Saint King domain, Divine flame palace domain, Brahma Valley.

A holy flame like the sun is burning directly above Brahma Valley.

Holy Splendor is highly photographed, and all directions are full of holy light, with Divine Dragon spitting beads and a natural phenomenon of hundreds of phoenixes in the sky.

This is the sight of the Saint King domain, as if every inch of mountains and rivers are filled with holy light and holy clouds.

Just like this is the eternal residence of Saint, like Immortal Realm, it is not a realm that mortals can touch at all.

Today, the natural phenomenon of the Divine flame in the palace is extraordinary, and there are several heavyweight VIP guests in Brahma Valley.

Brahma within the valley.

"Hehe, I didn’t expect that the Divine flame Palace would invite me to wait a day."

"The conditions this time are very attractive, or, after this trip, we can consider Introduce more evildoers to the conference."

In a lobby, many human race Supreme gathered together, and each powerful breath is particularly strong! Between the opening and closing of the eyes, there is an eternal holy mang surging!

These are all the great abilities of Grade 8 sect!

The most important thing is that this group of powerful is from the strongest ten Grade 8 sect! The Ten Great Sects, who established the enchanting list, are known as the strongest sect under the Grade 9 giant!

"Today I invite you all just to speed up the process. If you can ride the tide of this era, you will also become the creators of future generations."

A peaceful voice, let The dozens of powerful people present stood up in awe!

The breeze swept through, and the white clothes lightly rolled up like a cloud of smoke, and the young man walked into the lobby slowly after holding his hands.

"I have seen Martial God!"

"Wu Pian Jue Zun!"

The Grade 8 masters who are stronger than the strongest sect cannot help but Cold sweat, respectful cup one fist in the other hand.

This young man, just looking directly at him, has a kind of fear of falling into the cycle of eternal reincarnation, Martial God bloodline, the world!

"Hehe, you are so lucky."

"Originally, based on your level, you are not qualified to stand on the same level as us. I didn’t expect my nephew Wu to ask you today. Throw out the olive branch."

"I said Wu Pianjue, there is nothing wrong with your mind, what is the use of attracting trash."

Three silhouettes appeared again in the lobby. The atmosphere has changed suddenly! Storms gather in Brahma Valley!

The one on the left, divine poise and sagelike features, with white hair, holding a whisk in hand, divine poise and sagelike features. There is always a little severe light passing between the eyebrows, and his gaze is like a sword penetrating, seeing through all the Grade 8 powers present!

On the right, the body is like a mountain, standing so far is like Wanyue Zhentian, gestures, without anger and prestige, contains the might of suppressing the Holy Spirit!

The boy in the middle is even more mysterious!

He has bright red hair, hunched over, his hands dangling, his face is beautiful and pale, but there is a kind of gloom that is as ruthless as in the bones, which is better than a turn or a turn. Saint dare not dare. Look directly at him!

He is dressed in a shabby, blood-colored robe, and his body is enveloped in blood energy, like a halo circulating, and every inch of his skin is bleeding!

Blooding blood rolled down from every pore of his, dripping to the ground, where he walked, it turned into a torrent of blood, burning with a wisp of blue smoke.

This person, as if crawling out of a sea of ​​blood, is spraying blood all the time, horrible to see!

He hunched back, shook his hands, and walked to Wu Pianjue like a walking corpse, lifting the head said with a malicious smile.

"If you mess things up, I will be the first to do you."

Wu Pianjue lightly said with a smile, extraordinary and refined.

"If you have this ability, come now, I Wu Pian will never refuse to challenge."

All Grade 8 can take a breath!

This is another great character of an ancient sage list!

Create a path of blood, born by swallowing all blood, and refining billions of blood essence as Supreme!

He even manipulated his own cultivation base for a time, and completed a move against the sky, lowering his own cultivation base, the bloodline was retrospective, the holy cave was closed, and he returned to the expansion of the cave, and carried out a second total The super sage of expanding acupuncture point!

