This battle, focal point of ten thousands! It can be said to be what everyone wants!

The biggest dark horse in the history of the enchanting list is one of the apexes of the super enchanting!

Everyone recognizes Lin Chen's potential, but everyone also knows the terrible Zhao Mingyu!

The next generation of Zhao Family patriarch, contemporary peerless evildoer, fighting higher order like eating and drinking, is regarded as a monster qualified to be the top 1000 evildoers!

The trump card of this kind of character is almost impossible lower than anyone present!

The same is true for Lin Chen! This lunatic who has expanded his hole 30,000 times and challenged the Law Enforcement Group on the evildoer list, who can guess how many hands he hid?

This battle is the one with the most spectacle and the most suspense! Whether it is the people of Dragon City or the powers of all walks of life, they want to witness which of these two will win!

The two sides entered the field. This time the battle plane was actually teleported to a giant elephant plane.

The gravity and sturdiness of this plane is a million times stronger than the normal space of the Holy Realm!

The usual Saint 3rd-layer enters, even flying is extremely reluctant, let alone fighting.

But for Lin Chen and Zhao Mingyu, there is nothing difficult.

When the two sides are floating in the air, there is an old silhouette flashing at the end of the plane, which is the referee of this duel.

This kind of battle is obviously extremely easy to kill. The loss of either of the two parties is the loss of the Holy Realm Human Race!

Qiang~! A long whistle breaks through the sky, the golden-yellow battle halberd blade is like a half moon, and the edge is soaring, if there is a Coiling Dragon entangled, Dragon Qi screams!

"Oh? It's Grade 7 again..."

Lin Chen was just astonished. Zhao Mingyu didn't say much, so he killed him and swept the sky!

Clang~! A blade light flashes vertically, and the horizontal block splits the battle halberd! Split Yunkong, leaving a dark red knife mark!

Faced with the battle halberd swiftly dancing after the assassination, Lin Chen wielded a heavy bloody flame knife shadow, continuously dissolving, smashing and fighting, the blade light shot all around, and the halberd burst flashed!

As soon as the two entered the battle plane, they fought murky heavens dark earth. This time Lin Chen finally did not hide the Holy Force. All his holy caves can be said to be full of firepower, dripping with every knife. Open the sky, divide the stars!

Clang~! After a collision, the two sides were evenly divided, and each took ten steps back!

At this time, Lin Chen has a knife in his hand, arrogant and mad!

His knife is completely dark red, like a bloody demon knife, the blade is flowing with a sharp aura that can destroy all the wastes, and the handle is inlaid with a dragon eye. The dragon eye can release Yan with a slight blink. Huo Burning Heaven, Ten Sides All Extinguish, Sweep the World!

It is the Grade 7 knife tool "Jie Yan" cast by Lin Chen from the old man Xuanyuan!

Everyone is shocked!

"This child's knife is also Grade 7?"

"Come on, is Lin Chen finally serious!"

"Mother, After waiting for so long, is this kid finally going to come up with true strength!"

"Too strong! He actually beats Zhao Mingyu on the same level? Is this kid still a human!"

"I have never seen such an outrageous acupoint expansion state!"

"It's not over yet, neither Zhao Mingyu nor Lin Chen have used a cultivation technique and battle skill!"

When the two played against each other, Lin Chen's performance directly detonated everyone in Dragon City and Three Purities Hall!

Zhao Mingyu's 56 holy caves are in full bloom, and when the condensed realm is Perfect, 22 trillion dragon power of formidable power can be exploded!

After being promoted to Life and Death Realm, his 6 holy caves tripled his holy force, which is 88 trillion to 90 trillion dragon power!

And Lin Chen expanded the acupoint 31513 times, and the "Taiyifu Heavenly Art" blessed by the extremely god possessed innate talent increased the number of holy caves on the body by 4 times. The true multiple is 157,565 times the expansion of the cave!

157,565 times the lethality that can erupt, is 78 trillion ~ 790,000 dragon power!

Yes, in terms of battle strength, Zhao Mingyu’s cultivation base is obviously better!

However, every trace of the attributes attached to the Holy Force in Lin Chen's holy cave is extremely strong!

