Shih~! boom! boom! boom!

In the vortex of the nine-color holy clouds, there are horrible Holy Force fluctuations, such as the continuous explosion of Star Core, which stirs up the wind and clouds, and the energy vortex in the Tian'e Demon Prison is full of chaos!

Fortunately, in this day of evil spirit prison, the atmosphere of disaster is strong, Lin Chen's Holy Force fluctuates not too far.

In addition, with the little girl Lin Pingan who is refining calamity energy for him, Lin Chen can devote himself to the state of condensing acupoints!

"Lin Chen, come on!"

Lin Ping An earnestly cheered for Lin Chen, but did not dare to sound transmission for him, for fear of disturbing Lin Chen, waving a little pink fist , Pretty face is red with excitement!

"Condensation realm, this realm, I finally stepped into...Beyond the mountain range of the burial sacred back then, when I became a holy realm, a condensed realm could crush me to death. Now I can breathe Can blow out a large number of condensed realms!"

Lin Chen's eyebrows passed the absolute confidence in mastering the universe!

Lin Chen passed through the thrilling scenes of the past in his mind, polishing his mood to be transparent and bright, the sacred cave shining on the stars, the sun and menstruation!

The Holy Force he brewed, and he did everything he could, all bursting out!

Lin Chen's mental perception has been improved to the extreme, and he immediately sensed the position of the forty-second holy cave!

Through the 41st holy cave, it is like the birth of a billion Wan Tianlong, crushing to the position of the 42nd holy cave!

"This time, you either don’t do it, just do something special first under the heavens! This wave of coagulation points, I want to cross the battle strength of the star state, the holy mind, and the open sky state. !"

Lin Chen is bound to be the eternal number one in the holy world!

Since ancient times, the Holy Realm did not merge with a Condensed Realm to cross several steps, exceeding the Life and Death Realm, the Star Realm, the Holy Mind Realm, and the battle strength of the Open Heaven Realm!

Lin Chen's cerebral cortex is hot, blood is boiling, and a heat wave brewing in the chest cavity bursts out with one's voice!

"The forty-second holy cave, open for me!"

Boom~! boom!

The nine-color sacred clouds that spin as vast as an astrolabe are growing crazily again!

At this moment, countless skyrocketing Holy Force nourishes Lin Chen's Saint Physique. The flesh and blood are like the plane of the world, the roots are like Sun, Moon and Stars, and the veins are like rivers and seas, and blood can burn thousands of heaven and mountains!

His Essence, Qi, and Spirit, vitality, vitality, soaring to the top at this moment!

The forty-second holy cave, rushed open!

Boom! boom! boom!

The cave was flashing, the nine-color starlight exploded continuously, shattering the wind and clouds, sweeping the universe of the sun and the moon, and it was far more than the Demon realm, and shocked the entire Heaven Vault Star realm!

The continuous explosion of this time lasted for a whole day!

In the realm of Huang Demon, the countless Saint Demon Kings were shocked to feel the aura that brought Nine Heavens!

"This...this is the cave of Human Race?"

"What kidding, do you dare to cave in my Demon Race with Human Race?"

"roar! Shame, this is the shame of my race!"

"What did these guys do, why did you let Human Race run in again!"

The whole The world of wild Demon has turned the sky completely!

Lin Chen's first time of condensing acupuncture points, compared with the second time, it is not a warm-up!

His second congealing point shook the entire Star Domain!

Strong as Dragon Clan, Human Race, and the highest level of Demon Race, I was also shocked at this moment!

Star Tower, the highest floor.

The snow-clothed boy is handsome and handsome. The jade eyebrows of light azure seem to have cinnabar, which is extremely handsome. His white face reveals a different kind of vicissitudes.

When the young man opened his eyes, the vicissitudes of life blew out a few rays of light, like seeing through the void and shooting directly at the Demon Hell of the Wild Demon world.

"My Human Race actually has a stunning sage? It's still in Demon Realm's cave!"

The young man was shocked and tried to look through the void to spy on the Nine-Colored Saint Xia vortex At the center, it was covered by a strong catastrophe, resisting and dispelling his perception.

