On both sides of the Three Purities great hall, various powers line up side by side. Those present are not lower than Grade 7!

In the hall, thousands of evildoers Heaven's Chosen gathered together!

The scene is unprecedentedly magnificent. The powerhouse gathered here is the most powerful existence in any outside world!

Swipe~! A silver streamer descended, Lin Chen and the Little Demon Empress entered the arena!

This time, the Little Demon Empress also participated in the ladder competition. Although it is only a peripheral ladder competition, it is already a remarkable achievement based on her age!

Everyone's gaze swept over, and the gazes of the Great Demon evildoers were even more exciting!

Ye Family and Zhao Family and the others are all present!

"That's Lin Chen?"

"The guy who has expanded his acupuncture points 30,000 times? How come I look nothing like that, compared to my wild domain, he looks like a A little child without the power to bind a chicken."

"I’m afraid it’s a mere fame, right? Hey, can you fight, I’ll know in a while."

A few Peak's Heaven's Chosen didn't go to Heavenspan Pagoda to take a look, and many evildoers still didn't pay attention to Lin Chen!

The reason is very simple. The higher the foundation, the higher the starting point. If Lin Chen's acupoint expansion is really so against the sky, the difficulty of his acupoint condensing will be countless times more difficult than other Heaven's Chosen!

Before the potential was changed to battle strength, it was a piece of fat to be slaughtered!

After all, this enchanting list, there are too many proud and arrogant people, no wonder.

"It seems that many people think I am unhappy."

Lin Chen touched the tip of his nose and peacefully stepped into the palace of the inner ladder competition.

I have to say that the place where someone Lin goes to is a strange flower.

Because of this Inner Ladder Tournament, even the enchantments of Perfection in the Condensation Realm are so few! Almost all the evildoers who can participate have hit the Life and Death Realm!

Only someone in Lin is still expanding the acupoint realm! It is simply the only one in the history of the evildoer ranking tournament!

Compared with the Life and Death Realm and the Condensation Realm, the Acupoint Expansion Realm is just laying the foundation, and the battle strength is extremely disparity! Whether Lin Chen can be ranked to Zhao Mingyu is still a matter of two.

Zhao Mingyu stands proudly on the other side, with a terrifying killing intent in his eyes.

The life and death battle between the evildoers is prohibited under normal circumstances and needs to be reported to the top.

However, this time the Ladder Tournament allows'accidents' to appear. If the contestants cannot surrender in time, there will be individual evildoers killed in history, which is not absolutely safe.

"As far as battle strength is concerned, I still have an absolute advantage. I now hope that this kid can survive a few more rounds and let me kill him!"

Zhao Mingyu was angry and glanced at Lin Chen and the Little Demon Empress from the corner of his eyes.

The major Grade 8 Aristocratic Family and sect focus on Zhao Mingyu and Lin Chen with different expressions.

In the great hall, the silhouette of the drunk old man emerges, and many evildoers are in awe.

"Hehe, it seems that they are all here."

He extended the hand, and a list appeared with everyone's names engraved on it.

"I won’t say much about the rules and rewards. They are all listed out clearly. This time it’s still the same, with one-on-one rounds, and the strength to speak!"

After that, drunk The old man flicks with the finger, the list of evildoers quickly began to scroll.

Everyone stared at the list closely, Lin Chen looked at his own system with ease, and didn't bother to pay attention.

For him, it's the same for everyone.

"This time the expansion has exhausted my 3.3 million top rune energy attributes, and after stepping into the expansion realm, the rune attribute that needs to be consumed to cast the Phantom rune has also doubled...what is the attribute value? Time is not enough."

When Lin Chen swept around, the hall was ups and downs with surprises, one after another take pleasure in other people's misfortune looked towards Lin Chen.

"en? No matter how you look towards me, have these people finally found out how handsome I am."

When Lin Chen looked up, his list was lined up. Out!

Heavenly God, Lin Chen, against the evildoer, Blood Asura, Jinglong!

