Wu Pianjue stood up slowly, her eyes deep.

"The stars are the posts, choose War God Flame?"

Fang Xietian, who has always been in low spirits, suddenly stood up, his pupils like a blood moon, burst into a strong light for the first time !

"Interesting, so interesting! What is this going to do with us, is this coming for the Divine flame palace, or is this coming for us?"

All Grade 8 Horrified!

If it weren’t for the shocking arrow that shot directly through the Divine flame palace, they would absolutely impossible to believe that in this world, someone would dare to fight against the Divine flame!

How many years have it been! No one can shake the hegemony of Grade 9 giants!

Don't look at the calm and tranquil surface of the holy world. In fact, how many Grade 8 sects are controlled by the Grade 9 giants. It's okay if you don't give orders. Just order, there are not many Grade 8 sects who dare to resist!

Today, someone actually shot through the holy flame of the Divine flame palace in the most just and honourable way!

This is something that affects the whole body!

This kind of behavior is undoubtedly a threat to the Grade 9 sect of the entire holy world!

Divine flame Palace main hall.

"What's going on!"

"What do you do for food! You can't guard against external attacks, let others just and honorable fight over?"

"Where is the Guardian Hall and the Tian Punishment Hall! You guys, let people hit my Divine flame palace frontally?"

Many senior Elder roared angrily.

Standing at the top of the Divine flame palace, the top ten to Elder Gao, fell into a weird silence!

Where is the Divine flame palace, the giant sect that created one of the holy realms!

Its rich background is so strong that it has swept across all major fields, and there are not many rivals at all.

Does this kind of place mean to be hit? impossible!

Only the Prediction Master guest official of Divine flame Palace has ten, and all of them are hard roles in Saint Level Prediction Master!

They are either drawn from Peak's Grade 8 giant, or the masterful genius of the Prediction Master world of the Holy Realm.

With these ten Prediction Masters in charge, from the right time, the right place and the right people, the crisis in all aspects of the Divine flame palace can be predicted and known in advance.

But, just now, in the Divine flame palace, all the Prediction Master guest official. But there is no pre-anticipation!

The other party's attack just came over, and it still penetrated the protective array!

In other words...

The other party also has a Prediction Master!

Moreover, it is the cream of the crop level! Far surpassing the level of their Divine flame palace!

People obviously came here prepared, and directly blocked the murderous intention and the secret!

In the sky, a spatial vortex slowly emerges, a beautiful and refined Divine flame guardian of the palace blue!

The moment he had guarded the Divine flame Palace Lord, he had already performed the movement method himself, spanning tens of thousands of miles, searching for countless space planes.

But nothing happened!

He couldn't find the location of the attack at all.

His expression is particularly solemn.

"Firstly, the Prediction Master of this level is hidden. In the entire holy world, there are no more than five fingers. Could it be that some old monsters were born? But why do they dare to challenge my Divine flame palace? , There is no such motive."

Lan Hufa was lost in thought.

"Not only that, they dissolved our palace guard formation when we didn't even notice it. They let the attack penetrate directly! This way of dissolving space is unprecedented!"


"There is also the concealment of the breath. With the perception of this protector, I can't even feel the attack of the arrow, and I can't even find it. Who is this Peak technique for eliminating breath... "

The more he thought about it, the more he thought about it!

"There is also the peerless arrow of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, and the person sent out, although not a Saint King, has a flawless mood and a taste of surplus energy."

"At least the Peak Saint level of Rank Nine! Moreover, it is definitely not the Ancient One whose life force is dying, and its cultivation base is not far from the realm of the guardian!"

Conjecture based on his vision and experience as a protector of the Dharma.

The action just now, at least three or more super powerhouses can cooperate with each other to complete! If you count that peerless Prediction Master, there must be more than four!

And these powerhouses, even if they are not as good as Saint King, are not far behind! Putting it in the Nine-Ranking Saint is definitely a top-notch one!

If not, it is absolutely impossible to bypass the layers of protection of the Divine flame palace and shoot directly through the solar sacred flame of the Divine flame palace, using the star as the post, and the sword pointing to the Divine flame!

"You can get the power of this lineup. Thirty-six areas of the holy world, can be counted on one's fingers."

Lan guardian looks into the distance, with sharp eyes like a sword .

He sees this matter very far, deep, and thoroughly.

Hidden powerhouse, there are definitely a lot of holy worlds. The thirty-six domains are too big and too big. Even Saint King is hard to get a full picture. Even one-tenth may not be clearly understood. .

No one knows how many Human Race powerhouses are still lurking in this holy realm.

But one thing is certain, the stronger the powerhouse, the greater the arrogance and pride in the heart.

On this point, Blue Guardian couldn't be clearer.

Back then, if it weren't for the Divine flame, Gong Xiandai Palace Lord had a life-saving grace for him.

Besides the fact that the previous Palace Lord even gave him the opportunity to become Saint King, he was willing to join the Divine flame palace and later became a protector of the law.

If it weren’t, the nine-time Saint of the year, even with a life-saving grace, with his arrogance, would not be enough to make him sell his life to the Divine flame palace!

So, the severity of this incident is not just these three super powerhouses.

From the essence of things, these three super powerhouses cannot shake the foundation of the Divine flame palace.

But the problem lies in the people behind them and the forces behind them!

It is the one who can gather all these super powerhouses together!

That person, this is the number one enemy of the Divine flame palace!

"This lineup can only be produced by the Grade 9 forces. And the Grade 9 sect of the Holy Realm, my Divine flame palace is recorded, and no sect can generate this motivation."

"So, who on earth can have this method and appeal..."

Lan Hufa fell into deep contemplation.

Individual super powerhouses are not terrible. The terrible thing is that when these powerhouses can be brought together into one, no one of the 36 territories of the holy realm can ignore that influence!

Even if it is as strong as the Saint King domain, it won't work! This is a force that threatens Grade 9 sect!

Even the Grade 8 alchemist of Peak, it is impossible to call for such a lineup.

Who would offend a Grade 9 giant for the sake of Grade 8 alchemist? Isn't that courting death?

On the other side.

Seeing the sky burning fireworks and fire sea, Shangguan Jue floating in the air was completely dumbfounded!

Who is it? Dare to eaten a bear's heart and a leopard's gallbladder, to challenge the Grade 9 giant?

Will it be him?

When he had not yet entered the genius list, he dared to wash the genius list!

When he first entered the evildoer list, he dared to challenge the authority of the evildoer list!

Now, he has been silent for two full years! Will this kid be someone who will do nothing for two years?

impossible! It must be him!

Based on her Shangguan Jue's understanding of this little fellow, he is not the kind of master who can quietly cultivation without doing anything!

Only he, Lin Chen, has the courage that Heaven and Earth is not afraid of!

"That kid is really as Ruoyan said, he really came! And, he is going to pick the War God Flame Palace!"

Shangguan Jue's lovable body trembled slightly, his heart palpitations move.

It’s too strong, I don’t even plan to talk about it, just post it!

I was the kid of Battle Sovereign back then, but now in just a few years, he has grown to the point of picking the War God Flame Palace!

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