Opportunity, only once!

If Mohuang Crown Prince and most of the Demon Venerable came back to his senses, Lin Chen would have no chance.

An appearance like a heavenly immortal even waved his hand. There were dozens of enchantments nearby, and most of the injuries were immediately recovered completely!

"Oh? Do you want to do your best?"

Mohuang Crown Prince sneered, stepping out, spanning hundreds of thousands of li, floating in the air, and facing peacefully. All evildoers!

Mohuang Crown Prince laughed: "Bring your horse here, you can count as an appetizer at most. The goal of this Crown Prince is the list of sages!"

Fang Longzhi extremelyly angry laughed.

"I'm afraid that we have this appetizer, you will have to break your teeth after eating it!"

Fang Longzhi's hands were torn apart, two dragons were rolling in the waves. claw grinds Star Fragmentation and comes!

The Mohuang Crown Prince's eyes squinted, without even raising his hand, a look in his eyes, a vortex-like magic light appeared out of thin air, shattering Fang Longzhi's offensive!


The result is an unprecedented wave of offensive. More than 300 enchanting evildoers launched their attacks in different ways!

Boom! boom! boom!

The war broke out!

This time, more than three hundred super evildoers all showed their true ability, even their hole cards!

Various killer moves are frequently used, and finally the Mohuang Crown Prince has a hint of interest. Demon Race Absolute Art, show off its splendor!

One demon alone blocks three hundred super evildoers, and still has the upper hand!

The background of Demon Race Crown Prince is fully revealed!

When the human, dragon, and Demon Race are in a melee, Lin Chen waits for the opportunity to observe.

"After killing so many Peak Saint Demon Kings, Sacred Dragon has now broken two thousand powers, fighting alone, completely not afraid of the mid-opening realm, and Taixi divine light is even under Demon Venerable. , There are few ways to break the move."

"My three Avatars, each of which has the Early-Stage battle strength of the Open Heaven Realm, but only three of them can be used. The body battle strength, If you use the War God four-piece set, there should be few below the late Open Heaven Realm that can fight me."

Lin Chen quickly estimated the battle strength of both sides and looked towards Lin Ping An.

"little girl, we have a big ticket, can you help me get rid of those guys."

Lin Ping’an stared at the chaotic battle circle, pretty face, rare serious nodded .

"en! No problem, the current spirit plant is enough for my firepower five times. Below Demon Venerable, there should be few that can stop me!"

Lin Ping An, with Lin Chen's devastation in the Demon world, can be described as dragon returning to the sea, absorbing infinite calamity energy, and the current strength is not what it used to be!

"By the way, can you control the vortex?"

Lin Chen pointed to the purple-brown vortex, and Lin Ping shook his head after staring for a moment.

"No, it has existed for longer than me. The energy is too chaotic and too strong. I can absorb it slowly, but I can’t control it to fight now."

Lin Ping'an shook the head, the Evil Demon Prison is the longest forbidden place in the Demon world. It contains an unexplored amount of calamity. I am afraid that it can be traced back to the history of the first painful calamities.

"Then it is basically certain! You will cover me later, we will kill the four Peak Saint Demon Kings together, repel the Demon Venerable, and take away the Innate Five Elements Yuan Jing, if we can take it Success, immediately use the last time and time innate talent to return to Nine Provinces!"

Lin Chen made up his mind and waited quietly for the opportunity.

The battle lasted for one day, two days, four days!

In the Star Domain, the murky heavens dark earth was fought, and the Star River was broken!

More than 300 super monsters fought hard at the Demon Race Crown Prince. During this period, a total of 28 super monsters were seriously injured and escaped. Two of them were on the verge of death and almost fell here.

Finally, on the fifth day, the Demon Race camp seemed to be eager to tell the winner, and the offensive was fierce. Although it once overwhelmed Dragon Clan and Demon Race, it was also traumatized!

"It's now!"

Lin Chen's eyes flashed brightly! !

"War God four-piece suit!"


War God Might is invincible, the infinite golden Shenxia is incorporated into Lin Chen's body, and his pure power has surpassed two thousand powers all the way!

