The headed gentleman Xia Jiuyang cup one fist in the other hand to the surprised old man with red hair.

"The above anticipated that there might be variables, so we also invited us over, senior, please give instructions."

The old man with red hair smiled with joy.

"Then leave it to you, we have to involve those Old Guys, this Demon Race Crown Prince, and we need you youngsters to deal with it."

"Remember, the evil demon Hell is one of the gathering places of calamity energy in the Demon world. Today is the time when calamity is the thinnest in hundreds of thousands of years. As long as you stop them, the next opening will be a hundred thousand years later! old man It is estimated that this time the Tian E Demon Prison will resume the previous violent turmoil in at most seven days, and it will be as difficult as heavenly ascension countless times for them to enter!"

Fang Longzhi nodded and said on the side.

"Yes, the stronger the enemy lineup is, the more it is necessary to stop. The opponent even sent Demon Race 30th Sixth Crown Prince to prove it, it's no small matter!"

"Even if you don't know the enemy's purpose, you must do your best to stop it!"

The four Great Demon's evil expressions are particularly solemn!

"Your task is to hold the Demon Race Crown Prince, remember, don’t have any idea of ​​killing it!"

"Whether it is going to fight back or show it deliberately Weak spot will cause serious losses on our side. You are one of the few elites in Human Race. Any loss is a loss of Human Race."

The old man with red hair solemnly explained the matter and killed it. Demon Race Crown Prince is absolutely unrealistic, this battle is just right!

"It means, drag, just drag. Drag and win!"

Three hundred and eighteen evildoers stood together, facing hundreds of thousands li. Mohuang Crown Prince outside.

He is relaxed, even playing with his fingertips, indifferently smiled.

"Are you ready, are you deciding who is on? I, the Crown Prince, prefer to single out, single out your group."

Lin Chen: "...this It sounds familiar, too familiar, and has an internal taste!"

"Human Race has a lot of power, it seems that our secret thread intelligence is not in vain!"

"Shoot , Break through their defenses! Force them to fight!"

Dragon Clan is so powerful that they are so angry!

Dozens of completely different dragon's breath rays of light gush out, Dragon's Might rolls over, completely crushing a line of defense!

"Take a shot, stop these act recklessly things first, don't let them affect the ceremony!"

All the demons move, all directions outside the Evil Demon Prison suddenly unfolded like never before Fierce battle!

The chaotic war, erupting like an avalanche, is filled with every inch of vacuum, Human Race, Dragon Clan, Demon Race, three-way war!

The wild demon race wants to enter the border of the Evil Demon Prison, and to enter it needs to use the Demon Venerable and Peak Saint Demon King level battle strength to resist the frenzy-like calamity energy.

If the battle strength of Demon Venerable is used too much, Human Race and Dragon Clan will wait for the opportunity to attack and prevent their actions.

So, Demon Race must first stop the powerhouse of the human and dragon clan from outside the boundaries of Demon Race before entering the Hell of Heaven!

The chaotic battle circles are rapidly taking shape, and the most terrifying is the battle circle of the Demon Venerables!

Demon Venerable fights, the opponents are Dragon Clan’s Dragon King, Human Race’s Saint with more than one turn, the horror of fighting against each other can be described as a hundred tricks in a flash, a thousand tricks!

"This is the battle of Saint's one-turn."

"One breath uses 47 orange-level battle skills, and one-turn Saint is really scary. The same Holy Force, one In the hands of Saint, I used several different levels!"

The evildoers of the evildoer list can't help but look a little.

If they can, they even want to stop and watch Saint's battle.

For the evildoers of their level, observe a fight at this level, and gain a lot of gains, and can comprehend many skills and experiences.

Because the one-turn Saint in the real combat state and the one-turn Saint in the competition state are completely different battle trends. What can be understood is not a grade at all!

However, all the evildoers are waiting!

The opponent they have to face is Demon Race Crown Prince!

clang! clang! clang!

The well-known Grade 7 Holy Artifacts have been born one after another, covering an endless holy light, like clouds and shadows, flashing the entire starry sky.

"really strong..."

"What a terrifying imposing manner, I'm afraid those Great Demon Kings can resist it?"

"These Human Race, they are all strong players."

Demon Races are eyeing, and even worried about their own Crown Prince.

The imposing manner of the super monsters gathered together, and even the entire team of their wild demon race felt a little bit jealous!

"he he he, hahaha!"

The Mohuang Crown Prince suddenly raised his head to the sky and laughed, evil and enchanting.

He opened his arms and smiled wickedly.

"heavenly demon Avatar!"

demonic energy, covering the heavens, shielding the sun, the magical shadow of the demon crown Prince, free and turbulent, like an afterimage, transforming into a hundred , Turn thousands, turn thousands!

The Infinite Demon Shadow, like a hurricane, instantly smashes away!

bang! bang! bang! Bang! boom! boom!

In a flash, the ghostly shadows emptied and ran away, and all the offensives and Defensive Array battles brewed by the super enchanting were all broken!

In just an instant, all the super evil spirits were hit, the defense was broken, and they vomited blood and retreated, look pale!

"Crown Prince is mighty!"

"Crown Prince is unparalleled in the world, first under the heavens!"

The fighting intents of the Great Demon Kings of the Demon Race are rising. Excitedly shouted.


At this moment, as strong as Lin Chen, I couldn't help but suck in a cold breath, and my pupils trembled!

What kind of monster is this!


It's too strong!

Repel more than three hundred evil spirits in one move!

Lin Chen also clearly saw that if it were not for the strongest Xia Jiuyang, Fang Longzhi and the other four Great Demon evildoers had launched a defense at a critical moment, I am afraid it would not be as simple as a minor injury!

"This is too strong. This is the son of the Demon Emperor, the Crown Prince of the Demon Race! Is it comparable to the monsters of the sage list..."

Lin Chen unconsciously Twisted his fist.

The gap, he deeply felt the fatal gap.

If this is the case, Wu Pianjue, who is also on the list of sage talents, may be able to achieve a similar record!

The enchanting list that the world looks up to may be against the sky.

But in front of the legendary sage list, perhaps it is really impossible to withstand a single blow!

"However, there is no time to be discouraged now."

Lin Chen waited quietly for the opportunity.

On the other side;

"Everyone, if you hide again, you will miss a fighter! It is the same as the Human Race, is it going to be scared witless by Demon Race?"


Fang Long shouted in a deep voice.

The evildoers glanced at each other, and the gap in their eyes was even less.

"Damn it, I didn’t think I would have a day with you."

"Your uncle, I want to complain and find the monster to complain."

"Demon Race Crown Prince, I want to have a fight with him in my dreams."

"This battle, I will offer everything I have! Demon Race blood feud, absolutely irreconcilable!"


All the evildoers, regroup, or take the Holy Pill, or mobilize the core method, secret technique, and use the trump card trump card!

The border of Demon Realm lurks in a meteorite cracked rock.

Lin Chen unconsciously prepares the War God four-piece suit, he is waiting for the opportunity!

At this time, Innate Five Elements Yuan Jing is being protected by a Demon Venerable, the Four Peak Saint Demon King.

Once there is a chance, Lin Chen will immediately enter the melee, with a 27% charged War God four-piece suit, with full firepower, killing off, and snatching the Innate Five Elements element!

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