Shih~! Bang~!

With a blast, the air wave crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, strong wind scattering the last clouds, blows up the entire space Secret Realm, and the entire wyvern city is violently earthquake!

Om! Hum! Hum!

A lot of spiritual consciousness is awakened!

Expanding the acupoints this time shocked all the Peak powerhouses in the Sacred Domain, one hundred thousand Dragon City. They opened their eyes unanimously and looked towards the direction of Wyvern City, their eyes horrified!

Lin Chen, the 10th acupoint expansion, directly shook the entire wyvern city!

The last time acupoint expansion, such as War God Might, swept the heavens!

The golden divine splendor hiding the sky and covering the earth sprinkled the city of Wyvern, like the War God, the Holy Force exploded Lin Chen’s 40th holy cave and opened up a new holy cave space!

In the city of Wyvern, many great abilities joined forces to stabilize the space, and this did not make the expansion of the acupoint spread too much.

At the top of Heavenspan Pagoda, a series of explosive holes completely exploded the top of Heavenspan Pagoda!

The powerhouse of all influence stared blankly at the fire beacon on the top of the tower and the stormy sea in his heart, shocking like never before!

If they didn't feel it personally, they would never believe it!

Even if the facts are in front of you, it is so dreamlike!

The previous explosion of the hole, a full ten thousand times!

In other words, Lin Chen's tenth acupuncture expansion is unprecedented, 10,000 times!

All Lin Chen's consumption and accumulation, finally completely squandered at this moment, the perfect ending!


Sacred Domain, a certain Dragon Clan Plane, a barren cemetery.

The three-headed eighth rank top Sacred Dragon fell in a pool of blood, and the corpses were like mountains.

The indifferent white clothed youth receives sword enters sheathe, he has a dignified appearance, brows are pierced, only those golden eyes are not like mortals, like a sword intent like a god. , Piercing the sky, unbeaten!

A breath of breakthrough clouds shook the sky, and he suddenly looked towards the direction of Sacred Domain.

"This Holy Force fluctuates..."

Jin Tong's youthful eyes narrowed.

Om~! At this time, the ancient mirror on his waist flickered, and Jin Tong Youth opened the ancient mirror, and there were only eight characters on it-go back to God World and complete the acupuncture expansion!

"She told me to return to God World?"

When Jin Tong youth was surprised, he was preparing to act, and the five-colored sword weapon behind him came out of its sheath with a sound of'chong'!

Boom~! The sword is entwined with five-color cloud light, shining brightly, and its sharp edge points directly to the direction of the emergence of Holy Force, which is the direction in which Sacred Domain and Lin Chen are expanding!

"en? Five Emperors, do you mean, let me pass?"

The look of Jintong youth is surprised, and the perception of the Five Emperors Sword is often very accurate.

At the moment, his injury has just recovered completely. Do you have to follow the induction of the sword to go in that direction and find out?

"That's all, it’s important to return to God World. If we can completely change the blood, no matter what is there, it will be impossible to stop me Lin Xingchen in the future. God World number one genius, after all I'm Lin Xingchen!"

Beckoned with one hand, the sword was re-sheathed, and a five-color cloud of light shook, and the rays of light trembled. In the end, the sword calmed down.

He jumped and disappeared in the sky.


Sacred Domain!

After a long time.

At the top of the Heavenspan Pagoda, there is a Sacred Dragon lying on the top of the tower.

Above the dragon's head, there is a straight body standing proudly.

silver robe hunts and hunts, dances with the wind, the young hair roots are light, handsome and refined, both hands crossed near chest, the corners of the mouth are raised, with the same cynical smile as always, peaceful, looking down on innumerable living beings!

The 40 holy caves flashed like stars, glowing with the most terrifying Holy Force wave in the history of the holy realm, unparalleled in the past and the present!

When the fire beacon dispersed, on the top of the overturned tower, all the enchanting list Heaven's Chosen looked up at that silhouette, like the highest peak in the history of the enchanting list!

"This is, Enlarging Acupoint Perfection..."

Lin Chen glanced over, overlooking the city of Wyvern, looking in the sky, the human race Supreme, staring into the distance In the middle, that one after another spirit of leaving the customs, did not reveal a trace of timidity!

All sentient beings in the world are in my eyes!

Those who once could only use killing move to contend with the existences, those who once swayed the wind and the power, stood proudly in the holy world, now it seems that they are only this!

Gazed at the nine-color holy light flowing in the palm of his hand, Lin Chen was fascinated. There was an illusion of turning his hands upside down and pluck the stars and seize the moon between his hands!

If he used the current cultivation base and used a Blade Technique of "Tears of God", what would it be like?

"No, this is not an illusion! Now, in the entire wyvern city, there are not many people who can threaten me. The vast sacred world, many dangerous places and planes, Lin Chen can come, Go too!"

Lin Chen snapped his fingers, and the Sacred Dragon flew down. He landed inside the Heavenspan Pagoda, and the drunk old man laughed dumbfounded.

"So what, senior, sorry. My acupuncture seems to be a bit too hard. I lifted the Heavenspan Pagoda. Let's discuss what is lost."

Expanding acupuncture points too hard! Lifted the Heavenspan Pagoda? I'm afraid that you, Lin Chen, can speak this alone!

"You are more than a little bit, you are simply too much..."

The drunk old man is amazed, this child, after today, will be famous in the thirty-six domains of the holy world !

Lin Chen's previous achievements are not enough to be seen above Grade 8 sect, but now, in the entire holy world, any force is also impossible to ignore him!

Lin Chen's nine times of acupoint expansion is 21513 times!

And the last time to expand the hole, it has reached 10,000 times of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, surpassing all the existence of the enchanting list!

Ten times of total acupoint expansion: 31513 times!

The enchanting list in front of him is simply unbearable!

The power that expands the acupoint realm alone can explode, surpassing 15 trillion dragon power! This power is enough to shake Saint Realm 7th Layer, Na Xingjing!

Once this child is promoted to the Condensation Realm, the battle strength is truly unique in the world!

Expanding acupoint realm equals to Naxing realm! This is probably the most horrible expansion Saint in the history of the Holy Realm!

"Lin Chen boy, can you come up for a gathering? I am from the Saint King domain. I came here this time to ask you something."

in the sky, Those three great powers sound transmission to Lin Chen.

"Oh? Three open worlds?"

Lin Chen remained silent, he laughed to everyone, "Everyone, wait a minute, I will go back."

Lin Chen's body flashed, and the Holy Force is slightly diffused, just like a jumping space, straight across Nine Heavens.

As soon as Lin Chen left, the whole wyvern city was boiling!

"It's too strong, 30,000 times the hole expansion!"

"It's 31,500 times! Is it too damn horror, ordinary enchanting list , Even his fraction can't be compared!"

"Heavenly God is down! This child, really unrivalled throughout the world!"

All influence is full of hot discussions, noisy Into a ball.

"Zhao Mingyu has already lost the first round, what about the second round? This year's Ladder Tournament has to be seen!"

"No, you are too blindly optimistic. Potential is potential , Battle strength is battle strength, Lin Chen impossible won Zhao Mingyu, he only expands the acupoint realm, Zhao Mingyu is Life and Death Realm!"

"Lin Chen once promoted to the condensed realm, it is indeed against the sky, but he It’s only now that the acupoint realm is expanded, and the gap between the two still exists."

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