Three days later.

Saint King domain, Divine flame palace.

The Brahma Mountain, the main hall, the banquet, all directions, Ten Thousand Sect presents!

Today, it is the ceremony of the gods of the Divine flame palace! !

What is the Grand Ceremony of Conferred Gods, this is the grand ceremony of Divine flame Palace’s inheritance, the moment when the Palace Lord of Divine flame Palace was born!

The Conferred God Ceremony, the master of the palace of the next generation of Divine flame is canonized!

And today, the Divine flame is ushered in the Grand Ceremony of the Most Changeable God of Gong Fengyun, one of which is competition.

Secondly, only a few people know about it, War Post!

Perhaps today, the Divine flame palace will usher in the first challenger in history, or it may be a bluff!

The previous Divine flame ceremony of Gong Fengshen was passed directly by the Palace Lord to the next generation of pickers.

However, when the Inheritor has a dispute, it needs to pass the Elder Council. If the Elder Council unanimously supports the other party, the rights can be equal to the contemporary Divine flame Palace Lord!

The Divine flame Palace Lord advocates Bai Ruoyan.

Elder Council respects Wu Pianjue.

When this happens, there are only two ways to judge, one is contribution, and the other is strength!

In terms of contribution, Bai Ruoyan, who holds the eternal flame, has shaped or improved a large number of cultivation Secret Realm for the palace true biography, Elder, and the benefits are endless.

Wu Pianjue used Martial God innate talent to modify the drawbacks of a large number of cultivation techniques in the Divine flame palace, which made the power of the Divine flame palace soared in a short period of time, approaching its heyday!

So, the two are equal in terms of contribution, and the only thing left is the strength to speak!

However, this clearly shows who is stronger, Bai Ruoyan and Wu Pianjue are not on the same level at all!

The innate talent may not be bad, but the cultivation time is too short to compare.

However, Bai Ruoyan insisted on fighting, which allowed Divine flame Palace Lord to win the opportunity to challenge Wu Pianjue in the Elder Council and Supreme Elder group!

So, the first suspenseful ceremony of the Conferred God was held here.

Divine flame square in front of Fantian Mountain, the powerhouses of Peak Grade 8 sect, super enchanting, gathered together!

This is the real'top' scene. Those who can enter here and get invited are all characters from the Holy Realm Peak!

The enchanting list is lower than the first two thousand rankings, and they are not even qualified to enter here!

The great characters of all parties gathered, the Sky Tower of Grade 9 sect, the Ten Thousand Beast Sect of the Sun and the Moon, and the Temple of Ten Thousands of Heaven, all sent representatives to attend!

The super evildoers present today have become particularly imprisoned and restrained, even sitting in the corner of the main hall.

In the past, in the outside world, which of them was not treated and existed like a protagonist.

In the outside world, they can arrogant and domineering, but here, which Old Senior is not the legend of the enchanting that was famous in the world?

The Saint King domain is not a mediocre person!

Here is the apex of the holy world.

The front row of the main hall.

The representative of Qingtian Pavilion is the Pavilion Lord and Nine Heavens who has recently exited the customs.

The two maids served him, filling his wine glasses, holding a glass of millennium wine, and savoring said with a smile.

"Hehe, I don’t know what a good show will be this time."

That day, the Divine flame palace battle post shocked Grade 9 of Saint King domain and Sacred Domain. sect!

Only the Grade 9 forces and the ten strongest Grade 8 forces know that there may be a good show today!

"I guess, those people may not come."

At this moment, a joking laughter came, and Xing Nine Heavens looked at the other side. It was the universe of ten directions. The Vice Palace Lord of the Palace, Dongfang Wuying was full of disdain.

Although his figure is thin and short, no one dares to look down upon him. His eyes are like night owls in the night sky, and Nine Heavens jokingly smiles.

"As long as anyone who has lived through that era knows, the Divine flame palace can’t be understood by anyone. The ghost knows that those Old Guys are still there. If those old ghosts were still there, who would dare? Damn the Divine flame palace?"

Sitting on the side of the Sun Moon Ten Thousand Beast Sect Young Sect Master, beautiful and refined, wearing a white skirt with flowing clouds, crescent brows, skin like fat, sitting still elegant and dignified , There are two beautiful blue antlers above his head, which are crystal-clear and beautiful.

She smiled.

"It's hard to say that one arrow that day was heaven-shaking, earth-shattering. Throughout the nine-turn Saint, there are very few who can block that arrow."

