"The dísciple Bai Ruoyan in my palace, the outsider Wu Pianjue! The rules of the battle comply with the nine chapters and nine articles set by the Guardian Hall. The winner will become the next generation of Divine flame palace. Palace Lord!”

Divine flame Palace Lord’s words of'outsiders' are particularly harsh.

It can be seen that the Divine flame Palace Lord does not like Wu Pianjue and emphasizes his identity all the time!

In the decision of the major event, Divine flame Palace Lord does have the power and decision of Lifting The Heavy As Though It Was Light.

But the Divine flame palace, as a Grade 9 force, will not concentrate its power on someone.

It is the same as the Palace Lord, especially for the first major event like successor, the Elder Council has the same rights as the Palace Lord.

Without a word, Bai Ruoyan rises from the wind and enters the venue decisively!

With such courage and temperament, the hidden old monsters and powerful people present could not help but give a thumbs up in secret.

The person who picked the War Saint talent list is still the son of Martial God, this woman without the slightest hesitation, full of courage!

Wu Pianjue was as calm as water after holding his hands, even with a smile in his mouth.

"If you let me, this outsider, become the Palace Lord, wouldn't it be pa pa pa hitting you in the face?"

"Let’s make things difficult for the Palace Lord."

Bai Ruoyan ran into Wu Pianjue not far away, and his beautiful eyes showed no timidity. "You may not be able to win if you speak wild words."

Wu Pianjue smiled and said nothing, Wei Wei Take a step, no one moves, but the space suddenly splits!

Shih~! The space splits with a tearing sound like a brocade!

Boom~~! !

A mushroom cloud rose up between the two!

"I'm a blue boy, have you started the fight so soon?"

Several super evildoers exclaimed!

They didn't even see how Wu Pianjue moved just now!

This is the strength of the Saint Talent List!

For them, if you go in, you will be killed instantly!

The mysterious thing is that the all around space has not been affected, not even a bit of wind and waves!

Only all around is burning with a faint holy flame all over the ground.

This is the'Holy Flame Space' Formation of the Divine flame palace, which can expand the adjacent space and stabilize the space!

When the fire beacon rolled, and the silhouette of the two appeared, the two sides were unharmed, and it seemed that they were evenly divided?

Wu Pianjue patted the dust on his shoulder, "It’s not bad to receive my palm."

Om~! An Eternal Inextinguishable eternal holy prestige rises in Bai Ruoyan's body, and even the great hall of the Divine flame palace begins to throb!

Bai Ruoyan's pupils turned into a faint orange red, like a sacred flame swaying.


Divine flame Palace Lord sighed, Bai Ruoyan used the'eternal flame' when he came up!

This is a gambling life that has to do everything possible!

Now Ruoyan has finally suppressed the eternal flame, and can barely control the power of the eternal flame! One more second is more dangerous.

She knows that Wu Pian is definitely an extraordinary opponent. In order to win the front line!

The guardian hall and the traditional female disciples are strained...

Bai Ruoyan does not need to be like this, she is for the Divine flame palace, to protect the Divine flame The last bottom line of the palace!

Once Wu Pianjue takes over the Divine flame palace, the'true female disciple' of the Divine flame palace will only become the'cauldron' of their cultivation!

He deliberately changed the core method of the Divine flame palace from the level suitable for women's cultivation to the same suitable men's cultivation, and needs to absorb the cultivation base of women's true heritage to break through higher realm!

Such a modification has two fatal drawbacks.

One is that several core methods of Peak will be weakened to a certain extent after men’s cultivation.

The second is the woman of the Divine flame palace, who will never make her debut.

The Jurchen biography which has passed the examination of the Divine flame palace's rigorous selection of aptitude through the past dynasties will become the'cauldron' of other male true biography cultivation!

Moreover, it's not a male true biography, or even several!

One female for many male cultivation!

The price in exchange for this is that there can be more male outer halls dísciple with the top core method of spirit refinement flame palace, which can expand the power of the Divine flame palace at the'fastest' speed!

Wu Pianjue was slightly surprised, and put away his contempt for Bai Ruoyan: "You can barely be regarded as an opponent, so decisive, even many opponents I have seen are not as good as you."

Bai Ruoyan coldly said: "Every person in the Divine flame palace you killed, I will remember..."

Wu Pianjue said: "Reform requires sacrifice. Still say , Can you alone do better than me to revitalize the Divine flame palace?"

