"Successful, he actually did it!"

"Did you see, this kid doesn't even have any injuries!"

"Too damn strong! Single pick the enchanting list, crush all enchanting evildoers, deserve the first place on the enchanting list!"

"The strongest in all dynasties, this is definitely the strongest first place in all dynasties !"

"It's so exciting, the old man thought that this Peak would be number one,"

"The proud son of the new era is about to appear, and the list of sages may be added. A stunning sage!"

The Four Great Halls are not noisy, but every Saint’s eyes are full of brilliance.

The son of a new age has appeared! Existing enough to fight against the sage list, Lin Chen!

Starting today, the reputation of the enchanting list will rise to an unprecedented Peak!

However, the status of the enchanting list will no longer be as unattainable as in the eyes of the world!

Because there was one person who singled out the entire list of evildoers! Complete this unprecedented feat!

The enchanting list will become the new Legendary, but it will no longer be aloof and remote!

No one expected this scene, because I can't even think about it!

The Zhao Family on the VIP table, Zhao Mingyu, stared at the most eye-catching teenager in the field, and laughed at himself.

Two years ago, he still had the ability to fight him. Two years later, he was complacent and dared to call it a wicked posture, but Lin Chen was no longer present. Xiby.

Even, I can go against the sky to the point of singles out the enchanting list...

"I don’t even have the right to chase after him. Maybe my Zhao Mingyu, except for the power of my ancestors, really There is nothing like Lin Chen..."

On the other side, Ye Family.

Ye Lixue clenched her hands tightly and whispered: "He did it. Could it be that he really has a day to surpass the sage list and become one of the qualifiers of my final plan..."

Ye Lixue was born to live and die for mission.

In order to plan her plan, even the happiness of her biological daughter must be abandoned!

Emotion is the last thing that needs to exist!

If not, the tragedy will never end!

In the center of the venue, Lin Chen put down Fei Qingyue, and the beautiful woman stood still. Seeing the young man bathed in cheers from the audience, his bright eyes flashed with hope.

This is where she used to be yearn for something even in dreams. Now when she is taken away, she is not depressed at all.

Even, there is a faint joy and joy of as it should be by rights.

"If you grow up to fight, if there are no accidents, you should be the first place in this enchanting list."

Lin Chen laughed at Fei Qingyue, and then said, "Since I won If you find your position, then I should give you some compensation."

"Now let go of your heart, and I will give you a chance."

I expected so much here. Mighty, Lin Chen didn’t dare to do anything to herself, but Fei Qingyue was vaguely curious about what he would compensate for herself. When she immediately let go of her mind--

[Consumption of 900,000 points of top-level cultivation technique essence, Start to integrate cultivation memory with the target core method. 】

Fei Qingyue's lovable body trembled, there are a lot of cultivation memories in her mind, this is related to her orange-level high level cultivation technique "Wan Yue Heavenspan" that has not yet been cultivation Perfection!

"He...he can control my cultivation technique cultivation! Lin Chen, who is he..."

Fei Qingyue’s wonderful eyes are full of shock, Lin Chen said with a smile: "Don't be distracted, concentrate on absorbing these cultivation memories."

Fei Qingyue took a deep look at Lin Chen, then stepped back to the VIP table and concentrated on absorbing the cultivation memories.

[The host gets 78.8 million points of suit essence, top essence 5.9 billion points, 2 billion spirit strength points, 4.1 million Fire Element Energy points, cultivation technique essence 200,000 points, rune energy 2.65 million points, Heavenly Dao value 150,000...]

Lin Chen’s spiritual Avatar, after looting all the attribute values ​​dropped on the plane of the broken desert, was returned to Lin Chen’s body.

The atmosphere in the Four Great Halls became more and more heated. When it reached its climax, they had already brought out all the wounded evildoers.

At this moment, the bald old man Yukong flew over, and he smiled heartily.

"Congratulations, little friend Lin Chen, the old man never dreamed that there will be a precedent for the first prize of the enchanting list, and the Peak will continue to be held."

, The bald old man first returned Lin Chen’s mortgage stake, which is his luck, to Lin Chen.

Next, he took out another ring and awarded all the top three rewards on the enchanting list!

The first reward is a Grade 7 Holy Artifact of'Waiyue Tianlan'! Very high value!

The second reward is a high grade spirit plant seed and the highest holy product called the spiritual realm, the Primordial Spirit holy flame!

There are too many magical uses and values ​​of this thing. It can be used for both pill concocting and casting. If it is directly absorbed, it is more likely to make the spirit realm breakthrough!

Lin Chen couldn't help but smile when he took over the lamp with pink flames.

"This Primordial Spirit flame, the Scorching God Throwing Knife breakthrough Grade 8 for me is more than enough, and I can even refining a large part of the Primordial Spirit flame and try to hit a new spiritual realm! "

Get this item, Lin Chen's goal of this trip can be considered Perfection!

"Then, let us usher in this link ahead of schedule today! Let our new enchanting list be number one, when we speak the most famous words!"

At this time, the bald old man laughed loudly. , Saint in the four conference halls is looking forward to it.

Even the evildoers who were defeated by Lin Chen couldn't help looking towards Lin Chen.

The most logical quote on the enchanting list will be burned every time.

Anyone who wins the list of enchanting evildoers needs to share their own mentality and training.

This is also an extremely important link. Every generation of the enchanting list is number one, you can see the leopard in this link, and snoop out a enchanting list first. It has gone through many dangers and hardships to create today’s the first.

Not to mention, this time ushered in, or singled out the whole enchanting list first!

Almost no Saint will miss this link. Everyone wants to deliberate or know some information, why is he so powerful!

Halloween's attention, when everyone was looking forward to it, Lin Chen scratched his head suddenly, chuckled.

"Well, guys, I'm in a hurry, I have more important things to do...this enchanting list is number one, I just took it by the way."

Out, the Four Great Halls were in an uproar!

In a hurry? You get a hairy!

What's important to you, it can be more important than the glory moment of No. 1 on the evildoer list!

Are you special by the way? You can pretend too!

Before all Saints and Mighty people could react, Lin Chen waved said with a smile.

"Let’s do it, everyone, what should you do for the rest. This time I’m just an Avatar, and I’ll have a supper together next time I have time."

Said After that, Lin Chen put on his homemade sunglasses, slowly raised his hand, jokingly said with a smile.

"Say goodbye, we'll meet again some day!"

Slap~! When a snapping finger echoed, Lin Chen's silhouette disappeared into a wisp of smoke under the eyes of All Saints.


At this moment, when Lin Chen disappeared, all the powerhouses of Saint, Da Nengs, and Grade 8 sect were struck by lightning!


Is it a fucking Avatar?

The entire four conference halls once again ushered in deathly silence!

All Saint big eyes staring at small eyes, the pupils are filled with unconcealable shock!

One of his Lin Chen's Avatars, unexpectedly singled out the entire enchanting list?

A single Avatar knocked down all the evildoers on the list of evildoers?

Are you still a human being? What do you think of this enchanting list!

Is my enchanting list shameless!

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