Bingxin Palace, 9th Heavenly Layer Pool.

This place was created by Lin Chen's servants. There are multiple energy pools used by Lin Chen.

Just above this plane, there is a group of dazzling colorful lights suspended, which is the essence of Innate Five Elements!

The energy of this thing is too strong to be decorated as a Holy Artifact or a ring. Lin Chen is even more impossible to open the space-time plane for a long time to accommodate it.

If you want to accommodate the Holy Artifact in the space, at least Grade 8, the Holy Artifact of Grade 8, or the Holy Artifact, the most difficult space to cast, even if Lin Chen has two great casters of Grade 8 around him. Not enough materials to start work.

So, this face is one of Lin Chen’s temporary warehouses, and in order to guard against the unexpected, Lin Chen will keep a spiritual Avatar here. Once there is any change, the spiritual Avatar does not have it. Too strong, but it can quickly open the'time and space plane'.

At this time, Lin Chen and Ying Guanshi came to the freezing ice pool, where a sharp sword was placed inside!

Qiang~! With a sword whistling Dragon Transformation, the sword weapon in the Tianchi turned into a stream of light and shot into Lin Chen's hand.

The cold air of this sword is faint, the sword is four feet and seven, pure white as jade, the tip of the sword is frosty, the blade is like unpolished jade, the sword edge is like the wings of a cicada, and the icy breath of the hilt is condensed into The wings floated slowly, and the tip of the sword seemed to have faint traces of dragon scales, which could make time and space stagnate.

The sword's edge is piercing, and it dances in the wind, the spirituality is excellent! As if swiping a sword can freeze a thousand worlds!

Grade 8 sword, frozen Heavenly Sword!

"It really was born by extracting the cold energy of the extreme prison. In the past two years, it is really many thanks. You are busy for me."

Lin Chen said with a smile, Ying Guanshi waved his hand flatteredly.

"Lin Chen Young Master is so polite, I am just helping to collect information. It is Fairy Xiao Linger who really went to get back the essence of the cold sky, how dare I take credit... …"

"hehe, without your Zhang Luo, my team would not be able to recover to its heyday as quickly as possible. Just a dreamless heart-breaking pill is not enough to offset your achievements."

Lin Chen knows that his servants are inconvenient to move. If she hadn't worked so hard to open an intelligence network during this time and collect information on many treasures, his team's growth rate would at least be delayed by one third!

"Don't worry, what happened here, what you get will be proportional to your contribution!"

Lin Chen patted her shoulder, Ying Guanshi pretty face is delighted, "Thanks Young Master for your appreciation!"

Guan Ying is very thankful that she chose to help Lin Chen that day, and she was right!

Although all the heritage that I have accumulated over the years has been spent, what I get in return is an unprecedented bright future, and life will be recreated!

After all, this is the only man in the holy world today who dares to challenge Grade 9 sect!


With a trembling, the energy pool of Hell Volcano flew out of a sword. The body of the knife splits several blood lines, like cast from a bath of blood, and the scorching heat faintly permeates.

Grade 8 Holy Artifact, absolutely!

Lin Chen’s Grade 7 Holy Artifact, all of which can be grown in different ways!

The slaughter spear can absorb the energy of the holy magic crystal.

Frozen Heavenly Sword, can extract the essence of the cold sky.

Absolutely Yan Knife, you can drink thousands of Fire Element Sacred Beast blood essence and grow!


A clear roar like spirituality, the starlight flickers, the light of the stars turns into a star bow, the bow body is like a crescent moon blue, inlaid with clouds Thunder Star Stone, the starlight is connected together, and the bowstring is like a thunder. !

Grade 8 Holy Artifact, Nine Heavens Star Fury! The violent Nine Heavens Power of Stars can be refined, supplemented by thunder, to improve the rank!

In the past two years, Lin Chen entrusted his Holy Artifact to Jin Wuxia and Liuzhi Xuanyuan.

In addition, his servants have a wide range of paths, and they need to go directly to the major Star Domains to collect them. It is like a tiger that has grown wings!

"Among the three flying knives, the Lingxi Flying Knife can absorb its main spirit strength, and have a heart with the owner. Ben Lei can be incorporated into Heaven and Earth Thunder and refining. It is expected that the next two months will be transformed. , The problem lies in the last burning sword..."

Guan Shi Ying exclaimed, the growth of Holy Artifact is really rare in this holy realm.

"Very well, if this goes on, I should be able to catch up to upgrade all my Holy Artifacts to Grade 8 before going to the Divine flame palace."

Lin Chen nodded, his Grade 8 Holy Artifact, will be the strongest Grade 8 in the history of the Holy Realm! The effect of [Enhancement + 15] will make all of Lin Chen's Holy Artifacts far beyond the ordinary Grade 8!

Thinking of this, Lin Chen couldn't help but sigh!

It's so cool to have a power of your own! Especially when this force is full of experts from expert, then it is cool and violent!

Whatever you want, order it, and your own person will prepare it for you.

If not, Lin Chen will be alone, and only then can we upgrade these Holy Artifacts with the Year of the Monkey.

"It's no wonder that the sages and the enchanting evildoers of the enchanting list are all outrageously strong, what is missing, what is wrong with being a hedonistic son of rich parents, it is too boring."

Lin Chen sighed.

But then, Guan Ying said again.

"Scorching God Flying Knife, specializing in the spiritual path, requires tempering its treasures. The two casting masters have already analyzed it. One is the energy storm of Polestar vortex. But this energy body is too It’s hard to find..."

"Secondly, it is the Primordial Spirit Holy Flame. This is a spiritual realm. After entering the Primordial Spirit Realm, after it still falls, there is a certain probability that it will form the form of the Holy Flame. The degree is no less than the former, but..."

Lin Chen wondered: "But?"

Ying Guan Shi smiled, sexy bearing and charming temperament, and said with a chuckle: "However, this thing happened to have news and comings recently, and Lin Chen Young Master has to go there in person."

"Primordial Spirit Holy Flame, there is news recently that it is the top of the Peak Club on the evildoer list. One of the crown prizes can be obtained as long as you win the championship. This is the only way and way to get this at present."

Lin Chen startled.

Peak meeting of the enchanting list, this is the apex battle of every enchanting list!

This meeting will be held in the Sacred Domain in the sky. All the enchanting genius will come to see the birth of the apex of the enchanting list!

Bingxin Palace, Sacred Dragon plane.

This position is specially created for Lin Chen's Sacred Dragon!

A cold man in a scarlet gold robe is sitting cross-legged here.

When Lin Chen stepped in, the cold man opened his eyes and turned into a stream of light into Lin Chen's body.

It is Lin Chen's Sacred Dragon!

"Very well, I slaughtered the group of Peak Saint Demon King and Demon Venerable, and let Sacred Dragon absorb all the top Qi Blood Attributes. It's true."

"Plus In the past two years, Long Jiushan has personally searched for the ancient dragon blood tempering dragon body for me. It was only a breakthrough of 30,000 powers after the last 100 powers. Now my Sacred Dragon and my body have reached the same height!"

Lin Chen's mouth rises.

If you meet that Mohuang Crown Prince again, his Sacred Dragon alone will be enough for him to drink a pot!

Lin Chen looks into the distance, as if looking through the void.

"Will the peak of Sacred Domain’s enchanting list go? It seems that I can’t keep a low profile just after returning."

"It seems that I have to go a little bit before revenge for everyone. Take a bit of effort, and take the first place on the enchanting list by the way!"


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