The weird thing is that neither of them is ranked!

The reason is very simple. Both of them are outside the 5,000th place, and they did not comply with the rules of the Inner Ladder Tournament. They were promoted exceptionally!

Because there is no ranking, this Jinglong is a rival!

"Lin Chen lost!"

"No fight, although this Jinglong is not as good as Zhao Mingyu, it is a mad fighting demon who fights with Demon Race all the year round and expands his hole 990 times. , The figure who condensed the hole 131 times, now has 54 holy holes in full bloom. With all his strength, he can explode the formidable power of more than 21 trillion dragon power. He is a full-fledged fierce person!"

" It is said that the Master of this child has been involved with the Grade 9 forces has several points of, and his teachings are completely barbaric."

Many forces take pleasure in other people's misfortune, expecting Lin Chen to be The appearance of a beating. The strength of Jinglong can be sent to the upper reaches of this inner circle ladder competition!

Qiang~! A giant sword about the size of a coffin lay horizontally in front of Lin Chen. The man was nine feet tall, with tiger eyes and sword eyebrows, and looked at Lin Chen with disdain and arrogance.

"Don't let me down, Lin Chen."

Lin Chen slightly smiled: "I think your body is strong, the eyebrow has East-Rising Purple Qi, but Yintang has The disaster of blood light, I think Five Elements owes the hammer."

Jinglong looked disdainful, "Just don't wait until you kneel on the ground and beg for mercy. The Ladder Tournament can't rely on your tongue."


"Now, all the opponents in the draw have begun to enter the battle space!"

With a wave of the sleeves of the drunk old man, thousands of evildoers disappeared!

In a desert plane, with yellow sand raging, Lin Chen and Jinglong are facing each other.

Jinglong drew his sword and stood up, the giant sword was entwined with blood veins, and there seemed to be a blood dragon flying, and the sword weapon was soaring and spreading for thousands of miles! It's a Grade 6 holy sword!

"Lin Chen, take out your Absolute Art, and let me see if you are a new-born evildoer of this generation, whether it is a bogus!"


"Dragon blood storm!"

With a loud shout, the brilliance of the different crystals flowed, the blood energy was condensed, centered on the Jinglong Blood Sword, a mouthful of ten thousand zhang Blood Sword entwined Scary Dragon Qi!

He raised his hand to hold the sword, his sharp edge soared, and he swung it down quickly, sword glow swiftly ransacked, and slashed down Lin Chen's head!

Shih~! boom! boom! boom!

The desert cracked, burst open ten thousand zhang yellow sand, Heaven and Earth wind and cloud stirred!

"Good fellow, this Jinglong is an excellent orange-level Sword Art when he shot!"

"He didn't underestimate Lin Chen at all!"

"Ashamed It’s a monster fighting with Demon Race. It’s a monster that kills as soon as it strikes. There is no point in playing it!" In the Three Purities Hall, the Grade 8 sects of all parties were watching the battle screens of the two. They wanted to see See Lin Chen's'hole cards' in the intelligence! The kind of pure power that is enough to shake the Peak of the Star Realm, in a normal battle, this child has absolutely no chance of winning!

Everyone's eyes are in full view——

Shih~! Dang~!

The sword qi of tearing up the sky, Yu Yun lased all around, and the ten thousand zhang Blood Sword was stopped in midair!


The powerhouses of all parties were surprised, and when they saw it clearly, they all gasped!

Under the ten thousand zhang Blood Sword, Lin Chen’s silhouette is as small as an ant. The nine-color holy light on his right arm is flowing, and the index finger is slightly raised, and the fingertip reaches the tip of the sword. ten thousand zhang Blood Sword

"What the hell is going on!"

The power of the force as strong as Grade 8 was also stunned, and his jaw almost fell to the ground!

One finger!

This kid blocked Jinglong’s Absolute Kill Sword with just one finger?

Lin Chen raised the corners of his mouth, smiling wickedly and coquettishly.

"This is it?"

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