
The first to launch the offensive is the evil side of the list!

Moreover, it is the golden sun machine with the highest ranking!

"Four-phase interception sword, interception of life, interception of death, interception of time, interception!"

The golden sun machine has been brewing for a long time, and murderous intention has skyrocketed. Cut the four swords to block Lin Chen's position!

The sword points shot four brilliant sword light Dragon Transformation like the sun, almost jumping into the void plane, there is a smell of stagnation in time and space, and even beyond life and death, Lin Chen came straight!

"Open the sky puppet, burst!"

One handprint of the undead saint, ten puppets in the open sky realm flashed in the direction of Lin Chen, and the rays of light were flourishing, and I wanted to directly self -destruct, don’t plan to waste time at all!

"Nine Heavens!"

The tower of fire rotates, and Xiao Changsheng's black flame turns into a Black Dragon and strikes in the direction of Lin Chen!

"Thunder God is here!"

Holding Grade 8 holy sword, Xie Yingkui cut out thousands of acres of the vast virtual image of Thor with one sword. The three-headed'Thunder God' holds many hands Magical Artifact, rush to Lin Chen!

"A bright moon on the sea."

Fairy of the moon is a handful, Wan Zhongmingyue sinks down, constantly squeezing, completely squeezing the entire space of the plane to pieces, suppressing Lin Chen !

The earth slanted the sky, and the desert plane began to shatter, ushering in the death before the silence!

A total of 29 mastermind evildoers launched the ultimate ultimate move, which is enough to make all the Open Heaven realms outside the sage list feel fear from the heart!

Facing the collective siege of the evildoers, the corner of Lin Chen’s mouth was slightly raised, and the Holy Force was as majestic as a sea like a sea, and the energy of a thousand planes was condensed on a sword. The starlight flashed like a billion. The dead stars thousands of years ago, bloom the most dazzling rays of light!

The terrifying divine might roll over, turning into a burning spirit, burning dragon and dancing in the sky!

At this moment, Lin Chen burns flames in the sky with his left hand, and dances with a sword in his right hand.

Lin Chen suddenly slashed his sword towards the sky, slashing head-on! With a palm in the air, burn all the people away!

"Hundreds of millions of starlight!"

"9th layer Burning Heavens Palm!"

"Lotus dance!"

"Eight Burning Dragon Tianyin!"

"Wind Demon Meteorite Finger!"

Bang! boom! boom!

Lin Chen Absolute Art did his best to use the Peerless Orange-level cultivation technique, which broke out at an unprecedented speed, and was in an endless stream. All around the offensive was completely blocked by him!

The dragon roars, the blade light flashes randomly. Hundreds of millions of starlight turned into a sword, cutting away the four brilliant sword light, sword qi spilled, and the golden sun machine vomited blood on the spot, and his face was horrified!

One sword of starlight smashed ten puppets, and the cold edge broke through the heavy offensive of Sanshenglihuo.

speed to the pinnacle wind demon with a finger of infinite energy, pierced through the tens of thousands of bright moon, the sound of the burning dragon roared into the mountains and rivers, and the plane collapsed, roaring the "phoenix of ten thousand fires" covering the sun and the moon. Explode one after another!

Quickly if the ultimate streamer turned into a blade slash, Long Qianyue’s blood-colored blade glow was shredded into pieces, and his whole person was submerged in the endless shadow of the lotus knife. Grade 8 Demon Blade Crazy Protector .

Space distortion has exploded!

Plane all split up and in pieces, completely sinking, and can no longer withstand this shocking collision!

"Not good, get out!"

The great powers can see that they can’t maintain the plane of the desert. They don’t care too much. It’s crazy to pick up the injured Heaven's Chosen. Retreat!

"Don't worry about this face, take care of the venue!"

"Damn it, these young people are really horrible from generation to generation, this has overturned the sky!"

"This Lin Chen is a monster! I can do these enchanting evildoers alone, I'm really a goddamn service!"

All the abilities of the older generation, bring The wounded evildoers returned to the Fourth Great Hall as if fleeing, gasping for breath.

With their abilities, they can protect these wounded evildoers, unscathed, but they can't protect the horror of dozens of people colliding.