He is the Calamity Tribulation of the blood of this holy world millions and millions of creatures, and all the Evil Sect created by the blood of cultivation comes from him!

Holy Talent List, Blood Tribulation, Fang Xietian!

For the Grade 8 powers present, which one is not the power of the first-turn and second-turn Saint that transcends the open sky realm?

However, when standing next to Fang Xietian, they even had a fear of turning around!

Holy talent list, all of them are ridiculously strong monsters! This is true!

"Two, don’t discuss the sacred talent list here. Today we are here to talk about business."

The old man in white patted Fang Xietian’s shoulder and didn’t care. The hands are full of blood, smiled and said.

Fang Xietian gave him an angry look, found a place to sit down at random, and waved his hand: "Anyway, I'm just here to watch the excitement. Don't mess things up. Your Conferred God Ceremony is up to you. Play."

Wu Pianjue sat down, Serene laughed, his eyes swept away, and many Grade 8 masters immediately corrected their posture.

"Everyone, what you are going to do is very simple. After the Peak meeting of the enchanting list, go to negotiate with the top two thousand enchantings and invite them to join us. Naturally, the benefits will not be Less, those who don’t join, take responsibility for the consequences."

"The conditions are just like the bargaining chips we have opened. You guys, you should know that what I value is your current relationship bond and this The inheritance of forces accumulated over the years, not your strength..."

Wu Pianjue tapped on the table with his fingertips, and said nonchalantly: "As long as I want to, a single thought can help you The forces are directly wiped out on the map of the holy world, you should know how to do it."


Grade 8 The powerful men are sweating like rain, trembling cup one fist in the other hand.

People who are better than them, who are called powerful by Human World, also have a day to bow their heads. In this world, the higher you stand, the more you can find that there are always higher figures on top.

At this time, when everyone could not predict it, there was a roar of breaking wind!

Shih~! Tear~!

The space is shattered, the flames burst into the sky, and everything that is blocked is burned!

A sharp edge spans tens of thousands of miles, as if leaping across the void!



The large number of powerhouses in the Divine flame palace were awakened!

Blue guardian, Shangguan guardian, and Two Great Protectors also noticed at the same moment.

Shih~! peng~ peng~!

With a bang, a divine arrow that shot through Heaven and Earth swept through the sky, and the Divine flame directly above the Divine flame was shot through!

When the horrible energy storm swept away, Shangguan Jue and Blue Guardian, Two Great Saint Kings-level Guardian shot at the same time, protecting the Divine flame Palace Lord Hall, unscathed!

However, the Divine flame palace logo was shot through!

The intention is obvious!

At this moment, all powerhouses are all changing colors!

Not only the Divine flame palace, but also the Grade 9 giants from the Saint King domain also reacted, they were shocked and shocked.

Who is it?

Dare to attack Divine flame? Got it!

shua! shua! shua!

At this time, the distant sky dances into a blade light!

Immediately after the blade light flashed, there was an endless sonic boom. It was a group of meteor showers?

Boom! boom! boom!

While Two Great Protectors guarded the Divine flame Palace Lord, a large number of meteorites fell and bombed within the valley within Brahma, the fire beacon rolled, exploding countless large craters.

When many Elders were preparing to stop them, they found that these meteors were not aimed at hurting people, and they were shocked and uncertain.

After a while, the meteor stopped and a series of huge craters were formed in a very regular manner!

I saw that when the holy flame of the sun shot through the Divine flame palace fell, it floated and dotted the vast pit, began to burn violently and turned into a fire sea!

These flames burned along the crater, and in Brahma within the valley, they burned into several big characters——

The Ceremony of Conferring the Gods, picking the War God flames.

All the powerhouses clearly witnessed this moment, an unprecedented shock rushed from the bottom of their hearts, straight to the top of the head, and the whole body was boiling!

War thread! Challenge post!

In the world, there are people who dare to fight against the Grade 9 giants!

Holy realm, is it going to change?


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