"Heaven's Evil Hell, it is really weird... I wonder if those Old Guys will act..."

When the young man retracted his gaze, he stared into the distance, and there seemed to be a space in his eyes. The breath of the face is dying!

Once there are any variables, he will go to Demon Realm!

Heaven Vault Star domain, Dragon Clan, Divine Dragon Valley.

A man and a woman, wearing a golden robe, flashed to the sky above the Divine Dragon Valley, and the dragon pupils shrank slightly, which is as strong as the experience and cultivation base of the two. Shocked by the Qi machine!

"Demon Realm condenses the cave? So bold! Who is this child?"

"Strange! It's so strange! The Laijia can't calculate the destiny of this child, even him This time, the impact on our three tribes, how much impact it will have, has not been able to examine Jiguang Kataba."

A man and a woman, the eyes are even more shocking!

Can't see through the trace of fate, this is the first time they have encountered this situation!

In the wilderness of Demon, a dark sky.

Under the deep sky, a pair of hostile eyes opened.

"Ning the acupoint? I haven't seen it for a while, has Human Race been so arrogant, dare to come and rush to my Demon Realm to condense the acupoint?"


When a magic light came to the world, it seemed to be about to go to the Tian'e Demon Prison——

Boom~! A powerful force enveloped the vicinity of Tianyuan, pointing straight from a very remote plane!

"Floating Snow Saint King locked the deity..."

The magic light cut off in midair and stopped, showing a tall and slender silhouette.

He has two pairs of crystal clear and near-transparent fleshy wings. He has a handsome and wicked face, but he has four eyes. He has a demonstrative energy, staring into the distance and never acted again.

At this moment, the Saint King Level highest-end battle strength of the three clans was all shocked!

However, no Saint King Level battle strength of either party took action first.

The Demon Emperor will not be born, and in the age when True God is not born, Saint King will dominate!

Every Saint King battle strength affects his whole body!

Once the Demon Venerable of Demon Race is dispatched, Saint King of Human Race will act immediately!

Saint King battle strength, can crush everything in the ordinary holy realm! Even if it only takes a moment, a large area of ​​scattered ashes and dispersed smoke can be made!

By then, whoever takes action first will suffer and whoever will have to pay the price of blood!

Saint King battle strength always restricts each other, which is why no matter how the three powerhouses fight, they will not easily send Saint King Level powerhouses!

Once Saint King goes to war, what is involved is the question of whether the battle strength that has been guarded by the two sides can continue!

Until the last minute, no one wants to cast aside all considerations for face!

"Hey! Floating Snow Saint King, you can hold the deity, how can you hold the Saint King of the other three races, a human race with the potential of the sage list, and the other three Great Demon Races will surely do Send out the powerhouse cut weeds and eliminate the roots!"

The Demon Venerable in the sky gave a sneer and once again retracted into the abyss of silence.

Outside the Evil Demon Prison, the nine-color vortex is ten times larger than before! Almost covered the entire Tian E Demon Prison, but it spread to the chaotic battlefield of the three races!

Boom! boom! boom! Boom~!

Nine-color vortex, when it burst for the last time, finally stopped condensing the cave and took shape!

The powerhouse of the three tribes has a heart attack.

It exploded under 2000!

In the Evil Demon Prison, there are forty-two holy caves all over the body, blooming with eternal rays of light!

Lin Chen opened his hand, staring at his palm with some trembling, feeling the almost infinite Holy Force, and couldn't help muttering to himself intoxicated.

"Condensing acupoint two thousand times!"

"This time condensing acupuncture point, I directly increased the Holy Force equivalent to 700 trillion dragon power!"

700 trillion dragon power! Converting the power of trillions of dragon power to one statue is the power of is a!

This is still under the premise of not converting the effects of the innate talent of "Tai Yi Fu Heavenly Art" and "Extreme God Possession"!

The unparalleled condensed realm of ancient and modern times, Lin Chen!

This day is destined to be recorded in the history of all races!

Change is about to begin. The history of the Holy Realm is turning a new page at this moment!

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