All the powers of Grade 8 sect are filled with doubts and horror!

The powerhouse of Grade 7 sect is even more confusing!

Impossible! Even if he expands his acupoint 30,000 times, he can't stop Jing Long at all!

This child's shot was beyond everyone's expectations!

Expanding the acupuncture points 30,000 times, it can go against the sky and challenge the star-navigation realm, but it is limited to the ordinary star-navigation realm!

The Saint who can grow to the star realm is at least the aptitude of the enchanting list or alternative enchanting.

However, this does not include Heaven's Chosen who stands at the high end of the enchanting list and is close to the super enchanting Heaven's Chosen!

Life and Death Realm opens a holy cave, it will be contaminated with a life or Qi of Death, every time two holy caves are opened, the harmony of life and death will double the total Holy Force.

For example, a Saint of Perfection, who expands the acupoints and condenses the acupoints together, and the Holy Force reaches 1 trillion dragon power level.

If this Saint can break through Life and Death Realm and bloom two holy caves, then the Holy Force will double, 2 trillion dragon power.

If this name is lucky enough to achieve the Life and Death Realm Perfection, 10 holy caves are five times that, which is 5 trillion dragon power. In other words, if calculated purely by lethality, 51 to 60 holy caves in Life and Death Realm can give Saint 5 times the sum of Holy Force.

However, the focus of Life and Death Realm apart from this, Holy Force is contaminated with Qi of Death, Holy Force with Qi of Death, Saint’s life force will be greatly enhanced, and it will be able to sever limbs. Rebirth, fusion of flesh and blood!

Although it hasn't reached the perverted state of the Holy Mind, except for some special methods, it is very difficult to kill the Saint of Life and Death Realm.

According to the realm of Life and Death Realm, Jinglong is in full bloom with 54 holy caves, Holy Force can hit 21 trillion dragon power! Lin Chen can be crushed even without using the cultivation technique!

But now, judging from the results, this is totally beyond common sense! Did this kid block with one finger?

In the desert plane;

Jinglong is unbelievable!

"How is it possible! Even if he expands his acupuncture points 30,000 times, at best, it is the same as the ordinary Nastar realm. My blood dragon raid even Na Star Realm and the high-level Saint Demon King beheaded. , How could he block it with a finger?"

His arm’s veins were exposed, urging all the power of the alien crystals, letting him exert any force, Lin Chen seemed to block a mountain in front of him, simply can't move half a minute!

"Jing Brother Long, before you brag about it next time, remember to find your goal. Don't find someone as handsome as me to brag about. I just used the power of one third, you can't do it. "

Lin Chen smiled awe-inspiringly and ran the core method to activate the Holy Force. When he touched the tip of the sword with one finger, he flicked his body quickly, turned sideways, and struck ten thousand zhang with a whip leg. Above Blood Sword!

Shih~! boom!

Blood Sword burst, the sky full of blood glow fell like Star Fragmentation, a magic wing flashed longitudinally, Lin Chen ghost-like appeared on the top of Jinglong’s head, moving towards his top of the head was just one fist!

Jinglong has one's hair stand on end instantly! Intuition tells him that if this fist doesn't stop, he will die!

Clang~! The big sword crossed the top of his head, and he took Lin Chen's punch. Jing Long was shocked with blood and blood. Before he activated the defense battle skill, Lin Chen grabbed his big sword with one hand and slammed it towards the bottom of the desert. !


Jinglong was smashed into the deep underground, Lin Chen was unstoppable, mad and domineering, just running the core method to spur the Holy Force, a series of melee combat, a burst of beating Jinglong!

Also, with every punch and kick of Lin Chen, he fought violently against Jinglong’s Holy Artifact and holy sword, and burst his Holy Artifact one after another, and the attribute light ball went crazy all the way. Many more are the essence of the suit!

Jinglong was beaten up for a while!

What's the situation!

The script is wrong!

