The battle between Lin Chen and Yue Xin'er was completely one-sided. Does he need to use external force and medicine pill? No need at all! This is an obvious fact!

However, expanding the acupoints 100,000 times is even more a fantasy story! All might not want to believe it! This is simply counterintuitive!

"My cultivation base is enough to support my spiritual realm to develop the best state of refining medicine. I don’t know, now, can I refine a sacred pill like Grade 7 Peak, or even Grade 8. !"

When Lin Chen returned to his seat, there was expectation in his heart.

Yes, for Lin Chen at this stage, there are three biggest ways to improve his strength. One is to collect the essence of the suit and upgrade the War God four-piece suit.

The second is to improve the basic cultivation base, but his expansion is too terrifying. If you want to condense acupoints in a short time, you need a higher accumulation.

The third is the strength of refining medicine!

The powerhouse he brought back from the sacred prison is too strong, but it is basically a group of wounded at this stage, and it is still impossible to show up.

If you can improve the strength of refining medicine, first heal their injuries, even if only half is healed, it is an unprecedented battle strength!

【The host consumes 99 points of top-level cultivation technique essence and is fusing the medicine outline included in the system. 】

Lin Chen’s body and Avatar quickly merged with memory. Lin Ping’an was guarding him, looking like a harmless to humans and animals, but strange lights flashed in his eyes occasionally.

In less than three days, the third round was also separated!

Most of the people who are promoted this time are super evildoers, and the hole expansion is either close to a thousand times or more than a thousand times!

Every change of that enchanting list will cause huge waves in the outside world!

shua~ shua~ shua~!

The list is rolling again, and the list is constantly changing.

All the evildoers Heaven's Chosen look forward to it, and look forward to not encountering too strong opponents!

The rewards of the Ladder Tournament of the enchanting list are different from the past. If you can get the top 500 this time, you can enter the battlefield of the nine races!

The battlefield of the nine races is the strongest stroke in the history of the holy realm. It belongs to an extremely vast space plane. Even with the current Human Race, it can only open up a channel entrance and cannot interfere too much. This plane.

When the Holy Realm first opened, the major races headed by Dragon Clan and Human Race, Asura Race, Shadow Race, Demon Race, and Insect Race started a great melee from the Desolate Ancient Plane.

The secrets of the first battle have not been known so far. The powerhouse that fell that year has become an opportunity for the young blood of the present life. Because of the prohibition of its plane, after the war, the plane overturned and collapsed. , Can only accommodate powerhouses below a certain realm to enter.

For example, Human Race, a cultivation base that exceeds the star realm and entering the battlefield of the Nine Races will trigger Time and Space Storm, and the survival probability is extremely slim!

So this time, Human Race selected the strongest characters on the enchanting list and under the star realm!

If anyone can enter the battlefield of the Nine Races, their gains will far exceed any experience in the outside world.

But at the same time, the powerhouse that needs to be faced is even more terrifying, because today's nine race battlefield, one is the existence of Demon Race, and the other is that every time it is opened, there will be an influx of powerhouses of all races!

shua! shua! shua!

The glaze-colored list is scrolling fast. When each name appears, the Great Demon has sorrows and joys, but there are more Grade 8 powers. The focus is on the status of one of the winners this time and the biggest dark horse Lin Chen!

As if there must be a battle, when Lin Chen's name stopped rolling, it happened that Zhao Mingyu's name also stopped!

At this moment, everyone's expressions are wonderful!

Zhao Mingyu of the evildoer list, to the evildoer list Lin Chen!

I ran into it!

And still, third round!

Before reaching the finals, the two met in advance!

This showdown, focal point of ten thousands!

All the Ye Family and Zhao Family members stood up, their eyes all turned towards Lin Chen, who was only beside Lin Ping An and the Little Demon Empress!

Zhao Mingyu's eyes showed the confidence and composure to control the universe!

Potential is potential, battle strength is battle strength, the two are completely different things! Even if Lin Chen has a back player, he doesn't think he will lose!

