The demons were taken aback!

Demon Venerable? What a title, they haven't heard of it! Is the road so wild?

What is the secret small burger?

"The old eight secret hamburger?"

Xuanying Demon Venerable was taken aback.

Outside the hall, a high-ranking Saint Demon King walked in respectfully, holding a jade plate in his hand, and covered it with a silver lid.

When the jade plate was opened, a small black hamburger with two layers of jade and a layer of pitch black appeared in front of the demons.

Suddenly a stinking smell rose throughout the great hall!

All Saint Demon Kings are shocked!

Send shit?

Who dare to give shit to the dignified generation of Demon Venerable!

Boom! boom!

With a loud noise, the pure power of horror runs through the head of the hall, and a white robe silhouette descends from the sky, standing in front of the group of demons alive, overlooking the many holy Demon Kings.

The visitor has a dignified appearance, with extremely handsome and elegant appearance, as clear as jade, and quite an extraordinary and refined temperament like an immortal, as handsome as a woman, and slightly smiled.

At this moment, all Saint Demon King suck in a breath of cold air!

However, before the demons started to be shocked, the Saint Demon King who sucked in a cold breath started bullshitting.

Damn, sucked shit, the smell of shit in the air is so strong!

Why the saint Demon King was so shocked that he didn't come back to his senses? It's very simple, because this guy is a real Human Race!

This is outrageous!

Where is Demon Cavern? One of the roots of Demon Race, the group of demons is like a cloud, and the Saint Demon King is like a cow!

Can a Human Race sneak into this kind of place? This is afraid that even Saint of Rank Nine, even Saint King does not have the courage and strength!

Be aware that once Human Race appears here, it will be swallowed up by hundreds of millions of Demon Races!

"Wu Pianjue in Xia, nicknamed Diao Deyi, and titled Bu Keun Suk."

"I am not targeting a certain Demon Race present, I want to talk about the wild demon race here. , It's all rubbish."

The young man named'Wu Pianjue' said with a smile, slapped his palm, and rolled out a gray talisman!


At the moment when the gray talisman burst, the demons' thoughts were slightly slow and paused for a moment!

It was at this moment,'Wu Pianjue' gathered pure strength, kicked the jade plate violently, and kicked the secret small burger directly into the opponent's face!

"Shit, dog Demon Race!"

Tear~! Bang~!

The secret Xiangwei made a look at the demons, and Xuanying Demon Venerable was treated to dinner.

It was the moment when all Demon Races were stagnant, a ghost-like silhouette passed by!

"Overtime innate talent!"

silhouette flashes like a flash, when a palm is shot, all the gifts are taken away by the dark green space rays of light !

Yes, the person who dropped to this place was not "Wu Pianjue", but Lin Chen!

As for his appearance, it is the portrait of Wu Pianjue obtained by Lin Chen inquiring about Shangguan Chen, disguised as the portrait.

He is now going to sneak into the Demon Cave as'Wu Pianjue', and he will turn the place upside down!

He will grab as many treasures as there are here!

If Lin Chen is good for him to take it, he will let Pianjue Wu take it in the dark.

Hey, why is this plot so familiar? The arrangement is right!

When Lin Chen's Phantom Clone touched the nine-color element attribute light ball in the gift pile, the system light screen bounced continuously!

[The host gets the top grade elemental attribute light ball, and gets the top elemental attribute value: Fire Element 90 million points, Earth Element 85 million points, Wood Element 88 million points, Gold Element 89 million points, Water Element 125 million points, 95 million points for Thunder Element, 90 million points for Wind Element, 90 million points for light system, and 95 million points for dark system. 】

Soaring! The element attribute value of Lin Chen suddenly doubled!

Things happened too fast, the whole process, after the black eagle Demon Venerable sighed, even one thousandth of the breath was gone!

The major Peak Saint Demon Kings are furious, and the opponent is obviously directed at them!


At this moment, the situation changed suddenly, and hundreds of high-ranking Saint Demon Kings were all furious!

The Black Eagle Demon Venerable tore the shackles of the gray talisman between his fingers, thunder was furious.

"No matter what the origin of your Human Race, today if you can leave alive, your deity will kill your own life, and I am your grandma!"

Xuanying Demon Venerable Out, demonic energy burst out!

The terrifying magic eagle giant claw tore the void, wherever it goes, crushes a large piece of void into a vacuum of nothingness!

Lin Chen's silhouette was shrouded by Tao Heavenly Demon Qi, and the speed became slow in an instant.

"Too Xi divine light!"

The divine light of scarlet gold circulates around Lin Chen, instantly transforming into an aperture, covering Lin Chen.

Moreover, he condensed all the power of the dragon, punched out like a dragon, and all 920 powers broke out, and he rushed away with a punch in the face, and his claws intersect!

Shih~! Boom~!

The space is violent, and the whole hall suddenly burst!

The aperture of scarlet gold burst in an instant, bursting into countless broken lights, Lin Chen turned into a stream of light, and was blasted out of the hall!

With just one blow, his'Tai Xi divine light' Absolute Defense was broken!

The offensive in Kaitian can hardly break Lin Chen's Absolute Defense instantly.

But, Demon Venerable can! Demon Venerable is comparable to the supreme powerhouse above Saint One on the Open Heaven Realm!

The power of Demon Venerable, the world!

Lin Chen’s Avatar is now using Sacred Dragon to possess his body. Its pure power has reached 920 powers, but even so, it’s still not enough in front of Demon Venerable!

If Lin Chen wants to use the name of Wu Pianjue, he cannot use the Sacred Dragon body to fight. In addition, Phantom Clone cannot use the War God suit. He can only fight with the Sacred Dragon possession.

"It is rumored that a holy cave in the open world can increase four hundred powers or even more. It is true that the Holy Force held by Perfection in the open world alone will exceed four thousand powers. Above, let alone a Demon Venerable, my dignity of more than 900 is not enough to look at."

Lin Chen shook his arm and smiled wickedly. If it weren’t the divine light just now, he This Avatar was blown up long ago.

xiu! xiu! xiu!

demonic energy covering the heavens, shielding the sun, murky heavens dark earth. The space was blocked, and hundreds of high-level Saint Demon Kings and dozens of top-level Saint Demon Kings surrounded Lin Chen.

A dozen Peak Saint Demon Kings even blocked Lin Chen's retreat, sneer and disdain.

This Human Race dare to come here, I am afraid that I don’t even know how to write the dead words!

"You are a freak if you took the palm of the deity and didn’t die,"

Xuanying Demon Venerable patted shoulders, said with a malicious smile: "I will let You died in a rhythm."

"Wait a minute!"

At this moment, Lin Chen suddenly raised his hand.

The demons sneered and agreed that this kid wanted to beg for mercy.

Then Lin Chen suddenly said.

"Well, is the secret hamburger delicious?"


"The deity will tear you into pieces now! Are you? !"

Black Eagle Demon Venerable suddenly opened bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, demonic energy is like vortex, eating away all the rays of light, trying to swallow Lin Chen in one bite.

"Che, big guy, why do you open your mouth so big. Do you want to come again?"

When the delicate and crisp disdain voice sounded, the pink fist swept across the air Give a punch!

Shih~! Bang~!

The fist wind overturned the space, and knocked the black eagle Demon Venerable to the ground with a fist. The nearby glacier collapsed and cracked, shocking the sky with ice and fog!

All Saint Demon Kings have one's hair stand on end in an instant, and backed several dozen li unconsciously!

You knocked Demon Venerable down with one punch?

Who are you in the end!

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