The group of demons looked up, ten thousand zhang high, above the sky, the poison qi that covered the stars and covered the moon came like a vortex, transformed into a bunch of poisonous dragons, dancing and wandering, The poisonous dragon dances wildly.

The charming and exquisite silhouette stepped into the air to the top of the poisonous dragon's head, wearing a pair of sunglasses, his hands on his waist, and an old-fashioned way.

"I, the handle of the wild demon race, you are all spicy chickens."

Lin Chen is dumbfounded, carrying the handle? Good guy, this little girl learns pretty fast!

"Climb for great aunt!"

Lin Pingan's green jade finger drew a circle out of thin air.

Shih~! hong long long ~! The terrible disaster, poison qi, carries an imposing manner that corrupts the vitality of all things, and rages out of thin air.

The disaster poison qi turns into a disaster storm covering the stars and the moon, enveloping all the Saint Demon Kings!

Under the top-tier Saint Demon King, all began to corrode violently and melt away its Demon Body, and in a blink of an eye it became a faint demon bone in the disaster storm!

Even the top-tier Saint Demon King did not hold on for three breaths, screaming and wailing, and then all began to melt away quickly!

Their fierce resistance and the offensive that broke out were all swallowed into nothingness by the deep disaster poison qi storm!

Lin Chen immediately withdrew, seeing Lin Ping'an such strength, can't help being emotional.

This time, Lin Ping'an completely solved all the suppression of the'Painful Disaster', with full firepower!

However, according to Lin Chen's original estimate, even if Lin Ping's use all his strength, at most, it will be about the same as the late Open Heaven Realm or the perfection boundary.

There is still a gap with the Demon Venerable who has turned Saint and above.

But this time, she crushed the Black Eagle Demon Venerable and all Peak Saint Demon King!

The reason is very simple, this deserted Demon cave, the atmosphere of disaster is extremely strong!

Four Great Demon Races, each Demon Race has different branch characteristics, and some Demon Races are born to attract the bad luck of Heaven and Earth. Some are born with baleful aura adults, have bloodline suppression that suppresses various creatures, and some are bloodthirsty and cruel, and possess extremely high innate talent.

This is the case. Although the Demon Race is the same lineage, a different Demon Emperor is in charge!

And the wild demon race, it is the Demon Race that is naturally attracted to disasters and extremely bad luck!

So they naturally need a huge size and physique to resist the inherent bad luck.

However, this magic cave has become the best area for Lin Pingan to play his physique!

"Well done, safe, crush them all!"

Seeing that the Peak Saint Demon King was also trapped by Lin Ping An, Lin Chen was excited about a sound transmission.

Money! These are all money!

Killing a high-level Saint Demon King is equivalent to adding another 5 billion gold coins!

The top-tier Saint Demon King and Peak Saint Demon King, not to mention, they are infinitely valuable!

"No problem."

Lin Pingan smiled and clicked four fingers on his backhand, a series of loud sounds of peng~ peng~ peng~, the four-headed Peak Saint Demon King was injured!


The major Peak Saint Demon King finally realized the seriousness of the battle, and all manifested themselves.

The Demon Body covering the heavens, shielding the sun fills the entire ice hell, some are like Azure Phoenix, some are like Vermilion Bird, some are like Rain Dragon, and some have huge wings. Like that poor and strange, ferocious and ferocious.

The demonic energy of the major Peak Saint Demon King, such as ten thousand horses galloping, is sweeping!

"Although I don't know what your background is, but today, you will definitely die!"

Angry roar, Demon Venerable, the mysterious eagle, has once again appeared!

It is as tall as ten zhang, its feathers are as sharp as a blade, its body is eagle head, a pair of eagle pupils glowing with demonic energy, roars.

"This deity is the confidant of several Tian Demon Venerable, you, the unknown Demon Race, dare to move this seat, and you will die!"

At this time, Lin Ping An is still A form of Saint Demon King.

This caused the Great Saint Demon King to not think of her identity as a disaster of pain. At most, she just wondered why she could control the disaster in the vicinity.

After all, the disaster of pain disappeared in the long river of history for too long!

Lin Pingan curl one's lip, with a look of disgust.

"I really thought I became bigger and harder, so I could fight?"


The infinite calamity gas converged, and began to form a cloud of azure light quickly, filled with a dark and deep calamity aura, like a python!

The ink cyan ray group turns into a spherical shape and slowly rises into the air. It is huge, constantly changing and expanding.

The ink ball absorbs countless energies, and all around the space, light, vitality, Spiritual Qi, and demonic energy all around are drawn out, absorbed, and turned into an extinct calamity energy body!

The major Peak Saint Demon King suck in a cold breath!

If you were hit by this blow, Demon Venerable might not be able to hold it!

Lin Chen can perceive it, with a radius of million li, and the calamity of the entire ice hell. Lin Ping’an took the time to refining!

"Fortunately, this is a natural gathering place for bad luck. Otherwise, with this blow, I don’t know how many spirit plants will be consumed..."

Lin Chen squeezed a cold sweat , Quickly stepped aside.

To be precise, the former Lin Ping’an used himself as the center to mobilize his own calamity to fight. Such a fight will lead to the spirit plant that controls the calamity, and is quickly affected by the calamity. The air erodes.

But now, Lin Pingan is more like a'helmsman', controlling the'disaster ship' in the whole area.

"This...this is a ghost!"

"We are not her opponents at all, let's withdraw, only notify the Great Demon Venerable adults!"

Peak Saint Demon Kings are about to retreat——

Shh~! Bang~!

A Saint Demon King was unable to break through the encirclement, and was run over by a disaster dragon.

Countless disasters and evil dragons emerged out of thin air, surrounding the major Peak Saint Demon King, blocking all their escape routes!

Black Eagle Demon Venerable clenched the teeth fiercely, suddenly spreading its wings into a sharp blade Tearing Space, swiping through the air, shuttling through the void.

Boom! boom! boom!

Xuanying Demon Venerable shuttling through the void, smashing countless calamity dragons along the way, after slowing down again and again, finally hit a gap!

Before it is happy, a silhouette ghost-like emerges!

It is Lin Chen disguised as Wu Pianjue!

He smirked: "Go back and eat another wave of secret hamburgers!"

He made a claw with one hand, a talisman with his right palm, and pushed it horizontally, pure power And the breath of the dragon bursts out!

"Heaven Claw!"

At the moment Run of Slowness exploded, Demon Venerable, the black eagle who was exhausting, encountered Lin Chen's'light splitting' The blessed Heavenly Claw, moved towards its face and patted it!

The five-stroke Azure Dragon claws, surrounded by lightning like azure, flashed in the air, formed out of thin air, and was born out of thin air!

"You fucking..."

Xuanying Demon Venerable hasn't finished scolding yet——


Xuanying Demon Venerable is kicked back!

Although this claw is shocking the world, it can even be shaken in the middle of the Open Heaven Realm, but it can't hurt a Demon Venerable!

However, if it is exhausted, it will be completely fine if it repels!

Xuanying Demon Venerable was beaten back by Lin Chen with a paw.


At this time, the ink azure light ball in the sky suddenly shrank, and Lin Ping's wave of his hand suddenly suppressed the next palm!


Xuanying Demon Venerable eyes shrank.


The poison qi of the disaster. The mushroom cloud rose up, the glacier shattered, and the space collapsed and collapsed.

A powerful wave of energy exploded the entire ice hell!

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