The Holy Force of the black robe sword saint decreases rapidly, breaking through the constraints of Rune of Slowness, one step in the air, the silhouette is like a thousand-weight afterimage, left and right, up and down, continuously flashing dozens of times, Disappear instantly!

shua! dark green space rays of light capture an empty space and disappear.

【Failed to activate the overtime innate talent, it consumes 3 million high level innate talent points. 】

The system light screen pops up, and Lin Chen is shocked!

"Good fellow, greater teleportation in the Open Heaven Realm!"

Lin Chen's eyes are squinted. He has seen the state of'Space Movement' during the Open Heaven Realm battle.

When Shangguan Jue competed with two Human Race giants, he used space to move and fight.

Although this black robe sword saint is not as good as Shangguan Jue, his space shift is an extremely tricky existence!

Space shift, you can instantly jump planes, move from one space to another space or orientation.

This kind of shifting is jumping!

It can be said that the ordinary low-level orange-level movement methods are not very helpful to the open sky realm. One move of space movement is enough to crush all the low-level orange-level movement methods!

Only the mid-level orange can get on the stage!

Om~! At this time, the Sacred Dragon, the three Dragon Clan Bloodline, intercepted the three open heaven sword saints on the opposite side, supplemented by the Heavenly Prison, the main attack, and Avatar assisted in the battle, with Rune of Slowness to cooperate, Yilong Drag the Three Saints!

And Lin Chen's reaction speed is extremely fast, the eyes covered with golden divine splendor flashed extremely fast, sweeping all around, spiritual perception covered.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Chen turned around without warning, and when he turned around, he swept infinite air currents like a scream of violent wind!

His arm armor gleaming with golden divine splendor, slammed an elbow behind him, and ran over it awe-inspiringly!

Shih~! boom!

The sword qi exploded and turned into a sky full of sword glow fragments, and the silhouette of the black robe sword saint moved behind Lin Chen within a ten thousandth of his breath!

Om~! The golden divine splendor soared from Lin Chen's right leg, and he swept out with another whip kick!

The golden divine splendor blasted a sword shadow that was shuttling through the void, and the silhouette of the black robe sword saint appeared like a ghost-like, slightly surprised.

"Good boy, it seems that it is not just a bit of brute force. I can actually keep up with my reaction."

black robe sword saint The device, moved extremely fast, and the sky full of sword shadow burst instantly!

This move can be described as a thousand swords in one instant, which is even more terrifying than Lin Chen's "1000 blows in one instant"!

The sword light may turn into a wind and cloud Dragon-Tiger, or a pinpoint wheat awn, or wind Tornado, or a full moon sword qi, the sword pierces Lin Chen's key points, acupoints, weaknesses, and dead ends!


"This is too outrageous!"

'Martial Saint' Jiang Wuxin and'Bihai Nine Swords' Chen Yu suck in at the same time a breath of cold air!

They can see how terrible this sword technique is!

These thousand swords actually contain a thousand half-orange sword techniques!

And each of them is a realm of cultivation to the extreme!

As soon as these thousand swords are released, there are thousands of changes, Major Perfection, unpredictable!

It is almost equivalent to declaring Lin Chen, no matter how he dodges, the opponent's sword technique will pierce his weak spots and blind spots firmly!

If the two of them face this move, it is almost a dead end. There is no second way to deal with them except relying on the life-saving ace given to them by the forces behind them.

The sword saint of the Nine Evil Sword Palace is really terrifying!

This sword saint is one of the strongest in the four open spaces!

However, what made the Five Great Demon even more horrified is that Lin Chen not only did not retreat, but greeted him head-on!

The infinite Golden-Red Clouds divine splendor grows, circulates, and rises instantly from Lin Chen's body!

His pure power is maddening all the way! 900 powers, 1000 powers, 1100 powers!

The divine splendor accumulates, and War God comes to the world. Lin Chen gathers his breath and screams to the sky!


This roar, shattered the Thousandfold Plane!

