In Dragon City; all influence who is watching the battle of evildoers are stunned!

They could not go to the Three Purities Temple to watch the battle, but every battle will be projected in Dragon City for the forces present to watch.

And Lin Chen expanded his acupoint 30,000 times, and naturally became the most eye-catching battle!

While everyone was still thinking about Lin Chen's killing move, he backhanded him with one hand, which was close to the super enchanting Jinglong sword, and even beat it all the way and crushed it directly!

"Before I met Lin Chen, the old man had already felt that he had gone through the blue sea turned into mulberry fields, but after seeing this guy, the old man felt that what he had seen and heard before... Weak!"

"Is he a human? Expanding the hole 30,000 times can beat Blood Asura Jinglong? Nonsense! I was so easy to bet back when he expanded the hole. Now!"

"It's crazy this World......"

"With this Lin Chen, there is no trace in the world......"


Yue Xin'er's pretty lips slightly open...

"Is this the strength of Lin Chen Young Master...How strong is he? How many secrets does he hide!"

She recalled what the Little Demon Empress said.

Never try to think that see through him, he is always full of unexpected surprises.

"Is this the man Goddess loves...Sure enough, I can't accept it!"

In the audience, the handsome white clothed youth shook his head and sighed.

Expanding the acupuncture points by thirty-one thousand times is outrageous enough, didn't expect he still hide? Where is this monster!

"Senior Brother, what will happen to you when you meet him."

The unearthly girl in Divine flame Palace asked curiously, white clothed youth said with a smile.

"I don’t know, maybe, I can be equal to him, or maybe I’m not his opponent at all, his background has not been fully revealed yet, I can’t guess him... But this time in the palace Other people at, won’t necessarily let him go.”

After speaking, he glanced in a certain direction.


The old man Wanhuo looked towards the leisurely young man with his hands resting on the back of his head in the auditorium, he couldn't help sighing!

Deserving of the person who can rescue that adult, this Lin Chen is really the most amazing person in the world!

He didn't make a wrong choice in Wanyan Palace!

With a total acupoint expansion multiple of 157,565 times, someone in Lin didn't panic at all.

Even Lin Ping'an and Shen Lao, Sword Domain's third elders and the others couldn't help but approached and asked curiously.

"Lin Chen, how many times do you expand your acupoints."

Lin Chen raised an eyebrow and said with a smile: "My acupuncture expansion multiples are proportional to my handsomeness. , How handsome do you think I am, I can expand my acupoints as many times as I need. However, asking a holy world’s most handsome acupuncture acupuncture, isn’t this an obvious answer."

"Cut! Don’t say it, don’t Say, shameless!" Lin Ping'an made a face.

The elders glanced at each other and shook their heads and laughed.

Looking at him like this, I am afraid that this time the ladder game will not be difficult for him!

The battle of the enchanting list has dazzled everyone. The appearance of Lin Chen is outrageous, but this is the Heaven's Chosen showdown of the cream of the crop gathered in the holy world!

Every evildoer has endless opportunities, exquisite methods, and ever-changing wit. Standing on the top of the showdown, there will never be a lack of people who sigh.

All the evildoers have not been dimmed by the appearance of Lin Chen. On the contrary, their rays of light have become more dazzling. The evildoers list this time makes everyone aware of the wave of the times!

The enchanting list, one generation is stronger than one generation!

And the Little Demon Empress also came to the fore in the qualifying rounds!

During Lin Chen's infiltrating the Holy Prison, it was the period of the Little Demon Empress’ talent explosion. She succeeded in expanding her acupuncture points in turns, and each time her acupuncture expansion was not less than 95 times, he was close to the ranks of super enchanting evildoers!

Now that she has only expanded her acupuncture points 7 times, she has entered the primaries of the peripheral ladder competition!

If there is no intervention by Lin Chen, in the eyes of outsiders, she and Zhao Mingyu are just beautiful women.

But now, everything is unknown!

Many people looked towards Ye Family, Mrs. Ye Lixue.

"Mrs. Ye, if Lin Chen loses, you are pushing a peerless sage out of the house."

A Grade 8 master seems to be teasing, In fact, he asked tentatively.

Ye Lixue lightly tasted a scented tea. The beautiful Leng Dian was especially calm, and he ignored the Grade 8 power.

This reaction, on the contrary, made many powerful clicking one's tongue in wonder.

She can still sit and live like this until now!

Sure enough, this woman has already planned everything!

Whether Lin Chen wins or Zhao Mingyu wins, if she can marry her daughter, the value and potential in exchange for it will be immeasurable!

"It's the woman who revives Ye Family, she's exhausted..."

Soon, the primaries of the Ladder Tournament are completed, and the second round draw starts immediately, and there is no rest time at all. !

This is also one of the characteristics of the ladder game. It adds great instability to the battle. Whether you can recover from the previous battle is also an important part!

In the second round, the opponent Lin Chen drew surprised many people!

Another heavyweight!

One of the ten most stunning in the enchanting list, Yue Xin'er!

This woman is not a vase, and even, she became famous many years earlier than Ye Qingwu, her reputation and strength are equal!

Lin Chen got up and entered the hall.

"Lin Chen Young Master, please advise."

Yue Xin'er's smile appeared in front of Lin Chen, he pretended to be evil said with a smile.

"Don't worry, I hit beautiful women very lightly, so I will occasionally be heavier."

Instead of blaming Lin Chen, Yue Xiner has an inexplicable excitement.

She was born genius, and no man around her was polite, pretending to be cold and arrogant, or flattering.

A young man who is as outspoken as Lin Chen, with a clear personality, and a unique behavior (full of swear words), simply can't stop.

Many evildoers have once again entered the battle plane.

In the Hall of Three Purities, several Grade 8 experts are discussing.

"Yue Xin'er, this little girl, was born in Grade 8, and her acupuncture points were 1430 times larger and 170 times more condensed. Now she has 55 holy holes in full bloom, which is only stronger than the Blood Asura Jinglong. "

"I don't know if she can find out the details of Lin Chen, I always feel that he hasn't tried his best."

In the chat and laugh, a Grade 8 can make a big difference. The people of Yandian said with a smile.

"Wanhuo old man, what do you think of this battle."

Wanhuo old man shook his head and laughed. "Why do you ask that the old man is here?"

Grade 8 laughed with profound meaning: "Aren't you walking very close to this kid, don't you know something about it?"

"old man, don't dare to guess. No matter what the result of Lin Chen is, he will not shake the old man's decision. This is also the decision of Wan Yandian."

See Old Man Wanhuo's With a resolute attitude, all of you at Grade 8 are becoming more and more curious!

What kind of Ecstasy did this kid give to Wanhuo old man? Or is there really a force behind him, and even Wan Yan Palace has to bow his head and claim the court?

A plane of lava, all around the heat wave.

Lin Chen just stepped in, and a subtle sound transmission entered his ears.

"hehe, my little friend...My discipline is not a good tool, I hope you show mercy."

It is a sound transmission of an old woman, and it should be Yuexin'er's Master.

"Show mercy, it also depends on whether she is willing to accept it."


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