"Holy talents have come to the list of evildoers! Since ancient times, there will be no evildoer Heaven's Chosen, and this child mention on equal terms!"

"This child must be a sage in the world!"

"The list of sacred talents, there must be Lin Chen!"

"Expanding the acupoints to True Dragon, No one in the world knows the king!"


The three senior leaders in the sky were shocked and horrified. The potential of this child has completely surpassed the enchanting list!

On the top floor of Ling Moon Pavilion, Mrs. Ye Family, Ye Lixue, her glamorous face, her red lips trembled in a calm manner, and there was a shock that could not be concealed!

Peerless talent? impossible, it's definitely not that simple!

Expansion points are calculated based on Saint's lifelong accumulation, unless it is'Holy Infant', it is definitely not something that talent can do overnight!

"What is the origin of this young man? What has he experienced? He must have done some terrible things of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, nine deaths and still alive. Later, the accumulation of the spirit and the tempering of the soul have reached an unprecedented level!"

Ye Lixue's horror revealed unprecedented doubts!

She can't think of it!

No thoughts at all, she is better than her, Mrs. Ye Family who is in charge of the Grade 8 Aristocratic Family. She racked her brains and deduced her three times without any thoughts!

What kind of things have to go through in order to achieve such a sky-defying accumulation, and one punch and expansion of the acupuncture point can break ten thousand times!

Ambush Life and Death Realm in a special period? Or a sneak attack to kill Na Xingzheng?

Deep into the special dangerous plane? Or is it to encircle Demon Race?

All these ideas were rejected! Because of these simply impossible to achieve such a domineering accumulation, with her Ye Lixue's experience, she can't think of a trace of probability!

Because, this is simply not something human can do!

Expand the acupoint thousands of times, since ancient times, only the Holy Infant can do it!

Under Heavenspan Pagoda, while Qiyu and the others were ecstatic, only the old man Wanhuo, the third elder of Sword Domain, Jian Cheng showed a looking thoughtful and even horrified expression!

Yes, why Lin Chen's accumulation is so defying! There is only one probability!

Holy Prison! He really went to the holy prison!

Moreover, it is very likely that the goal was achieved! If not, it is impossible to have such a heavenly accumulation!

"This kid...really, really went to the holy prison!"

"Sword God is here, what kind of youngster is this monster..."

"This grandson-in-law, it's too overwhelming... Is Qingcheng worthy of him..."

There is no doubt that once Lin Chen leaves the customs, as long as he does not die in the future, he will go there Any domain will surely be the leader of the domain in the future!

In the space Secret Realm; Lin Chen is full of energy, bathed in endless holy light, like a heavenly God!

Lin Chen flipped his palm, and the Bodhi Sacred Pill appeared!

He swallowed the entrance in an instant, and the six avatars ran the core method refining, and the energy that billowed like a sky-heavy rotation was incorporated into all the holy caves, which heightened the foundation of his expansion!

The last two acupoint expansions are left, and Lin Chen's accumulation is about to be exhausted!

He wants to use all his hole cards at the end!

With Lin Chen’s current cultivation base and background, coupled with the horror of Heavenly Art, and with the blessing of six Avatars, refining a bodhi sacred pill, it’s so easy!

"The ninth holy cave, open for me together!"

Shh~! boom! boom! boom! boom!

The endless bombing hole imposing manner resounds all over the sky, sweeping across the sky!

The plane Secret Realm was blown to pieces!

All powerhouse looks terrifying!

This time, the imposing manner is longer than any previous time! 5600 bursts!

The ninth acupoint expansion, 5600 times! The total multiple directly exceeded 20,000 times!

The little girl in white next to the white-haired old man waved a small pink fist and said joyfully.

"Wow, this big brother is so amazing, he has surpassed the elder sister!"

The white-haired old man's eyes swept away, as if he had an insight into the void!

"It's not over yet, he is still preparing for the last time!"


In Secret Realm; Lin Chen's mind fell silent, and the remaining Bodhi All the strength of the medicine pill is condensed out!

Now he can perfectly control the remaining top-level essence of Holy Force!

This time, his consumption is about to be squandered!

If you force acupuncture points, the result may not be as good as the 9th acupoint expansion!

A scene from the past; passing through his mind.

The battle with many powerhouses when breaking into the Holy Prison, the large-scale massacre when the 16th-layer of the Holy Prison was overthrown, and the desperate fight with the Demon Emperor Avatar.

These experiences polished his mind and fighting spirit time and time again!

"In terms of accumulation alone, the Saint Realm may not find a second person who can have the same accumulation as me in the Saint Realm 3rd Layer."

Lin Chen's gaze , Fierce and sharp, domineering side leakage, watching the world!

On accumulation, he was alone and broke into one of the most terrifying forbidden places in the Holy Realm, the Holy Prison! Innate talent, slaughter of prisoners, exterminate demons, instantly kill a large number of high-level Saints, Peak powerhouse, and penetrate through the eighth layer of Saint Prison!

Since ancient times, which Heaven's Chosen in the holy world has such a majestic accumulation?

On tempering, use Saint Realm 3rd Layer to destroy Life and Death Realm, Naxing Realm, and even the Holy Mind, like picking up grass and mustard!

Even the Avatar of the Demon Emperor and the top ten top-tier Demon King are also perished in his hands. Under the world, which enchanting sage can have this kind of tempering?

The answer may be, no one!

It can be said that Lin Chen's fighting spirit has been tempered to an unprecedented realm. This time the expansion of the acupuncture point is seamless, and it is gaining momentum!

"Lin Chen a long whistle!"

Lin Chen a long whistle, Avatar and the body work together. When the core method is run, the innate talent points are drastically reduced, and the momentum has been accumulated for a long time.' The'innate talent of extremely god possesses' appeared, and a stalwart god shadow appeared behind him, activating the effect of [cultivation technique mutation]!

"Come on to the last Peak! War God four-piece suit, come!"

Swipe~! Four golden divine splendors descend on Heaven and Earth, the ultimate arm armor, leg armor, and all of the War God suit are added, Lin Chen's pure power, straight line hurricane!

Unstoppable breakthrough 10 trillion dragon power, 50 trillion dragon power, 100 trillion dragon power!

All the dragon power is turned into the power for him to attack the 40th holy cave!

This is his last hole card!

If the previous hole expansion has used these two big cards, one is that the set attributes must be insufficient, and the other is that the remaining top essence will be disabled to support until the tenth hole expansion!

Then, he will miss the most perfect moment of his life center to hit the acupuncture point, and then hit it again, it will no longer be as seamless and flawless as this time!

Lin Chen is going to use this imposing manner to rush to the most peak of the hole expansion!

hong long long ~~!

Myriad Realms, the invincible War God Might descends on Heaven and Earth, Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, all covered by the golden light of War God!

"That...what is that!"

"No, no! Hurry up and protect the vicinity of Heavenspan Pagoda!"

Many powerful scalps exploded. !

They felt that there was a force that threatened them in Lin Chen's body.

More than a dozen powerful people grabbed the void with both hands, and opened space blockade at the same time!

A golden divine glow burst out of Lin Chen’s top of the head, condensing all the Holy Force, and rushing to the 40th holy cave!

Boom~! boom!

The top of the tower of Heavenspan Pagoda was directly exploded!


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