Another day has passed.

Divine flame Palace Lord Hall, standing in front of Fantian Mountain, Divine flame Square is like a sky city, more and more guests flood in.

Such as Shenji Pavilion, Danyu Tianjia, Sword Domain swordsman, etc., all of them are great characters of the highest rank in the Holy Realm!

The three elders of the sword family sitting on the side of the Divine flame square, Jian Sha, Jian Ming and the others, looked at each other.

"I don't know what Qingcheng asked us to come here."

"Hehe, anyway, the Divine flame palace has also invited a lot of forces from Sword Domain. It's better to wait and see the changes."

"His uncle, most likely to have something to do with Lin Chen! He has an affair with this Divine flame Palace Goddess, certainly not obediently surrender, and my little Qingcheng wants to help him again, his kindness is too much. ! Where is that cold girl before?"

"Do you still want to turn back into the cold girl who used to pursue sword dao? If it wasn't for Lin Chen, she wouldn't even want to see you now, so she got a bargain I still sell good old bastard."

The three old men quarreled every day. From the Sword Domain swordsman's side, a total of three "Sword Venerable" came today!

Not only that, but Yan Domain, Battle Domain, Thousand Domain, Heaven Sacred Domain, and representatives of various forces came here, all of them are ruthless characters!

At this time——

"Heaven Sacred Domain Ye Family congratulation, I wish Divine flame forever, Eternal Inextinguishable!"

"Heaven Sacred Domain Zhao Family is here Congratulations on Divine flame's rebirth and immortality!"

Ye Family and Zhao Family are here!

Ye Lixue and Patriarch Zhao walked into the venue with people from each family.

Some super evildoers find it unimaginable. According to the specifications on the surface, Ye Family and Zhao Family do not seem to be eligible for invitation.

However, when the representatives of the Grade 9 forces saw the arrival of the two families, there was a look of memories in their eyes, and they suddenly realized!

And the dísciple of the Divine flame palace, at this time, in the form of two rows of left and right, sitting outside the Divine flame square——

They are wearing the same Divine flame palace gown, the atmosphere But there is not the slightest harmony, on the contrary, all arrows are drawn, and the conflict of desires, there is hidden anger.

The two sides represent the two factions of the Divine flame palace!

One faction stands in the traditional position of the Palace Lord and the protector of Shangguan Jue.

The other party is the emerging faction headed by Wu Pianjue.

In addition, the two sides are filled with the deacon of the Divine flame palace, the protector, the cultivation base of the Sacred Heart and the Open Heaven, almost thousands!

And there are hundreds of seats in the Elder group, not to mention, the last time it was a Saint cultivation base!

The Divine flame is fully demonstrated! Randomly select more than a dozen people to form a team, it is enough to deal a devastating blow to Grade 8 sect!

The powerhouses of the guardian hall are also based on the faction of women, and they are always vigilant against each other.

Among them, Feng Xueer and Shangguan Chen, who had previously intersected with Lin Chen, were among them.

"This day came too soon..."

Feng Xueer stuck out her tongue, "Does that stinky guy want to take over the Divine flame palace so soon?"

Shangguan Chen glared at her: "Don't talk too much, this time is not something we can intervene."

Feng Xueer said suddenly.

"You said, the Lin Chen big brother will come? He singled out the whole enchanting list some time ago!"

This question, I asked Shangguan Chen, he hesitantly said: "With his character, the probability of coming is great. However, there are too many powerhouses in town today. Even if he comes, I am afraid it will not help, sigh..."

Feng Xueer Little stars flashed in his eyes, "No, I believe the Lin Chen big brother will come!"

Shangguan Chen sighed, I hope so.

In the Divine flame Palace Lord, in a secret room, Shangguan Jue, Shen Lingshuang, and Bai Ruoyan will take in the entire scene.

Shangguan Jue, who is full of concentration and experience, cannot maintain absolute calmness at this moment.

After all, if she is working hard on her own, she will not frown.

But, this time she bet on the entire guardian hall!

This time I missed the best time to help the guardians to evacuate, and all the staff stayed in the Divine flame palace to coexist and die.