This gas sweeps across the sun and the moon!

Unprecedented air waves swept, Golden-Red Clouds divine splendor skyrocketed, with Lin Chen as the center, such as the wave of destruction that overturned Heaven and Earth, instantly crushed all the sword techniques that attempted to approach Lin Chen!

Boom! boom! boom!

Within a radius of one million li, in the space enclosed by the four sword saints, the veins of the earth are cracked and burst open every inch.

The Sacred Heartland and the super evil spirits present were all dizzy with roar, the holy cave throbbed, and even the Holy Force was almost roared through!

The black robe sword saint retreats again and again, his blood churning, his expression changes from surprise to shock.

The hurricane swept everything, and the earth became a mess and chaos.

Countless cracks spread like python to the veins, and the sky cracks countless wormholes.

The look of the super evildoers is full of horror!

The entire Heaven and Earth was shattered by Lin Chen! Almost shattered the Space Formation, which was jointly blocked by the Four Open Heaven Realms!

Tang Qianmei's heart was trembling, and this young man was so strong that she was shocked and intoxicated.

Everyone is in awe, Lin Chen won't stop!

"You have always attacked, and now I should be refreshed!"

Lin Chen raises upwards at the corner of his mouth, full of anger, and throws a punch in an instant, speed to the pinnacle!

this fist, subvert Zhou Tianhuan!

A golden divine glow rushed out of the War God arm armor, black robe sword saint eyes shrank, the speed is too fast——

Boom~! clang clang clang ~!

The Grade 7 holy sword in the hands of the black robe sword saint burst into a few pieces on the spot and turned into a ball of attribute light in the sky, scattered one after another!

Not only that, the divine force of Lin Chen's punch, the golden divine glow, runs through the Space Formation arranged by the four people!

"pu chi ~!"

The sword light broke and exploded, and the black robe sword saint raised his head and vomited blood. The cold and handsome face finally showed deep fear !

Lin Chen’s battle strength is beyond their imagination!

The lethality of that punch exceeded 1,300!

He didn't even have the reaction time to move him in space!

"Space Formation has torn a hole. With my Body Refinement Realm at this stage, after over 1300 power, the energy consumption will become very fast. You can't drag it, just break through!"

In a thought of Lin Chen, Sacred Dragon came back to him, Lin Chen was flying up, rushing towards the gap of Formation like lightning!

"It's really a bunch of rubbish, even a little devil can't hold it."

The evil voice is deep and full of magnetism if it is surrounded by magic sounds.

This voice makes Lin Chen in a flash, standing upside down like an ice cellar!

The pale palm of his hand, as if coming from a jumping space, emerged from the top of Lin Chen's head out of thin air, and a palm shot towards his top of the head!

The seemingly weak and weak palm, wherever the five fingers pass, crushes the light in the entire space! !

At the crucial moment——

Scarlet gold's divine light is like a circle of light, instantly including Lin Chen, forming an'egg' shape that envelopes Lin Chen.

Om~! Bang~!

Lin Chen was blown away by a palm and turned into a scarlet gold meteor, falling to the ground.

Boom~! The place where Lin Chen fell, the whole ground vein was smashed into pieces.

"oh?" The owner of the voice gave a startled cry.

Sacred Dragon did not immediately make a move and flashed back to Lin Chen's side.

"cough cough cough..."

Lin Chen crawled out of the ground and coughed violently.

Fortunately, he still has a hand of "Tai Xi divine light", or else I have to drink Meng Po soup with that palm just now!

Lin Chen looked at the void, calmly said with a sneer.

"Unexpectedly, are you the backer behind them? Cloudy sky!"

In the sky, a silhouette floats in the air.

He is tall and straight, his face is handsome, and his temperament is particularly evil. His eyes are as deep as Star River, and his pale face makes him seem weak.

However, when this person appeared, the light of Heaven and Earth dimmed!

The scalp of the six super evil spirits present has exploded!

This Legendary character is still alive?

No. 1 on the list of evildoers in the past, overcast!

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