Lin Chen retired from the state of fusion of culture memory. When he opened his eyes, the corners of his mouth rose.

"Have you met so soon? Okay, some things are better to be resolved in advance than to hold back."

Lin Chen stood up and moved his muscles.

The Little Demon Empress has a rare face and said solemnly.

"If it doesn't work, then give up, the other party moved the killing intent, obviously to kill you. My business is small, your safety first."

Lin Chen Looking at the Little Demon Empress unexpectedly, staring straight at her, and after a while, suddenly said with a smile: "This is still the fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth I know, the little fairy who just wants to do things?"

The Little Demon Empress gave him a white look, she was so charming, even Lin Chen stayed for a while, shaking her head and laughing.

Slap~! Lin Chen snapped his fingers and stepped into the hall.

"Don't worry, I will count your share this time, and return it to Zhao Family and Ye Family together!"

Sword Domain, Pill Domain, Wanyan Temple, Realm Tower, Everyone sent a sound transmission to tell Lin Chen not to try hard, safety first, victory second.

It can be seen that they recognize the gap between Lin Chen and Zhao Mingyu!

Lin Chen touched the tip of his nose, shook his head and laughed: "How do you feel that everyone doesn't like me very much, but that's all, it doesn't matter."


Outside, Dragon City.

Class 66 and the others can't help getting nervous.

"The squad leader is okay, the opponent is Life and Death Realm."

"The gap between the holy realms is so big. Although the squad leader is invincible, it is still far from the realm. It's too far."

"It's okay, the squad leader will be done first under the heavens! From the Nine Provinces, how many people have been surprised by the squad leader. The expansion is like this, and this battle is also true! "

Liu Lin'er, Yue Linlin and other women smiled at each other.

Only Yan Qianyun's wonderful eyes looked at the light screen, and there was a trace of worry and doubt between her eyebrows.

She always has a bad premonition in her heart.


"Mingyu, wait a minute."

At this moment, Patriarch Zhao shouted Zhao Mingyu who was about to go down.

"Take this thing, and when necessary, my father will allow you to use it."

When Patriarch Zhao opened his palms, a small dragon with nine colors and exquisite colors was lying on her back. In his palm, like Spirit Beast sleeping peacefully.

"This...this is the Dragon Qi of the Nine Tribulations! Father, what do you mean!"

Zhao Mingyu's expression was shocked, both accident and ecstasy!

Nine Tribulations Dragon Qi is the property of the Zhao Family’s town clan. Only by refining the Nine Tribulations Dragon Qi can we maximize the Zhao Family’s town clan core method!

Only by refining the Dragon Qi of the Nine Tribulations can he be called the lord of the Zhao Family. The significance of this move is equivalent to that Zhao Mingyu has now obtained the qualification to inherit the Position of Patriarch!

"When necessary, my father allows you to use this thing. The face and big plans of my Zhao Family can't be lost here!"

Patriarch Zhao has a serious face.

Zhao Mingyu said with a smile: "Don’t worry, father, don’t say there is the Dragon Qi of the Nine Tribulations, even if it doesn’t, I will definitely be able to kill this child!"

Watching Zhao Mingyu leave From the back, Patriarch Zhao has deep eyes.

In order to join Ye Lixue of Ye Family, he secretly did not know how much effort he put in!

Others don’t know, but he, Patriarch Zhao, is Ye Lixue’s shocking secret!

This woman’s bloodline has a strong background!

Ye Lixue’s mother was once related to the legendary True God!

And the Little Demon Empress who inherited Ye Lixue's bloodline is more worthy of their Zhao Family's efforts to fight for!

Once Zhao Mingyu and Ye Qingwu have offspring, then they are very likely to rejuvenate their Zhao Family by strength of oneself!

"In this battle, my Zhao Family will not lose. No matter what the origin of this child, it cannot be a step that stops my Zhao Family from moving forward!"

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