Tang Qianmei likes to conquer all kinds of outstanding evildoers, like looking for prey.

She likes to see the appearance of a man under her body, this is one of her greatest pleasures.

First, Lin Chen on the surface is good enough to make her try a wave, and second, if he can take the man from Ye Qingwu, the taste will be super double.

She concealed her anger and smiled sweetly.

"It's a pity Lin Chen Young Master, this core method fragment, Qianmei is not willing to give in. Pill concocting later, please give me more advice."

I want to shake hands with Lin Chen with the delicate jade hand of supplement as if boneless.

You know, Lin Chen jokingly said with a smile instead of reaching out.

"I don't dare to teach me, I hope Miss Qianmei will accept the divine ability, this big night, if you dress like this, I just can't concentrate."

Hard? Can't concentrate?

Tang Qianmei startedled, laughing quaveringly, "hahaha, interesting, very interesting... Then look forward to Lin Chen Young Master and me, who can win this volume of core method fragments."

"To each other."

Lin Chen peaceful laughed, turned around and left, snapping his fingers at Guan Ying.

"Pill Recipe, give me a whole copy."

Everyone was taken aback!

What's the joke, you are only starting to learn Pill Recipe now, so you dare to compete with Miss Tang Qianmei?

Guan Ying is very high-ranking, and immediately ordered.

"Your Excellency Lin Chen, this is the Pill Recipe of Dreamless Heart Breaking Pill."

When I taught Pill Recipe to Lin Chen's palm, Lin Chen laughed, "Don’t you need to charge money? "

"No, I personally bought this for you."

Ying Guanshi smiled, sexy bearing and charming temperament.

Although the Pill Recipe of Dreamless Heart Breaking Pill is originally free, if you read it carefully and burn it down, the information contained in it is more than a word that can describe it.

At least a Saint of the spirit strength of the late Transcendent Saint realm, and constantly urging the spirit strength to re-engrave it into the space scroll, it takes more than a thousand years to be possible.

So, the value of this volume of Pill Recipe is still far beyond the ordinary Grade 6 Pill Recipe. Even if the Pill Recipe is made public, it is not a level that can be held and burned by who.

At this time, the Little Demon Empress approached, the fragrance lingered, the snowy mountains undulated, and she whispered.

"Lin Chen, you have to be careful. This woman’s skill in refining medicine is not trivial. It is said that Heaven's Chosen, a man who already has a talent list, ordered her to be a concubine and taught her the pill concocting Absolute Art. Probability, perhaps more than 50% of the probability is refined into a dreamless heart-breaking pill."

Lin Chen holds the Pill Recipe, rubs his chin, and said with a smile: "The sage has taught me, there is How strong is it?"

"Very strong."

The pretty face of Jian Qingcheng is solemn, "If you say the enchanting list, it is the enchanting Heaven's Chosen of Human Race history, the hope of Human Race civilization The sacred talent list is the pioneer and creator of history!"

"The sacred talent list will never fall, and the holy world will never fall!"

"Every sage talent list will never fall!"

" Most of them are Holy Infant. The so-called Holy Infant means that they were born as Saints! Without any cultivation, the moment they arrive, they are the Holy Land!"

The words of Jian Qingcheng are amazing, and Lin Chen is also Can't help but be a little surprised.

Born and Saint?

I miss him Lin Chen had to go through life and death, battles and fights in order to become holy. The ups and downs of his ups and downs can be written into a book!

Is there a holy place when someone is born with a baby?

Sword Qingcheng's bright red eyes were filled with solemn and serious voices.

"Every sage on the sage list is a character who created a prosperous era and created an era!"

"For example, the appraisal we have learned today Treasures were once only incomplete cultivation techniques. The great saints of the sage list, Dongfanghong, established the appraisal system, perfected all the fields and systems of appraisal art, and created the appraisal lineage with Human Race. There is another field of proficiency."

"Another example is body refinement. In ancient times, there was an absolute beauty in the wilderness. The body refinement was respected, and the body refinement was created, and the Human Race body refinement was dismantled into tens of thousands. The scriptures list hundreds of thousands of physiques that have appeared in the Human Race, and arrange the targeted cultivation system to create the Human Race Dao of Body Refinement!"

"Another example is the way of blood and heaven. The blood mine gave birth to a Holy Infant. Born to swallow ten thousand blood as the Supreme, to control bloodline cultivation, and even allow oneself to break through the condensed state, use the bloodline to go back, re-enter the acupoint expansion state, and continue to expand the acupoint."

"It is said that he has accumulated more than ten thousand times of acupoint expansion, and he does not even know how far the acupuncture expansion has reached. It is like a monster that subverts heaven-shaking, earth-shattering!"

" Another example is the cultivation technique. There are descendants of Martial God in the Saint King domain, Wu Pianjue, the cultivation technique is peerless, the battle skill is invincible in the whole world!"

"He by the strength of oneself Before reaching the Divine Flame Realm, he created the original orange-level intermediate cultivation technique. More by the strength of oneself, even the family power was not used, and it reversed the history and cultivation technique inheritance of the countless epochs of the Divine flame palace!"

"There are also the Dao of Refining, the way of Prediction Master, sword dao, etc.! The saints on the list of saints, Each is a person who made history and pioneered in various fields! "

"The enchanting list, perhaps the shocking and stunning person in the long history of the Holy Realm, Human Race, the fire of hope. But the sacred talent list... is the master who made history! "

"Each of them is so powerful that it is difficult to express in phrases, and each of them has an unreasonable aptitude! Have unlimited probability! "

" Their status in Human Race, second only to the gods! "

After listening to Jian Qingcheng’s explanation, Lin Chen brows tightly frowns.

For the first time, he felt the power and defense of this sacred talent list!

To put it bluntly, perhaps the current Lin Chen’s achievements may be only this if it is placed on the list of sages.

Even the front-end character of the enchanting list, Lin Chen, is He hasn’t seen it yet, and I'm even more imitation of the sage list.

He also feels that he still has a long section of the road to go!

"If you say so, There is a high probability that this woman will succeed in refining. I will either surpass her in the quality of the sacred pill, but this probability is extremely small. The only probability......"

Lin Chen thought.

The only probability is to exceed the limits of the current stage!

It is not difficult for him to refine Grade 7 Medicine Pill.

Compared to when he first broke out of the Holy Prison, His spiritual attainments and accumulation of pill concocting skills, but integrated with the collection of the entire Elder Council!

The difficulty is how to bring it up a level!

"hehe, It seems that the new medicine refining technique that I tried before has come in handy. It just so happens that I have all the stuff. Give it a try. If you can't do it, you can only grab it. ”

Lin Chen opened the Pill Recipe of "Dreamless Heart Pill", activated the system, consumed nearly 40,000 points of cultivation technique essence, and began to integrate massive memories!

The preparation time is five days.

The organizer of the cultivation technique exchange meeting has begun to all influence to clear the details of the auction.

And Lin Chen, removes the purchase of a large number of alien crystals. Together with Tiancai Dibao and Holy Artifact’s gold sacred dollar coins, a total of more than 1.9 trillion gold sacred yuan coins were spent!

In addition to Ying Guanshi’s dividends and cultivation technique exchange meeting, Lin Chen has a total of 415 billion gold sacred dollars left. Coins!

At the end of the cultivation technique exchange meeting, not many Saints left.

No one wants to miss this Peak Level other alchemy showdown!

Cultivation don’t rush for so much time, eating melon is the most important thing!

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