Lin Pingan took Lin Chen across the void!

Tear and pull~!

The space burst open a crack, and Lin Ping An and Lin Chen landed on the battlefield instantly!

However, the two of them still maintained the disguise of Demon Race, which led to the Demon Race camp, not even many Demon Race reacted!

"Kill the past!"

Lin Chen and Lin Ping'an immediately rushed to the team escorting Innate Five Elements Yuan Jing, four Peak Saint Demon Kings, and one Demon Race!

Lin Ping’an flicks with the finger, the infinite disaster poison qi surges like a frenzy, turning into a poisonous dragon and hitting it!


The Demon Venerable headed by Demon Venerable has fast eyes and hands. When he smashed dozens of Calamity Dragons, he retreated several hundred li violently, coldly shouted!

"No, there are spies! These two Demon Races are not their own!"


A War God golden light fell into the middle of the four Peak Demon Kings in the team, and the Rune of Slowness of ash-gray exploded out of thin air!

【Consuming 8 million points of top rune energy, the host activates Rune of Slowness. 】

8 million rune energy! This record of Rune of Slowness consumed nearly one third of Lin Chen's total rune energy!

If you don’t make a move, Lin Chen is the strongest trump card!

At the moment when an unprecedented Rune of Slowness exploded, it was better than the Big Four Peak Demon King, and it was also completely unprepared!

At this moment, Lin Chen and the three Avatars appeared at the same time, an elbow blow!

hong long long ~! Time and space collapsed, sweeping thousands of planes, Lin Chen exploded with two thousand powers in one blow, and instantly crushed the weakest Peak Saint Demon King! Blast its head on the spot! It was transformed into a sky-wide attribute value and incorporated into Lin Chen's body!

The other two Avatars each made a move to repel the two Peak Demon Kings!

"Bright light and split shadow·Evening claw!"

The third Avatar possessed by Sacred Dragon is aimed at Peak Saint Demon King, the strongest cultivation base, with one claw. Shake away, the azure light dragon claw that surrounds the blue flames rushes away!


The Demon King just broke out of Rune of Slowness, he was caught off guard from being hit hard by the five-stroke extraordinary bloodline divine ability!

The Sacred Dragon Avatar swept the'azure blue dragon sword' again, and slashed its magic arm into four pieces in the air. The treasure box containing the'Innate Five Elements Yuan Jing', with the broken The magic arm falls!

"Not good!"

Demon Venerable, who was repelled by Lin Ping'an, realized that the opponent's target was Innate Five Elements Yuan Jing!

"Don't think about ruining my family's plan!"

Demon Venerable awe-inspiringly put out a demon hand, penetrated through the void, the magic light is like a heaven-shattering giant palm, but once again by Lin Pingan Point and break!

The Saint Demon King, whose magic arm was severed, clenched the teeth fiercely, rose up again, revealed the body, turned into a huge demon kun, and was about to swallow the Innate Five Elements essence in one bite.

Tear and pull~! When the five heavenly claws ran over again, Lin Chen's body punched again, revealing the demon king's holy Demon King. Instead, it became a target. It was penetrated by Lin Chen and Avatar and turned into a flood of attribute light ball!

Lin Chen didn’t care about the attribute. When the light ball quickly merged into Avatar, he soared the attribute value, but took the Innate Five Elements elemental essence in one fell swoop!

The moment Lin Chen held it tightly, Lin Chen's eyes were full of blazing heat!

The terrifying energy fluctuations, such as the entire film of Heaven and Earth, are not the level that Holy Artifact can hold!

"Overtime innate talent!"

Lin Chen has consumed a few innate talent points again, opened up overtime innate talent, and incorporated Innate Five Elements into it!

This treasure belongs to Lin Chen!

"en? Has something changed?"

Far away from the border, Mohuang Crown Prince, who is still fighting with more than 300 super enchanting evildoers, instantly turned his eyes to his own camp. .

At this moment, Lin Chen's gaze is exactly here.

The sight of one man, one demon, just meets!

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