Many of the powerhouses of the Guardian Hall are super evildoers from the top 1000 of the evildoers list, and many of them have old and small Aristocratic families, influences, sects, and multiple influences behind them. fate!

If Lin Chen does not come, or if he does come with insufficient strength, people from the Wu Pianjue faction will definitely not miss the guardian hall!

By then, either surrender to being a dog, take the side of the evil-doer, and let the female disciple of the Divine flame palace completely degenerate into a'cauldron' to create his powerful hegemony.

Either die to the end, burn both jade and stone.

When the atmosphere is particularly dignified——

"The representatives of the sacred talent list are here!"

As soon as this statement was made, all the voices present suddenly fell silent. !

The super evildoers swallowed their throats subconsciously, and the hidden old monsters from all sides narrowed their eyes. The Grade 8 masters couldn’t help but follow the prestige——

Even in the main hall Shangguan Jue couldn't help narrowing his beautiful eyes.

Holy talent list is the highlight!


The terrifying Shengwei and imposing manner, such as the everlasting Sun, Moon and Stars, shine throughout the Divine flame palace!

Outside the Divine flame Palace Lord, nine people stepped into the Divine flame square at the same time.

This is the moment when everyone is unforgettable! !

The pride of the times, representing the peak of the various domains of the Holy Realm, has stepped into the Divine flame palace square at the same time!

They are walking into the temple, which means that they have given enough the face of the Divine flame palace!

The head of the person, hunched over, walking on tiptoes, shaking his hands, the messy and bloody hair tips contain a pair of baleful aura monstrous eyes.

His whole body is wet with blood, as if crawling out of the sea of ​​blood, and the whole body is surging with billowing blood energy, dripping blood into smoke.

Holy Talent List, Blood Tribulation·Fang Xietian!

Nine people walked side by side, one on the left, exquisite and petite.

When she stepped on her face, she wore a blue skirt like dancing lightly and gracefully butterflies. In the sky, faint cherry blossoms fluttered in the sky, reflecting the beautiful azure eyes of the girl. Cunning and agile, its appearance should be the immortal posture of outstanding beauty, not inferior to any one of the top ten stunning evildoers.

However, the most conspicuous feature is the giant sword the size of a coffin board carried by the girl behind her back!

If that sword has Prestige of Splitting Heaven, its edge will overflow a little, and it will make the enchanting list feel dazzling!

Holy talent list, Giant Sword Sect Young Sect Master, Feihua month by month·Nangong Yue!

Behind the girl is a fair-faced, handsome young man walking slowly.

He was unremarkable in his hemp, closed his eyes, always smiling, his hands like an ancient Buddha with flowers, aloof.

Where the Ma Yi youth travels, the Golden Lotus, the divine might shine in the world, and the Great Dao Divine Light flows around, without any decoration, it can become the center of this world!

Holy talent list, Wufo·Xue Yifan!

Behind Xue Yifan is a silhouette of black armor, calm as water and high as a moutain.

The black-armored youth has muscles like a horned dragon, sharp and capable, strong and bare shoulders are covered with old wounds, and he has a black axe, and his body is filled with terrifying vitality and power, like the Nine Headed Demon Dragon in ancient times.

As soon as the black armored youth appeared, everyone suddenly felt that a Great Desolate Era was coming!

This is the breath he deliberately collected and hid!

All the evildoers almost instinctively believe that if he unbinds, he can destroy 9th Heavenly Layer in one fell swoop!

Holy Talent List, Wild Land Overlord·Absolute Sky Yan!

The fourth on the left, plain robe with long sleeves, gentle and elegant. Pianpian Young Master holds the scriptures in his hand, extremely humble, with the warmth of the spring breeze in his smile, looks like a mortal, only a pair of eyes, with a breathtaking Holy Force!

Holy Talent List, Eternal Young·Dongfanghong!

Beside Dongfanghong, there is a cold and solemn young man, his brows are engraved with a sun pattern, and his eyes flash with golden light. The temperament is like leader personally bringing troops into battle, the monarch comes!

Almost no one dared to look into his eyes, as if he is the destiny, he is the messenger of the great road, extremely domineering!

Holy talent list, the emperor of the day, the cloud breaks the sky!