The reason is very simple, it is the elemental attribute of Lin Chen!

Lin Chen before entering the holy prison and after breaking out of the holy prison, the nine elemental attributes skyrocketed hundreds of times.

These hundreds of times don't seem to be a lot. On the super enchanting level of Life and Death Realm, the improvement it brings is nothing.

However, after Lin Chen’s perverted acupuncture magnification was magnified, the improvement was immediate! It can completely make up the gap of about 10 trillion dragon power!

However, even so, after the beginning of Life and Death Realm, the cultivation base of the holy realm cannot be measured in pure strength units. After Life and Death Realm is contaminated with Qi of Death, especially with the'Qi' of Death' blessing, even more lethality!

"Your acupoint expansion is really tricky, but you should die or die, your ending will not change."

Zhao Mingyu sneered, battle halberd burst like a ray of light, and burst into flames. Thousands of thorns remain.

clang clang clang ~~!

Lin Chen swiftly swung up, and the sword was impenetrable. This so-called obstacle caused by a million times of gravity could not affect the two at all!

"What's the matter, his sword is weird? When I slaughter the soul battle halberd gets close to his blade, there will be a very short pause!"

Seeing that the situation has changed, Zhao Mingyu Halberd Art changed. There were 20 middle grade alien crystals and two high grade alien crystals rays of light ten thousand zhang in the body,

"Heavenly Wolf!"

One The halberd slashed down, and the battle halberd turned into a rolling Heavenly Wolf and slaughtered it, crushing the sky!

Lin Chen's breath trembles sharply, 40 holy caves are like the billions of Star River, swallowing the world!

He held the knife and waved it, slashing it horizontally!

Qiang~! bang bang bang!

The terrifying Blade Qi soaring to the sky, Lin Chen cut out a snow-white Blade Qi that spins extremely fast, with the glowing light of the Grade 7 knife!

"Is this such insignificant ability? Do you treat me as a mess from the outside?"

When Zhao Mingyu sneered--

Blade glow and Heavenly Wolf are about to collide The moment before.

Shih~! boom!

Blade Qi exploded with a bang! The extremely fast-rotating Blade Qi exploded and turned into endless fragments of light in the sky!

The terrifying Blade Qi fragments resembled a violent wind and a shower, covering Heavenly Wolf in an instant!

Boom! boom! boom!

Blade Qi crazily pours on the holy light Heavenly Wolf, cutting it into pieces!

This Blade Qi not only has Lin Chen's Holy Force, but also his mental fragments attached, it actually smashed this Heavenly Wolf head-on!

The remaining Blade Qi fragments are instantly twisted to Zhao Mingyu!

"Blade Technique has several points of Ghost Sect Dao!"

Zhao Mingyu is coldly snorted, the backhand who is ready to go forced to punch out!

Boom~! The sky suddenly'collapsed', and the golden light of a thousand acres was smashed down with his fists!

dang dang! pa pa pa!

All the Blade Qi fragments were crushed into nothingness by the fist of golden light, coming straight towards Lin Chen!

The brilliance is dazzling, and the boxing power is unparalleled, as if it represents this brilliant and endless Heavenly Might, which is about to crush everything!

"Zhao Family Orange Level Intermediate Cultivation Technique, Jin Gang Zhen Tianquan!"

"This is Zhao Mingyu's true strength, it's too enchanting! Absolute Art just came out immediately He played another orange-level intermediate cultivation technique!"

The War Saints outside Dragon City gasped a cold breath. If you change them, I don’t know how many times I will die early!

However, next moment!

Lin Chen under the heavenly fist in Jin Gangzhen suddenly slapped a palm to the sky!

Boom~~! !

Burning flames swept, heaven-shaking, earth-shattering!

The ten thousand zhang Flame Seal burned up, burning the sky and burning the earth, and there was a 9th layer of Flame Seal superimposed in a row, shooting a burning sky giant palm, unparalleled domineering, straight to the Heavenly Dao!

All the powers were surprised! That imposing manner, it seems that everything can't overwhelm him Lin Chen!

It seems to be telling everyone that if Zhao Mingyu deliberately wants to represent Heavenly Might, then Lin Chen will have broken this day!

One punch and one palm, shocking collision!

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