At this time, in the border battlefield of Demon Realm, all powerhouses of all races stopped and forced a truce.

The infinitely expanding nine-color Saint Xia vortex, the aftermath of the Holy Force exploded, is not something they can easily bear!

Unless it is the Peak Demon King and Open Heaven realm from the cultivation base to the middle and late stages, you must withdraw from the area covered by the Nine-Color Saint Xia vortex!

"Two thousand times?"

"It's nonsense, has the Holy Realm ever had such an outrageous acupuncture performance in the history?"

"Holy talent I dare not say that the old man on the list has seen all of them, but as far as my experience with old fogey is concerned, so far I haven’t... a single condensing point, simply impossible, there are two thousand times as high as the sky-defying number!"

"If the old man remembers correctly, the Holy Infant, who was born last time, had no more than two thousand and eighty times the total concentration of acupoints before he entered the sage list, right?"

" It’s worthy of the total condensing multiple of the sacred talent list?"

"What a monster, is this guy who entered Demon Realm really a human..."

Human Race camp, All were so frightened that they couldn't speak, no matter how powerful the experience and mood were, calm down!

Overcome the sacred talent list by condensing the acupuncture point once?

No novel dare to write like this! What a joke!

"I got it!"

Suddenly, a super evildoer suddenly realized!

All powerhouses looked towards him one after another, even Dragon Clan's powerhouse couldn't help but look towards him.

"This must be a conspiracy. Well, from an ordinary point of view, Human Race is basically impossible to enter Demon Realm, let alone a cave!"

"This must be Demon Race deliberately Disguised with the melee just now, and then forged an illusion similar to a cave-in, a fake shot! He thought that our Human Race was in the First Layer, but in fact we were on the 5th floor."

That super enchanting slightly Jia thinks, very affirmative and resolute.

"Impossible!" The old man with red hair snered, "Stop eating here, not to mention how the Demon Race forged this natural phenomenon, just because of the Demon Race Crown Prince, they were all caught by those weird ones just now. Demon Race slid round and round, and several Peak Demon Kings fell. What are the benefits they can get, are they as surprised as we are?"


The super evildoer who asked the question was short-lived, indeed, his ideas are full of loopholes!


At this time, the nine-color holy vortex that traverses the Star River universe has not stopped!

It is still expanding!

Scalp tingling at all powerhouses!

Lianning three points?

Is this really serious!

With such a terrifying multiples of condensing acupoints, condensing two acupoints in a row is already unimaginable, a unique feat in the world, is there a third time?

"How much did the master of the condensing point accumulate? What a rare experience in the world to sharpen this kind of foundation..."

"Wait a minute! If you say The few Demon Races that went in after the Civil War just now were Human Races, that is to say..."

The old man with red hair looked at each other with a few veteran Saints. They had not breached the border of Demon Race yet. Has Human Race appeared in Demon Realm?

What does this mean?

Everyone suddenly felt a sense of horror as the soles of their feet rushed to the top of the head, spontaneously!

Isn't that, the owner of this cave is a special one from Demon Realm!

It's just thinking about it!

One or several Saints who may be in the Enlarged Acupoint Realm or Condensed Realm, mixed into the Demon Realm?

How can this be so special!

Even if you change a group of Saint Kings, you may not be able to do it!

That is the wild Demon world, Demon Venerable is like a cloud, the base camp of one of the Four Great Demon Races!

An unprecedented amount of information has been rolled out with the careful consideration of many powerhouses, and the powerhouses of the two groups have become more and more concerned about it!

On the Demon Race side, while maintaining the protective frontier formation, immediately send more Peak Demon King and Demon Venerable Level powerhouses!

With the Demon Prison as the center, the Great Demon Venerable and Peak Demon Kings in the realm of Demon began to take action one after another!

A storm is starting to sweep the Heaven Vault Star domain, centering on the Evil Demon Prison!

Not only the Wild Demon world, even the other three Great Demon Races, there are also powerhouses to take action!

In the Evil Demon Prison.

Lin Chen's accumulation is unparalleled, and he opened the forty-second holy cave, which is still more than enough!

You should know, let alone the Open Heaven Realm, even the ordinary Sacred Heart Realm, a single finger can suppress a large number of Enlarged Acupoint Realms and Condensation Realms!

And Lin Chen is the one who killed a large number of creatures of the Open Heaven realm in the Enlarging Acupoint Realm! With such accumulation, not many people in the world can match it!

Every Open Heaven powerhouse killed by him is based on the existence of Peak of various races!

"So handsome Lin Chen! Hurry up, go on, release all your essence, and scare those guys stupid!"

Lin Ping'an gave her a grin. Snowy little tiger tooth, waving his pink fist excitedly, his face flushed with excitement.

She didn't seem to notice that more and more calamity energy began to gather, and her physique was automatically absorbing massive calamity energy, and the speed of refining was getting faster and faster!

Lin Chen urged spirit strength, penetrated his body, sensed the position of the 43rd holy cave, and exhaled deeply!

"The third condensing point corresponds to my third acupuncture expansion!"

"My third acupuncture expansion is 1100 times!"

"This time we have broken the realm, there is no need to suppress it again!"

"in a spurt of energy, rush to rival the battle strength in the middle and even late stages of the open heaven realm! Forty-three pieces, open for me!"

Lin Chen shook his shoulders and suddenly burst into a burst of shouts. The Holy Force was like a thousand planes rising and falling, Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move, but in an instant, rolling Crushed into the forty-third holy cave!

Shih~! boom!

The imposing manner that broke the boundary this time is even more violent than the two times combined!

bang! bang! bang!

Nine-color Saint Xia vortex, like the Star River in the world, turned into a magnificent and gorgeous Star River roulette, straight and enlarged Times, it covers most of the border of Demon Realm!

This time, like a hot knife through butter, at first, it will ring five hundred times!

The super evil spirits were forced to retreat and retreat, looking at the colorful astrolabe.

This scene is too stalwart!

Like a hot knife through butter, Lin Chen seemed to try his best. This time, the cave was extremely fierce and fast, and it exploded thousands of times in a very short time!

In less than a quarter of an hour, it burst to two thousand rings!

More than two thousand times!

Many powerhouses trembled. From now on, every time it sounds, it is a moment to witness history!

When the nine-color sacred vortex finally expanded to a hundred times its original size, it exploded three thousand times for the third time, and finally stopped!

Lin Chen sighed lightly, forming an energy storm that roared the world!

The breath swept across the Three Thousand World, a holy light ten thousand zhang!

Lin Chen's eyes are showing terrible confidence!

At this moment, in terms of his Holy Force cultivation base, Open Heaven will no longer be a distant chasm!

The third time, three thousand times!

Just this time, Lin Chen has soared the Holy Force, which is equivalent to 1,650 trillion dragon power! 1650 power!

It’s not over yet!

In Lin Chen's holy cave, there is actually a violent and turbulent Holy Force surging!

Lin Chen's accumulation is beyond his own imagination!

However, Lin Chen is now browsing tightly frowns.

"Damn it, it's too much this time..."

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