He had a hunch that this kid would have a back hand and might be able to compete with him, but he never thought he was so strong!

Ka ka! Bang!

With a blast, Jinglong’s Grade 5 armor was blown up, Saint Physique burst, and he vomited blood!

In the Three Purities hall; many powerhouses stood up suddenly, their expressions were like seeing a ghost!

Don't talk about the great talents of Grade 8, even the drunk old man is dumbfounded!

"This...this kid's battle skill cultivation technique is useless!"

"He, with the pure Holy Force cultivation base, he completely suppressed the scene. Dragon!"

"Impossible! This damn hole expansion is 30,000 times, full of calculations before and after, less than 16 trillion dragon power, why suppress Jinglong!"


Too many powerhouse has several points of crazy and messy taste!

Suddenly, a Grade 8 might be struck by lightning!

He thought of a certain kind of probability!

"Difficult... can it be said that this kid has more than 30,000 times his acupuncture point expansion?"

As soon as this statement came out, the power on the big seats instantly quieted down In the middle of the night, a pair finds out that his wife and others are stealing fishy, ​​and they also know that the child is not himself.

This probability seems extremely ridiculous, but only in this way can it be explained!

Because Lin Chen, this kid can't use common sense to speculate!

"If... if so, this kid has expanded his acupuncture points tens of thousands of times!"

"My God, is he still in all of us that day?"

" In front of one's eyes, I can’t hold back!"

Grade 8 The corners of Da Neng’s mouth are pumping...

Lin Chen, ah Lin Chen...How many backs did he keep? what!

The battle lasted less than a quarter of an hour. At first, the domineering Jinglong leaked, and finally the Holy Artifact was blown up, Saint Physique broke, and the battle was no longer possible!

All discerning people can see that if Lin Chen wants to kill Jinglong, he can completely kill him!

But in the end, he didn’t kill him. Instead, Holy Force gathered six “professional teams” dressed in black suits and white gloves to lift Jinglong out of the desert plane. !

In the Hall of Three Purities, everyone stared blankly at the bloody, lifted Jing Long and the peaceful Lin Chen, completely at two extremes!

"Lin...Your Excellency Lin Chen..."

Jinglong, who was carried out, said unwillingly: "I, where did I lose..."

He is unwilling! In the end, Lin Chen didn't even force a battle skill cultivation technique. With a little movement method and the pure power brought by the Holy Force, he crushed his Jinglong!

Lin Chen lifted the bangs on his forehead, smiled evilly, and said with a smile when he turned and left.

"If you lose, you will lose. Let me be your opponent. This goal is too difficult. Let's change another one next time."

Hearing this, Jing Long sighed and passed out !

Everyone "..."

Grade 8 masters are amazed!

From now on, suspense is everywhere!

Lin Chen and Zhao Mingyu might really meet him in the ladder game! Moreover, Lin Chen may not necessarily lose!

Coincidentally, Zhao Mingyu also quickly solved his opponent and returned to the Three Purities Hall.


He looked at Jinglong lying on the stretcher in surprise, and when he turned to Lin Chen, he was full of fighting intents!

"Wow, Ancestral Grandfather, how can this Big Brother be so powerful?"

The little girl in white swaying her snow-white legs asked curiously.

Another little girl was counting with her fingers: "Calculated by the number of acupuncture points, it is about 15.800 billion dragon power. How can it be so powerful now?"

The white-haired old man on the side is stroking his long beard, and his expression of interest grows stronger.

"Interesting, very interesting. This is the first time the old man has seen the core method of Tongxuan!"

Yes, with the "Tai Yi Fu Heavenly Art" and Ji Shen attached In terms of physical innate talent, Lin Chen's total multiple of acupoint expansion has to be increased by 400%!

In other words, Lin Chen's current strength in expanding acupoints is not 31513 times, but——

157565 times!

More than 150,000 times!

Expand the area, invincible in the whole world!

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