Under Heavenspan Pagoda, Class 66 and the others shouted in ecstasy, Yue Xin'er covered her red lips with her hands, staring blankly at the light screen in the sky.

"No wonder...it's no wonder that his people believed in him until the end, Lin Chen, this person, what is the origin of..."

in the sky's drunk old man Twisting his fists, his eyes are right!

"It's 1400 times, where can this little fellow go..."

Everyone is looking forward to it. The Grade 8 powers near Wyvern City are even more like One of them responded quickly and gathered in wyvern city one after another!

In the space Secret Realm;

Lin Chen’s 34 holy caves are like the brightest stars in the world, and only the Holy Force fluctuations that spread out are like winds and hurricanes. !

Starting with 32 holy caves, each holy cave is like opening up a new universe. The new holy cave can accommodate more Holy Force, making Lin Chen’s Holy Force cultivation base completely A qualitative change has taken place!

What's even more terrifying is that Lin Chen dantian's Taiyi time and space, rotating the same six-pointed star!

The holy cave of Taiyi Time and Space is stronger than the holy cave of Lin Chen's body!

"This is the expansion of the acupoint state, what a powerful Holy Force......"

Lin Chen is lithe and graceful, and then urges the system again to reduce the Rune of Slowness again. Use force!


The fluctuations of the Holy Force on the horizontal plane suddenly exploded. When the six Avatars were in charge, the endless raging Holy Force was like a tamed dragon. Lin Chen aimed at the 35th holy cave. Position, break in one fell swoop!

Boom~! Bang~! boom! boom! boom!

The trend of breaking holes, such as landslides and tsunami, heaven falls and earth rends!

Lin Chen’s 35th holy cave was completely blasted, and the holy cave space was like a new chaos, flooding into the new Holy Force, which seemed to create a universe that could accommodate mountains, sun, and moon. !

The plane trembled, one after another ten thousand zhang holy light exploded from Lin Chen's body. It was colorful, bursting, and throbbing the heartstrings of every Saint!

They seem to be witnessing the birth of the new history of the enchanting list!

1000 times, 1500 times, along with the final explosion of the holy cave, Lin Chen's fifth expansion of the cave, Perfection comes to an end!

The whole city of wyvern, there is only silence and shock everywhere!

2000 times!

Lin Chen's fifth acupuncture point expansion has reached 2000 times astonishing the world!

In the Spirit Moon Pavilion, the jade cup shattered with a creak.

Patriarch Zhao, who has a very extensive experience, appeared sluggish for the first time, staring at Heavenspan Pagoda with a look of dementia, without the previous domineering!

He was fortunate enough to meet Genius who was even more powerful than his son, but he had never seen such an outrageous boy!

At this time, Lin Chen's total acupoint expansion multiple has reached 5213 times!

Zhao Mingyu stood in front of the window sill, his eyes were bloodshot, his lip was bitten, and the blood burst.

He has always claimed to be a peerless evildoer. At this time, he has several points of hysterical, unbelievable appearance!

Lin Chen's expansion of only one holy cave this time has surpassed the multiple of his Zhao Mingyu's total expansion of ten times! !

What's more terrifying is that this kid still has five opportunities to expand his acupuncture points!

What is peerless Heaven's Chosen? In front of Lin Chen, he is not even a fart!

"Under the world, how can there be such an outrageous amount of hole expansion..."

Zhao Mingyu's eye socket is completely cracked, and the Holy Force is permeated, shattering the void!


In the space Secret Realm; the corners of Lin Chen's mouth are rising wildly!

He is already, familiar with and able to withstand the Holy Force of Expanding Acupoint Realm!

Next, he wants to play bigger!

"system, just lift me all the shackles of Rune of Slowness!"

Boom~! clang! clang! clang!

In the holy cave of Lin Chen, there were bursts of gold and iron clashing!

The Holy Force of breakthrough Nine Heavens and Ten Earths was finally released!

Lin Chen started from entering the holy prison to breaking through the holy prison until now, all accumulation, all tempering, all accumulation, all liberation, all unfettered, and instantly detonated!

His 30 holy caves burst out in a more violent imposing manner, rushing out!

