A vast and infinite space.

The infinite sword shadow is like a sword wheel in full bloom in the sky, strangling the void, but failing to tear a half-divided hole.

Xiao Jianqing was dumbfounded.

Where am I? who am I? What did I do?

After being punched by Lin Chen, he was completely drawn into a strange space!

This space plane made him lose all the means of perceiving the outside world!

"Damn it, this Lin Chen actually has this hand? The Holy Artifact of the space is also impossible to force me into the inner space! Lao Tzu has the holy pearl of the Holy Artifact that specializes in the anti-space Holy Artifact! "

Xiao Jianqing doubts the levitation of life, looking around all around in a daze.


Lin Chen probably guessed who this second force is.

"en? Is this Sacred Dragon the descendant of the Divine Dragon in the intelligence."

"Sure enough, it seems that this battle has gained a lot!"

"hehe, what I want in the Nine Evil Sword Palace, I have never missed it. Whether or not you Lin Chen has the battle strength to slay the open world, the secret of the core method fragments today is bound to be Belong to my Nine Evil Sword Palace!"

In the sky, four black robed sillhouettes emerged from the air.


Space is blocked, all around the space is blocked as absolute Formation!

Lin Chen's eyes squinted, "You are the Nine Evil Sword Palace? Want to be black and black?"

After that, Lin Chen's gaze looked towards Tang Qianmei, faint smile "It's not your ghost, Miss Tang Qianmei."

Tang Qianmei's grievance in capitals: "Lin Chen Young Master, why did you wrong an innocent person..."

"You are a good guy who farts."

Lin Chen was cursed in his heart. He saw that every beauty was full of groans, but the actual guardianship would only improve and not decrease.

On the contrary, the more beautiful the other party, the heavier his guard will be.

Beautiful women can eat people.

Sacred Dragon has been on guard for the hidden dangers and Tang Qianmei.

"Or the cultivation technique exchange meeting leaked my information? It is unlikely. If there is, Mr. Ying should inform me immediately. Since this is the case..."

Lin Chen's eyes instantly fell on the Fourth Volume of "Tai Yi Fu Heavenly Art" in the Qi Luck Planting Bag!

The cultivation technique is marked! This is the only probability being tracked!

"Young juniors stay away, don't hurt you when the time comes, the forces behind you have to scream."

A black robe sword saint headed by one step Stepping out and sweeping away, Jiang Wuxin, Chen Yu and the others couldn't help taking a few steps back.

However, backing is just for alert.

Of the five of them, none of them intends to give in easily.

The courage of the super enchanting is comparable to the extraordinary enchanting!

Even if the Open Heaven Realm stands in front of them, they are not going to give in!

Five Great Demon evil, quite a bit to seizing food from the tiger's mouth, and take down the imposing manner of'Lin Chen'!

The scene was extremely chaotic, and Lin Chen looked around the audience.

There is Tang Qianmei who doesn't know her position, at least Lin Chen is impossible to give her back to this woman.

Five Great Demon, glare like a tiger watching his prey. The Nine Evil Sword Palace, four great open heaven realms. The six sacred states of mind, if they are urgent, it is also a big threat.

"Since you guys want to fight, I, Lin Chen, will accompany you to the end!"

Lin Chen grinned, and the humanoid Sacred Dragon roared. The situation changed suddenly, and Dragon Qi was in full swing!

The five'Heavenly Prison' like water fills the sky, sweeping everything, filling all around with the breath of Divine Dragon.

The angry waves swept, and Heaven and Earth changed color. Even the Four Great Open Heaven Realms couldn't help frowning.

"The descendants of Divine Dragon in the intelligence do not have this kind of ability!"

"Don't give this kid a chance, do him!"

Nine evil swords The four great open heaven realms of the hall flashed into the air and turned into infinite sword lights.

Lin Chen slapped in the air, the energy of the top rune of 200,000 points was instantly reduced, and the four gray talisman exploded!

Boom~! The four figure stopped and were surprised.

"What's this trick?"

"Not good! This kid is weird!"

Lin Chen's War God four-piece suit turned into four ways golden light possessed!

Its pure power instantly soars from the original 280 power to 800 power!

The infinite Golden-Red Clouds divine splendor surrounds Lin Chen's side, his eyes turn into golden pupils, and his hair flutters, dominating the invincible power of All Heavens and Myriad Realms, all from Lin Chen's body Rising up!

Tang Qianmei's moonbrows trembled, and his beautiful eyes trembled. This power is stronger than these super enchanting evildoers, I don’t know how much!

Although only four of the War God four-piece suits have restored 20% of their power, Lin Chen’s pure power is not what it used to be, and the increased power and the speed at which it consumes energy will also be sharp. cut back!

"If you want to eat my Lin Chen, it depends on whether your teeth are hard enough!"

Between the electric light and flint, Lin Chen's body moved, turned into a golden light to destroy the disease, Throwing double fists, violently hitting across the air, the pure power bursts in an all-round way!

The terrifying fist weathered into a golden divine splendor, blasting the Star River through the sky and the earth, and hitting the four black robe sword saint hard!

Boom! boom! boom!

The four-person Holy Force defense was shattered frontally by Lin Chen, and the cloak and robe burst, showing the truth.

The humanoid Sacred Dragon shook out a dragon claw out of thin air, the dragon's breath soared, and it was divided into five!

Eternal Sky Dragon Super Ordinary Level divine ability, Heavenly Claw!

The azure light dragon's breath turned into an azure dragon claw that was more than a thousand acres in size. It drove the power and cut off the Star River. It smashed the wind and stormed the four people!

Before the four of them completely rushed out of the shackles of Rune of Slowness, they all seemed caught off guard. They only urged the Holy Force, the sword light protector, and blocked the Sacred Dragon's "Heaven Claw" from the front!

Shih~! Boom~!

The scope of the explosion is extremely limited, but all around the space is crazily collapsing!

Even the five Great Demon evildoers who were watching the battle were forced to retreat one after another, their expressions horrified!

The formidable power of the claw of Sacred Dragon is like a catastrophe that slaughters hundreds of millions of absolutely living creatures!

"Does this kid have so many hole cards?"

"If he at first, he would use this Sacred Dragon against us, maybe we are all seriously injured now It's..."

Fifth Great Demon had a cold back.

Shoo! Tear~!

A golden light tears the sky full of azure light dragon breath, Lin Chen has already got close to one of the black robe sword saint!

However, Lin Chen was about to beat him with a punch, and when he pulled any of the opponents into the plane of'Time and Space', he saw the scene in front of him for a moment!

These four black robe sword saints all have the same face!

But they are definitely not the same person!

Lin Chen, as Saint, can clearly feel that the life aura of the four is completely different!

But their appearance can't even tell any flaws!

The moment Lin Chen punched, he paused for a moment, and the opponent reacted instantly. When Lin Chen fisted and smashed away, the black robe sword saint held a holy sword out of thin air and blocked it out of thin air!

Clang~! Boom~!

One punch and one sword shattered the ten thousand zhang void, and everything turned into a vacuum.

When Lin Chen took a punch, the opponent was unscathed, and was about to stab the second sword like lightning—

"Overtime innate talent!"

Lin Chen yelled from the bottom of his heart, and the dark green space rays of light flickered from Lin Chen's fist.

"en? There is fraud!"

black robe sword saint have one's hair stand on end, a strange sense of crisis flashed through my heart!

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