It is unrealistic to invite those Legendary-like alchemists to pill concocting!

The price of exchanging this core method fragment is too heavy, I am afraid that no one in the room can afford it!

Furthermore, the value of Grade 8 sacred pill is priceless!

Although Wumeng Poxin Pill is known as the Grade 7 Peak Holy Pill, it is also worth catching up to the Grade 8 Medicine Pill!

This medicine pill has a miraculous effect on helping Saint making a breakthrough!

The Dreamless Heart-breaking Pill is also vital to the star state, the Sacred Heart, and it is called the first Qi Pill under Grade 8!

However, the two voices sounded almost at the same time!

"I want it!"

One is Lin Chen, and the other is a lazy female voice who participated in the auction frontcourt at first.

Lin Chen in the box narrowed his eyes. Someone robbed him?

For a time, the faces of Saints are even more exciting!

Is this someone who can actually afford the price?

Does the bidder carry the Grade 8 sacred pill with him or can he refine the "Dreamless Heart Breaking Pill"?

No matter which side it is, it is extraordinary!

"Oh? Please also ask the two VIPs to explain the bargaining chips."

In charge of Ying, her eyes flashed with enthusiasm, and she gave a sweet smile.

"I can try to refine the dreamless heart-breaking pill for the seller."

The previously lazy, soft and delicate voice became graceful and pleasant, and the tone was a little bit extra. dignified.

Lin Chen also sound transmission: "I also use pill concocting as an exchange bargaining chip."

It seems that neither party is ready to Grade 8 Sacred Pill.

Everyone wants to come too, what level is the Grade 8 Holy Pill.

There are few medicine pills of this grade in the 36 domains. People who can enjoy them have no high status.

There are not many Grade 8 sacred pills recorded in Hanoi, let alone the existing stock.

"Excuse me, is there anyone else wanting to bid!"

Ying Guanshi Jiaosheng sound transmission, and the Grade 8 forces on the scene carefully considered and chose to give up.

To use such a large price to bet on a core method fragment whose probability is infinitely close to zero is not realistic in terms of their personal power and strength.

There are not a few old monsters present, and they will not bet easily.

Especially this kind of extremely low-probability thing, it seems that the orange-level high level core method is tempting, but in fact, this volume of fragments is not known how many times it has been studied over and over again.

Seeing no bidding, Ying Guan turned to Lin Chen and another box.

"Oh? The two distinguished guests can think about it. To refine the Dreamless Heart Breaking Pill, the materials need to be prepared by themselves. Are both parties determined."


Lin Chen and another female voice came out at the same time.

Grade 7 Pill Recipe is rare, but the Pill Recipe of Dreamless Heart Pill is public.

The owner of this pill party was once a Grade 8 alchemy giant. Before he died, he regarded this Pill Recipe as his highest masterpiece, which was recorded in Sacred. Inside a stone tablet in the Domain, for future generations to learn.

Pill Recipe can be published. It doesn't mean that everyone can cultivation. Even those with insufficient spiritual realm can't even read Pill Recipe!

"Little friend Lin Chen, can you...can refine Grade 7 sacred pill?"

The drunk old man said in surprise.

Lin Chen said with a smile at will: "It's okay, I'm pill concocting, only a little bit."

The drunk old man is curious: "A little bit?"

Lin Chen nodded: "Well, a little bit."

The three super evil spirits who came with the drunk old man took a deep look at Lin Chen.

Like his reaction just now, this core method fragment may have a major relationship with Lin Chen!

"Well, in that case, I will set the VIPs in Box 7 and Box 1 and personally refine the Dreamless Heart Breaking Pill. Whoever succeeds will get this core method fragment!"


"If both parties fail, the exchange will fail. If both parties succeed, the quality will determine the outcome."

With a slick wave from Ying Guan, the Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move at the venue, everyone was Transferred to a brand new space plane.

Here is an open area, vast and endless.

In the white jade square, there are two Saint Level pill furnaces!

Cultivation technique exchange meeting, the preparation is very complete, even the guys of pill concocting are ready.

"Please also both parties to end."

When Ying Guan was sound transmission, many Saints in Box 1 walked out.

The headed beauty, fluttering like snow, with moth eyebrows, skin like fat, snow neck like soft and soft mutton jade, peachy and charming, phoenix eyes exquisite, sexy bearing and charming temperament, three When the thousand green silks are flying, the roots are light, the eyebrows are lightly raised, and a pair of beautiful eyes are raised up, like pink gems.

Her tulle skirt embroidered with a hint of peach red embroidered the outline of her proud figure perfectly.

Its pink and beautiful eyes seem to be able to make the other person'unbearable' just by staring at a man.

The corners of the charming lips are slightly raised, the pear vortex is shallow, and when the cherry lips are lightly opened, the breathing sound of the present is a lot quicker. It is a generation of stunningly enchanting and charming sentient beings.

A smile and a frown can affect the heartstrings of countless male Saints.

A few male evildoers exclaimed with intoxicated and lustful expressions.

"It's really worthy of being one of the top ten in the enchanting list, Ranked 4th Miss Tang Qianmei!"

It is actually one of the top ten in the enchanting list!

Charming bones are natural, thousands of charms are all charming. Tang Qianmei!

The Saint present is not a leisurely generation, and there are many women who read, but in front of this woman, any concentration does not seem to work, and her smiles and frowns can make the Saints run the core. method to resist.

"Miss Tang Qianmei, it is said that she was promoted to Grade 7 Saint Level Alchemist three hundred years ago..."

"Now she dares to bid and proves that at least With a 50% assurance, you can refine Grade 7 Peak's Dreamless Heart Breaking Pill!"

"So terrifying? It seems that this woman is not only a fascination, but the alchemy talent is also the ultimate evildoer. !"

"The old man had heard of her name a hundred years ago. This woman was already ranked 1560 on the enchanting list at that time. I am afraid that this terrible medicine is blessed today. Will go further!"

When everyone was discussing spiritedly, Tang Qianmei turned to Lin Chen's box and smiled.

"Lin Chen Young Master, since they are all here, why not come out to see you. I have long heard that Lin Chen Young Master has won the Danyu Heavenly Selection Championship when he became famous."

Her voice is very nice, like a yellow warbler, crisp and sweet, like a lark in the mountain within the valley, whispering like a wind and haze.

"How can the champion of the day match your name, Miss, this time, I wonder if this lady can give in. The price and cost are discussed."

When Lin Chen walked out of the box, many male evildoers showed a trace of jealousy.

Beside him, there are still two stunning people standing on the left and the right, not inferior to Tang Qianmei, the third beautiful girl with bright red hair, although not as good as the top ten in the enchanting list, But it's not far off.

"en? Ye Qingwu?"

When Tang Qianmei saw the Little Demon Empress next to Lin Chen, a trace of anger flashed between her eyebrows!

Previously, in the top ten stunning rankings of the enchanting evildoer, it was Ye Qingwu who came from behind, surpassing her ranking and entering the top three, which caused her to fall from the rankings and her reputation was greatly affected.

Women are jealous, and Tang Qianmei is no exception. She has always held a grudge against Ye Qingwu.

"If you snatch this Lin Chen over, I must be very happy... Ye Qingwu, I want you to watch your man's fate after being taken away by me!"

Tang Qianmei's lips showed a gorgeous arc.

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