There is no need for Lin Chen to control it. Holy Force, like a billion absolutely giant dragon, crashed into the 36th holy cave!

Shih~! boom! The holy cave rushed open, and it exploded! After the holy cave exploded one after another, forming a new chaos, it turned into an endless Holy Force and filled it in, exploding frantically!

Lin Chen and the six Avatars run core method at the same time, opening the 36th holy cave in one fell swoop!

Boom! boom! boom! boom!

Lin Chen's sixth expansion of the acupuncture point, it has broken 2700 times!

But, it’s not over yet!

The Holy Force that has lost the Rune of Slowness is like a wild horse running out, like a wyvern running out of a cage, like a Great Saint taking off the golden hoop, soaring into the sky! Rush to the 37th holy cave!

The Holy Force that changed the color of Heaven and Earth exploded, exploding the Secret Realm plane through holes in the sky, and the drunk old man seemed to feel the heaven-shaking, earth-shattering Holy Force gushing out. When it comes out, turn pale with fright!

"Chen, Old Feng, come on, cut off all the evildoers who are expanding! Pull everyone out!"

The two Old Seniors in Heavenspan Pagoda have fast eyes and quick hands , When one-tenth of the breath couldn't react, he flicked his sleeves and instantly cut off the enchantress who was expanding the acupuncture points of other Secret Realms in Heavenspan Pagoda!

When those enchanting evildoers who were brewing and expanding their holes were cut off, they looked dumbfounded!

"What's the situation!"

"I'm about to break out, don't mess with me!"

"I cut it!"



The drunk old man holds the void with both hands, pulls horizontally, moves the plane, and removes all the evildoers out of Heavenspan Pagoda!

When the person was just pulled out--

Boom~! Puff~!

A bomb blast through Heaven and Earth shook Heavenspan Pagoda on the spot!

Heaven's Chosen, a list of evildoers, is screaming and crazy!

All the great powers took a breath of air-conditioning!

Heavenspan Pagoda, one of the Holy Land expansion holes of the Sacred Domain, has never fallen down since ancient times, but now it has been blown to a tilt by the expansion hole of a youngster!

Where did this monster come from!

Boom! boom! boom!

The expansion of the cave, like a hot knife through butter, Lin Chen’s 37th holy cave was washed away, and Sheng Xia penetrated the spatial light screen and spread thousands of miles, exploding 3,500 times in a row!

The seventh acupoint expansion, 3500 times! !

In Secret Realm, six avatars, such as all the stars cup themselves around the moon, stand in Lin Chen's all around, and urge the core method together!

Lin Chen Yang Tian a long whistle!

"The eighth time expand the acupuncture point, give me, open!"

Holy Force is like a True Dragon dance, like thousands of planes sinking together, like Heaven and Earth, the sun and the moon evaporate together , Poured into the 38th holy cave in an instant!

Boom! boom!

In the space Secret Realm, he was bombed to the point of breaking on the spot, Lin Chen was in a spurt of energy, and he broke 3 holes in a row!

This time, there were 4,500 explosions!

His 38 holy caves, glowing with the sun, Moon and Stars, gave all the powerhouses present the illusion that he is the cultivation base of the star realm!

Besides the Heavenspan Pagoda, all the enchanting Heaven's Chosen on the enchanting list present, staring blankly at the space light screen, that is like the descending back of Heavenly God, that is their insurmountable mountain in this life!

The demons of the Divine flame palace, their expressions are even more exciting!

Zhao Family pulled up their pants!

It is rare for a white-haired old man to show a hint of excitement.

Dan domain and Sword Domain and the others chanted Lin Chen's name!

The eighth acupoint expansion, 4500 times!

The total acupoint expansion multiple for eight times: 15913 times!

Whether it’s been shocked by the imposing manner, or the power of Grade 8 sect, or the Old Seniors who presided over the ladder game——

At this moment, all the power It's crazy!

What kind of benevolence, righteousness, courtesy and wisdom, what kind of mental state cultivation base experience, everything is gone!

No one can keep calm, everyone is as big as a crazy roar!

"Holy talent, peerless holy talent has come!"

And finally Expansion twice!

After today, Sacred Domain has a hundred thousand Dragon City, no one knows you!

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