Yin Tianzi, Lin Chen was once surrounded by him, and he is the ultimate shadow of the fourteenth issue of the United.

If Luo Yaoer had not taken the risk, and ventured into the Human Race Sacred Realm alone, the outcome of that battle might be completely unknown.

The breath of the cloudy sky is stronger than ever!

Lin Chen and Sacred Dragon seemed to be suppressed at once!

This oppression is not his imposing manner, but comes from the Holy Force and energy fluctuations in his body.

Even the scarlet gold aperture that spins around Lin Chen's body, which is too divine light, has become dull after a palm of the cloudy sky!

Taxi divine light, Absolute Defense. After the Sacred Dragon breakthrough 900 powers, the "Tai Xi divine light" displayed by its Dragon Vein energy, let the four open heaven realms present will not be shaken!

However, the cloudy sky only took one palm!

"Sir cloudy sky, this kid has too many tricks and various tricks, we really can't take him..."

The four great open world sword saint leaned over and bent over, cold sweat DC road.

"hmph, I don’t expect you to do anything today. Let’s deal with all the eyeliners you see today. None of these people can stay."

Jian, as soon as these words came out, all the super enchanting faces changed in horror!

Yin Tianzi, this guy, intends to kill them too!

Next, Yin Tianzi stared at Lin Chen playfully.

"Your pill concocting is very good. Boy, I realized it through the training art left by my Master..."

Lin Chen's eyes are empty Squint, the War God four-piece suit is constantly growing a floating golden divine splendor, brewing a strong blow!

After a while, it seemed that something had been realized, Lin Chen said suddenly.

"You have mastered the high grade alien crystal training art, right."

Lin Chen speaks amazingly, but he can feel the fluctuations of the Holy Force of the cloudy sky, refining. The breath of thousands of different crystals!

Among them, there is a very small part of the energy of different crystals, which is extremely powerful! simply is not an ordinary strange crystal comparable!

"hahaha! The eyesight is not small, it is a pity to kill a talent like you."

The cloudy sky laughed and admitted it!

Lin Chen's heart sank, the difference between high grade alien crystal and middle grade alien crystal is just like the difference between the ordinary Saint and the expansion point, the two are like worlds apart!

Before the secret technique of the ancient gods was seized, he told Lin Chen that his research on high grade alien crystals was halfway through.

And Yin Tianzi’s innate talent is his most optimistic, but he did not expect that after killing the teacher, he actually completed it!

Controlling the high grade alien crystal training art, his growth rate will soar in a straight line. Lin Chen wants to kill him, and the difficulty is more than geometric.

At this time, Yin Tianzi's expression became sincere and gentle, he said seriously.

"Lin Chen, your stage shouldn’t be here. Your gaze shouldn’t be just a small enchanting list. Back then, the reason why I didn’t choose War Saint was because I saw The limitations of this holy world."

"The dusk of the gods is coming, and the turmoil of the sacred talent list is about to change. Once this storm is set off, you are just a small ant, but As long as you follow me, and you and I join hands, we should create a new era, picking the War Saint, God World, should be our ultimate goal!"

"Lin Chen, submit to me Right. I can lead you to become the under one person in the new era, the overlord of hundreds of millions of above ten thousand people!"

The Yin Tianzi stepped on the aura of the Star River, and the colorful sacred clouds flowed around him.

His eyes are as deep as Star River, sincere and sincere, reaching out to Lin Chen, he actually sent out a joint invitation!

Lin Chen said with a smile.

"The dog who kills the master, dare to talk about the creation hegemony? Are you blowing you?"

The expression of the cloudy sky gradually returned to calm, even a little gloomy.

Lin Chen jokingly said with a smile: "Why don't you continue to act in your solicitation drama? Your acting skills just now are much better than those who fired at you with electronic sound."

"Those who become major events do not stick to the trivial, trifling master kills, how can it be compared to the hegemony of this seat. People who can only see black and white, will always be impossible."

Lin Chen shrugged.

"This world is black or white, it has nothing to do with me, Lin Chen, I am not a good person. I just think your behavior is disgusting, nothing more!"

tone barely fell ——

Boom~! Lin Chen slammed a punch, shining with the golden divine splendor's punching wind, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, and went straight to the cloudy sky!

Fist sweeping Star River hundreds of millions of miles, the sky collapses, time and space are distorted, and Heaven and Earth is disturbed!

This fist is the limit Lin Chen can improve at this stage! 1999 Respect!

I wonder if this fist can shake the cloudy sky?

"For the shameless face, you don’t even have the qualifications to kneel down and wag your tail to be a dog! Death!"

The cloudy sky rushes up like a knife , Qianzhong purple black Saint Xia turned into a Blood Blade, slashed in the air!

Shih~! Tear~!

The blood blade of purple black penetrated the void, leaving a faint black mark!

"Rune of Slowness!"

Lin Chen's Avatar is ready to go, suddenly hitting a rune of 300,000 points Rune of Slowness!

Boom! boom! boom!

As soon as Rune of Slowness appeared, it was torn apart for the first time, only reducing part of the offensive of the Purple Black Blood Blade, and it still slashed towards Lin Chen's divine light!

"Pu chi!"

With a loud bang, the divine light of Lin Chen and Sacred Dragon split at the same time. Lin Chen spurred the hidden body surface like a lightning bolt. Wisp of jade clothing'.

With a cracking sound, Lin Chen's "Jade Garment" was torn, he waved his arm to block the lingering rhyme of the blood blade, vomiting blood and retreating!

"This cloudy son, the really strong cultivation base! Even 300,000 points of rune energy can't stop him, he deserves to be a ruthless character who was able to fight Shangguan Jue in the first place..."


When he was floating in the air, Lin Chen's eyes flashed with desperate madness!

I can't stop it, I can only smash this guy with the innate talent of'Desperate Life and Death'!

"mantis trying to stop a chariot, overwhelming."

The holy light flashed under the feet of Yin Tianzi, and he was about to shake his claw again and kill Lin Chen--


With a crisp sound, Yin Tianzi’s wrist was actually caught by a powerful five fingers, which was caught by a ghost!

"Youngster, do you know who you are hitting?"

"It seems that you haven't realized the seriousness of the problem."

The dark red tip of the knife pressed against the neck of Yin Tianzi.

Two ghost-like silhouettes, appear and disappear unpredictably, appeared and disappeared unpredictably in the body of the cloudy sky, one after the other restrained him!

Yin Tianzi eyes shrank!

He actually didn't notice the approach of these two!

What a brilliant way to eliminate the breath!

"What is the source of the two, why bother to be so serious, let's sit down and talk..."

Yin Tianzi pretends to talk about the truth, but instantly shakes his claw!

"courting death."

The dark red sharp knife suddenly pierced his neck, but it was an afterimage!


With a blast, the two black robed men were shaken back, slightly surprised: "Top secret technique, Golden Cicada shelling? Interesting."

The silhouette of the cloudy sky, suddenly Emerging thousands of miles away, his expression is solemn!

"Under what circumstances, in this strange domain, how can someone with this kind of cultivation base suddenly approach?"

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