Bai Ruoyan said coldly: "No, it shouldn’t be like this! Divine flame palace is not without choice!"


In the main hall——

Shen Lingshuang saw Bai Ruoyan who was about to work hard and tightened her jade fist.

"It’s no wonder that the Master keeps me cultivation, cultivation, and re-cultivation for the current situation. I hate myself so much that I don’t even have the ability to help Ruoyan elder sister..."

The girl’s blue eyes burned with a different kind of sacred fire, her temperament quietly changed, and her hair started to become snow-white...

Shangguan Jue patted this little girl with a palm. Her shoulders pulled her consciousness back, almost her Martial God bloodline was going to'runaway' again.

Shangguan Jue sighed deeply: "Boy Lin Chen, if you don't come, the Divine flame palace will change drastically..."

Almost tone barely fell ——

Boom~! !

A loud noise, Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move, the crust changes! The fire beacon is rolling and roaring, and the wind is blowing!


The holy flame space in front of the main hall suddenly exploded, and the battle between Wu Pianjue and Bai Ruoyan was interrupted!

And the Brahma Valley in front of the main hall was directly lifted up!

Everyone didn't notice or perceive who made the hand!

The hidden breath is strong, and the clothes are seamless!

The moment the vast Brahma Valley was overturned to in midair, covering the heavens, shielding the sun!

clang! clang! clang! chi!

The sword roars like a dragon, one after another sword light flashing vertically and horizontally cuts the Brahma Valley into several pieces!


Blade Qi came from Nine Heavens, or like Changhong, or like half a month, Blade Qi completely cut Brahma Valley into the First Rank!

Blade Qi, like a cloud and dragon, seems to have some magical power. It ignores the Space Formation all around, penetrates the Formation all at once, and shatters the torch that just ignited the Divine flame at the top of the palace!

At this moment, the sages are shocked!

The Divine flame palace's symbolic flame has been raised!

Who is this eaten a bear's heart and a leopard's gallbladder! Dare to stroke the tiger's whiskers?

All the people of the Elder Council have changed!

The attack launched this time is even more brilliant than before, the breath is hidden perfectly and without blemish, and even the Formation of the Divine flame palace is regarded as nothing!

Such a sudden attack at close range is better than Saint King but also difficult to immediately protect the symbol of the Holy Flame!

The blue guardian standing in the main hall narrowed his eyes.

"This time, I don’t believe it and I can’t find a few of you thieves!"

His stepping into the air flashed, instead of rushing directly to the Blade Qi high in the sky, but instead Get out of the Divine flame and look for'secret mastermind'!

At this moment, Fantian Mountain is suspended in midair and is cut into a row of neatly cut steps.

The steps are from bottom to top, let all the powerhouse subconsciously look up.

I saw that the afterglow of the sacred flame was ignited to the First Rank high platform.

The holy flame burns to the ten thousand zhang of the Brahma steps, illuminating the entire Divine flame palace!

The old man Wuji peeled off an orange and looked at this scene, clicking one's tongue in wonder, and stroking the whiskers said with a smile.

"The Brahma is the platform, and the holy fire is the stage. It's a big show..."

Elder Council A violent Elder was furious on the spot!

"Damn it, so arrogant, get out!"

The 9th layer holy flame burned into a giant palm that covered the sky with a palm of Elder Gao. Run towards the stairs!


The invisible blade light slashed out of thin air like a spiral, cutting this '9th layer Burning Heavens Palm' from Elder Gao into nothingness!

This scene makes the powerhouses of the Divine flame palace startled!

This Elder is not the ordinary Elder of the Divine flame palace. It is the top ten to Elder Gao of the Elder Council. The cultivation base is the eighth Peak Saint!

The other party broke his palm without even showing his real body?

"Don't act rashly! There seems to be someone up there!"

Suddenly, one person said solemnly to Elder Gao.


A gust of wind swept across, and the Saint Wei King was in the world!

"The firework with the Divine flame palace's holy flame as the opening scene is a little less dazzling."

When the awe-inspiring sneer echoes, the holy flame is walking on the burning steps. Here comes a team!

At this moment, the dísciple, guardian, deacon, Elder, and expressions of the Divine flame palace are especially wonderful!

Wu Pianjue's demeanor changed from calm, to serious, to accident, shock, and several times!


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