While the representatives of the three-party Grade 9 forces are talking--

Divine flame inside the palace, a secret hall, clothes whiter than snow, straightened silhouette, holding a scroll of scripture, serene, and the brow is full of control , Absolute confidence in the power.

It is Wu Pianjue.


A holy light shuttling through the void, when it descends, two purple clothed elders are one-knee kneels.

"God son, things seem a little difficult, then Shangguan Jue will protect everyone in the Dharma-protecting Hall."

"She seems to be accumulating strength. Recently, VIPs have come. The guardians live in the palace for a long time, so we are not easy to do it..."

"In this operation, the old man feels that she is at least on the 5th floor."

, Suddenly feels tricky.

Divine flame is another group force, but recently it allowed them to struggle on whilst at death's door.

The strength of the Dharma Hall and the others should not be underestimated. If they want to support the new Divine flame palace lord, they will be the biggest obstacle!

Even if Wu Pianjue has the support of the Chief Supreme Elder, it is still extremely difficult to exclude a power led by Saint King. The Chief Supreme Elder supports Wu Pianjue, but it does not mean that he will fight for him. .

Those who cultivation to Saint King Realm will not take it easily unless it is the last moment, especially the old monster in Saint King Realm, which is in a semi-retired state.

hearing this, Wu Pianjue put down the scripture in his hand and said calmly.

"It's okay, the trend of the times will not stop because of individual people. In the near future, the VIPs come, don't act rashly. If there is anything, wait until I become the Palace Lord of the Divine flame."

He gave a handsome and cold smile.

"It seems that Shangguan Jue seems to think that he still has hope to come back. Maybe it is the previous war post..."

Speaking of this, the two old men looked Seriously, one of them suggested.

"Martial God, do you want to talk to a few Elders to increase the power of fortification?"

Wu Pianjue frowned suddenly and said indifferently.

"Are you teaching me how to do things?"

The purple clothed Elder trembled, cold sweat, and his knees immediately knelt down: "No... dare not, the subordinates are just small Suggestions..."

"Get up." Wu Pianjue smiled confidently.

"There are three representatives of Grade 9 sect present today, and nine of them are on the sacred list. There are more than one hundred super-class Grade 8 sects, thousands of evildoers, and a guardian standing by me, Divine flame The Palace Elder Council will also sit down in person. Do you think it is possible to make mistakes. Those who post the war, will not even have the courage."

The two old men looked at each other and continued.

"Well, what if the old woman, Shangguan Jue, would cheat on Bai Ruoyan?"

Wu Pianjue seemed to have heard a joke and said calmly: "Competing for the background, Do you think Shangguan Jue and my father have comparability."

"Indeed, this woman Bai Ruoyan has an eternal flame that even father can’t control. It is for her to use. If this woman’s potential can be given to her In time, there is indeed a little probability of catching up with her own son. In the future, she will have the aptitude to become a sacred talent list."

"But now, she has at most battle strength surpassing the enchanting list, but she wants to be my enemy. , It’s a bit too close."

Wu Pianjue spread out the Divine flame heir to the palace token, sneered with her mouth, and sneered with her palms, crushing it with a bang!

"The current Bai Ruoyan is still not qualified to be my opponent."

Seeing that the son of God is more confident, the two old men feel this wave of predictions, they are in the Second Layer, The son of God is at least on the 5th floor.

purple clothed old man jokingly said ——"Yes, Bai Ruoyan, at best, she can be a concubine of the goddess. She is barely qualified to compete for the Divine flame Palace Lord. She is not ranked. "

Wu Pianjue said: "I am not interested in concubine or not. Woman, I am tired of having fun."

His expression reveals intoxication and madness. .

"In this world, there is nothing more interesting than mastering the entire era! The great cause that father could accomplish back then, I can do it with Pianjue!"

"Let the order go on, two After the day, light the torch, and the ceremony officially begins! After taking over the Divine flame palace, I will personally announce the next big plan."


The two old men are about to retreat, among them One person said suddenly.

"The son of God, there is one more thing... the subordinate wants to tell..."


"It is said that there is something like Bai Ruoyan The intersecting boy, Lin Chen of the enchanting list, is born."

Wu Pianjue was very interested: "Oh? That kid who expanded 30,000 times?"

"Yes. After two years of silence, the first thing he did when he returned was to single out the entire enchanting list!"

Wu Pianjue’s calm eyes finally bloomed!

"One-on-one against the enchanting list?"


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