearly feel the position of the holy cave and the Holy Force......"

Lin Chen is preparing to take out the'Bodhi Sacred Pill' , Two sounds of ka ka came from his body!

Lin Chen's pupils trembled!

His holy cave is about to burst open! !

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