"What's the result?"

"Whether Lin Chen won or the evildoer lost?"

"Senior, how is the ending?"

Many Saints said anxiously, and the two Saints immediately swept their sleeves after turning, and the scene in the shattered desert plane resurfaced.

I saw the broken space fragments floating in the void, sand and dust everywhere, fire beacon billowing, flooding the line of sight.

Everyone stared into the space light screen, looking for the evildoers of their respective Aristocratic Family, for fear of lack of arms or legs.

In the sky, the young man stepped into the air and hovered, and the silver robe broke, revealing his strong and powerful arms.

It's Lin Chen!

His breath still has a long history!

On the other hand, look at the evildoers, wounded and disabled, floating in the void.

Lin Chen is topless, holding a pair of slender snowy white jade legs in both hands,

The beautiful lady's dress is broken, poignant and withered, and her unparalleled cold face is like falling. Fairy of the mundane, under the faintly slender eyebrows, Bao's jade-like piercing eyes opened slightly...

What came into the eyes of the beautiful lady was the boy's grinning smile.

"What are you doing so desperately? Although I am handsome, I am not your enemy. Don't you even keep the last trick to save my life?"

, It is one of the ten most stunning monsters, Fairy of the Moon, Fei Qingyue.

I was so close to peers for the first time. The masculine scent of the teenager made her slender and soft. Fei Qingyue's pale cheeks showed a faint crimson, and she bit her teeth, pretending to be threatening.

"Rogue, let me go!"

She was completely wiped out of Holy Force, there was nothing left, and she didn't even have the strength to get up.

She tried her best for the offensive just now.

Lin Chen shrugged, "Let go of you, are you sure? All around are space storms. Your holy caves are empty. I can protect you against the Holy Artifact from being hit hard by me. Is there any way to protect yourself."

After all, Lin Chen looked at the golden sun machine that fled in the distance and said with a sneer: "Hey, a guy who is inferior to a woman, is second in the enchanting list, like a ghost. "

"Hey, how long do you want to hold."

Fei Qingyue is cold and cold, she used to be cold and moving, but now she is so angry that she can even watch her scolding It seems to be acting like a baby.

"Then you answer my question first, why did you try your best to attack me just now. You also broke my clothes. Could it be that you are greedy for my body?"

Lin Chen jokingly said with a smile, but he was slightly curious.

He seems to have no hatred with this woman. In the last wave of confrontation just now, this woman was the only one who could continue to hit Lin Chen after breaking through his defense.

If not, these enchanting evildoers will not even break Lin Chen's clothes!


Fei Qingyue pursed her lips, "Because I want to be the number one in the enchanting list, I will eliminate all difficulties."

"I have personality, I like it."

Lin Chen said with a smile: "But you made a fatal mistake."

Fei Qingyue startled, wondering: "What Mistake."

Lin Chen said: "That is, let me, Lin Chen, as the opponent. This goal is too big, let's change it."

Fei Qingyue: "... "


Lin Chen stepped into the air for a moment, holding Fei Qingyue when he returned to the Fourth Conference Hall.

When he gave Fei Qingyue a strand of Holy Force and asked her to barely stand up--


Countless Saints focused their eyes on Lin Chen, and their eyes were unprecedentedly solemn and shocking!

The top 30 in the enchanting list, all of them lost and were seriously injured!

Lin Chen only scratched his clothes! Not even injured!

This scene, there is no need to say more!

Ye Lixue's beautiful eyes trembled, and her cold voice trembled and shocked.

"The enchanting list has been overthrown!"

This boy, succeeded!

by the strength of oneself, singled out all the evildoers! !

"The Peak of the enchanting list will be held as scheduled!"

The bald old man shouted excitedly.

"However, this seat will announce here that today’s enchanting list is No. 1 and belongs to the man named Heavenly God, Lin Chen!!!"

At this moment, Ten Thousand Sect boiling!

They once again witnessed the birth of history!

This year's enchanting list is number one, unprecedented!

Pick all the evildoers on the evildoer list, and you will be the first!

The unprecedented number one in the enchanting list, Heavenly God descends to the world, Lin Chen!


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