The one on the far edge of the left is even more mysterious. The beautiful woman has long hair like a waterfall, and she is cold and noble, and she has a stunning appearance. His slender figure is dressed in a blue Battle Armor, and he carries a brachiosaurus on his back. The holy spear, heroic and peerless!

Its sharp-killing temperament, such as piercing the sky, makes all the enchanting evildoers feel a trembling sense of have one's hair stand on end!

Even the older generation of powerhouse looked at her especially, this feeling, like the Asura family back then, is suffocatingly powerful!

Holy Talent List, Promise Asura Qian Yingxue!

And the last two are eighth-like, exquisite and handsome, and they are the stunningly beautiful Young Masters of the world. Compared to Han Yizhi, who is the most beautiful young man in the holy world, it is not much more!

The two beautiful Young Masters are dressed in multicolored veil like clouds of smoke, phoenix eyes, pale moonbrows, and lingering multicolored holy light, which can be described as extremely handsome and elegant, and their temperament is like an immortal immortal.

What’s more mysterious is that there are four dancing lightly and gracefully'beautiful women' beside them, purely condensed from Strength of Primordial Spirit, lingering around them, dancing like elves. , Dancing lithe and graceful.

Holy Talent List, Caifeng Twins·Ji Qianqiu, Ji Ruthless!

Representatives of Peak Grade 8 forces who have not yet known Wu Pian’s plan, breathe a little cold air!

Nine saints on the list of saints!

All the saints of the world, immortal legends!

All those who are expected to become Saint King-like characters in the future appear at the same time!

In this scene, like the Sage era in the ancient times, the kings are present, the sun and the moon are decayed and the Saint King is immortal!

“Can Divine flame palace invite nine sage talents?”

“The old man has a hunch that this time the ceremony of the Conferment of Gods may have a big change. "

"The matter is by no means as simple as the Conferred God Ceremony. The son of Martial God, Wu Pianjue, must have a big plan to make it public."

"Hey, it seems the changes in the Holy Realm It’s getting stronger and stronger. Riding on the tide of the times, we can also fly onto the branches and become Phoenix!"

The Old Feng monsters and hidden powers all looked at each other--

When we met for the first time, a large number of super evildoers personally felt the absolute gap between themselves and the sage list!

The nine Great Saints only entered the venue slowly. The Divine flame palace has already prepared the highest seats, and one after another has been seated.

Only the nine Great Saints sit on the high platform. They are like the sun at high noon. They form an aura of their own, covering everyone’s rays of light!

They don't seem to care about anyone present--

Some sages tear open a packet of snacks and carelessly.

Some sleep on their stomachs.

Some closed their eyes and slumbered.

Some are unearthly, curiously looking around the people present.

Some people owe him two to five to eighty thousand, with a face full of baleful aura scanning everyone.

Some started to eat melons, and some started to play with shrimps.

What's more, some people hold a volume of "Millions of Postures That Night" in both hands. They don't care about the affairs of the palace, and they only read Sage's book. They don't pay attention to the people present at all.

The atmosphere in the venue was suddenly extremely quiet. As soon as the sage list appeared, everyone was quiet!

It is worthy of being a sacred talent list, full of personality...It doesn't take everyone seriously, all the actions seem to say: I can come, just to give you face——

Now , All the guests have arrived, there are nearly 10,000 people present, not many people, but it is particularly spectacular!

Peak figures from the holy world gather together!

At this time, Serene's laughter spread all around.

"Hehe, welcome everyone to stay away, come to my Divine flame Palace to participate in the Conferred God Ceremony."

In the Divine flame Palace Lord, slowly walked out in white clothes, and handsome came out Dust, Unparalleled.

Super evildoers eyes shrank.

This is the son of Martial God who created the orange-level high level cultivation technique, Wu Pianjue!

"Let you come today, one is to be a testimony, and the other is to discuss the major event. As for what happened, the son of God will announce it after the ceremony."

Wu Pianjue When speaking frankly, the old monsters of all influence moved in their hearts, and it was true that these people on the sage list were going to be in trouble!

At this time, Saint, who was in charge of spreading the name, panicked sound transmission.

"Also, there is another guest..."

Everyone was taken aback--

Who else will come at this festival?


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