Boom~! !

At this moment, the billowing magic power covers the entire starry sky, all the rays of light all around are dimmed, and the sky seems to be plunged into the boundless darkness and the sky-shaking bloody wave!

All Demon Venerable shot together. For the first time, the power of that kind of power made the young super evil spirits feel what'destroy the world' is! A kind of fear that goes deep into the soul assaults the senses like!

Boom! There was a loud noise, the starry sky was torn apart, and a hole was torn apart in the calamity energy of the Evil Demon Prison!

The nine-color vortex in the sky was blown into the sky!

"Sure enough, it's over."

The old man with red hair sighed.

"Prepare to withdraw. Our mission has been completed. There will be half a day at most. On this day, the Evil Hell will have to return to the previous violent state. By then, their Demon Race will also be impossible to get in."


When the old man with red hair waved his hand, a super evil spirit suddenly exclaimed!

"No, the natural phenomenon has been broken up, but the acupuncture point has not been cut off!"

Everyone stared at it, as expected, the nine colors vortex revolved and expanded again!


Demon Venerable's demeanor changed suddenly!

"Has he withstood it?"

"Impossible! The impossible of the Condensation Realm impossible blocked the offensive of 21 Demon Venerables, something strange!"

When Dragon Clan's powerhouse was stunned, a tender and crisp voice came from the Evil Prison.

"With me here, you don't want to touch his hair! Hmph, I will blow you all up later!"

The voice of the girl seems to have several points of fierce The taste is too immature, listening to the threat of a child.

"hmph! who are you, the one who hides the head and reveals the tail, come out to the deity!"

"Ten Thousand Blood Burial Demon Hand!"

"Heart Devouring Lock!"

Demon Venerable had another round of offensive without a word. They hit heaven falls and earth rends absolutely in the starry sky, and countless stars fell one after another.

However, all the offensives entering the purple-brown calamity energy vortex are like throw a stone and see it sink without trace in the sea!

And the natural phenomenon of the Nine-Color Saint Xia vortex will condense again!

Demon Venerable are dumbfounded!

Emotions, the helper of the condensing point, is a bit terrifying!

For this period of time, Lin Ping’an stayed in the Evil Demon Prison, frantically absorbing massive calamity energy, and his familiarity with the Evil Demon Prison was also rapidly increasing.

Although it cannot be like an arm swing, it is still possible to simply mobilize the calamity energy of the Evil Demon Prison to defend against the attacks of the Demon Venerables!

Outside the Evil Demon Prison.

"Do you want to go in? Fight with them?"

"Kill you, not to mention the damage to us by the calamity energy in the Evil Demon Prison, just The disaster breath is enough to cut off our perception."

"When we entered, there would be black eyes and a disc of loose sand, let others kill it?"

"Are you? Yes, according to what you said, we have to wait here? Are you really addicted to Blood Demon Race, are you trying to force a group!"

"Who is talking about it! Talk and pay attention to you Old Dog, What kind of big-tailed wolf pretend?"

"Why, don't accept it, come out for solo practice?"

Demon Venerable argued fiercely, and after a while, old grievances broke out again!

Mohuang Crown Prince didn't say a word, but quietly watched the natural phenomenon in the sky.

"It's too late, it's too late. He is ready and ready, and the momentum of condensing the cave is no longer able to stop."

Mohuang Crown Prince tone barely fell ——

bang! bang! bang!

In the nine-color Saint Xia vortex, the endless Holy Force wave spins to the Star River, all belong to the body!

In the Evil Demon Prison, Lin Chen suddenly opened his eyes, and all his Avatars simultaneously absorbed all the power of the Holy Medicine Pill!

Shih~! Click~!

The energy crystals covering Lin Chen's body suddenly burst and shattered!

The light cocoon covering Lin Chen's whole body begins to shine in rays of light!

The endless light swept through the entire devil like a hurricane, and all the medicinal power of the Dreamless Heartbreak Pill turned into a rolling Holy Force into Lin Chen’s 44th holy cave!

"There is no more perfect time than now, the forty-fourth holy cave, open for me!"

Lin Chen opened his eyes, and his sharp edge burst into the sky, Saint Physique suddenly shook, liberating all the suppressed energy of the top essence!

The infinite Holy Force, like the Divine Dragon, slammed into the 44th holy cave!


Nine-color Saint Xia vortex shook away the raging waves of energy, and even shook the twenty-one Demon Venerable back several dozen li! Everyone looked horrified!

The powerhouses of all parties are horrified!

In the nine-color holy light vortex, there are a thousand sounds and two thousand sounds in a flash!

The power of condensing acupoints, such as True Dragon flying to the sky, is unstoppable!

Three thousand sounds have been broken all the way, but it hasn't stopped!

"Three thousand five hundred times..."

The old man with red hair trembled, what a man who is against the sky!

The nine-color holy light vortex expands infinitely, looking magnificent and magnificent, like a Star River spinning under the stars, incorporating infinite mystery.


A breath of creation-like stalwart, faintly infiltrated from the nine-color sacred vortex, actually suppressing all the core methods of super enchanting!

The evildoers are horrified!

What kind of core method is this?

Using the momentum of condensing acupoints to suppress their handed down core method?

As if there is a great will, Sovereign is innumerable living beings, as powerful as beings that do not belong to this world plane.

This breath is just a flash, and the nine-color holy light vortex expands to its climax!

When the last holy light burst, the Human Race, Dragon Clan, Demon Race, and powerhouse of the three clans could not be calm for a long time.

A super evildoer swallowed hard and said in horror.

"Fourth time coagulation...four...four thousand five hundred times!"

Heaven Vault Star domain, inside the star tower.

All Saints, evildoers, Ancient Ones, all stood in shock! !

In this having ups and downs, the strange soldiers have reached the extreme point of concentration, and it has ended this way!

Four thousand and five hundred times!

This number, even if it is a multiple of the total condensing point, is placed on the list of sages, it is enough to exceed many sages!

However, this is actually just a multiple of a single condensing point!

In the Evil Demon Prison.

Lin Chen levitates in the air, and Saint Physique is as stalwart as the starry sky, standing above the sky.

He is shining with forty-four six-pointed star-like holy caves, releasing the eternal holy light, as if just standing here, he can open the Heaven and Earth universe.

The moment he took a deep breath and looked down at his palm, he showed a little intoxication.

For the fourth time, he added the Holy Force equivalent to 3150 trillion dragon power!

Just the Holy Force of this holy cave can dare to compete with the powerhouse in the middle and even later stages of the Open Heaven Realm!

"Four times of condensing acupoints, my holy cultivation base has increased 55 trillion dragon power!"

The moment Lin Chen clenched his fist, Tian E Inside the demon prison, endless waves of air were exploded, crushing thousands of planes!

Originally, without calculating the core method blessing in his cultivation base, the ultimate power of Holy Force was only 1,57565 billion dragon power.

However, now, without counting the "Extreme God Possession" and Taiyifu Heavenly Art, his holy cave power can explode nearly five thousand six hundred dignity!

When Lin Chen gazes at his "One Time and Space", forty-four six-pointed stars hang up. Holy Force is several times more terrifying than the holy cave of Lin Chen's body!

At this moment, the corners of Lin Chen's mouth are frantically rising!

The Demon Race Crown Prince will no longer be out of reach!

"Take a Demon Race Crown Prince to practice hands and warm up. It seems that it is also a good choice." Lin smirked.

From now on, all situations will be unknown!

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