"The Ceremony of Conferring Gods, Pick the War God Flame!"

"My lord forever, go to the war agreement!"

Qiankun’s coldly shouted, spread throughout the Saint King domain!

At this moment, all the distinguished guests of the Divine flame palace got up in shock, their pupils trembled.

Pick the War God Flame Palace!

Grade 9 giant, splitting heaven and earth apart!

Grade 9 sect is the authority of the holy world!

In the Holy World, there are still people who dare to challenge Grade 9 sect!

This is the Saint King domain! Challenge Grade 9 sect, it means to give all Grade 9 sect a predicament!

This is definitely not a simple challenge and the level is over. This is to warn all Grade 9 sects in the Saint King domain and even the holy world!

Warning of Grade 9 sect in the whole holy world?

Oh my god... this is something they can't even think of!

Who the hell is it? Have such a breathtaking power!

Boom~! !

A gust of holy power is like a deep sea like the sea, rolling up a violent wind, and dominating the Saint King domain!

Everyone's heart is shaken, even the sages who have a very high vision can not help expressing surprise!

On the immense and vast steps, a team is like stepping out of an epic mythology, unparalleled in the past. Not like Saint King, but comparable to Saint King!

They are dressed in uniform black robes, men, women and children, and their temperament is particularly outstanding.

Some are chic and handsome, the rays of light in the holy cave roar with infinite sonic booms, gestures, surging storms of extinction!

Some heroes and dignified Tibetans, their bodies and bodies contain Sun, Moon and Stars, and their heads are covered with five-colored clouds, piled up thousands of rivers and mountains, thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, such as the birth of Heavenly Monarch, leader personally bringing troops into battle!

Some are bold, wearing nine rounds of scorching sun, a round of sun flames like a fire sea cover the sun and swallow the whole world!

Some are reticent, there seems to be a lightning glow in the eyebrows, and the whole body is like a silver snake, thunder is awesome!

Some bodies are like shadows, like hiding the void forever, at a glance, faintly whistling endless Spiritual Storm, covering the stars and covering the moon!

Some are extremely domineering, swallowing the world with anger, dividing the whole body into yin and yang holy light, and suppressing the Qi of Death in the world!

Some divine poise and sagelike features, the absolute confidence that occasionally passes endowed with extraordinary intelligence between the eyebrows, the sages are well-known, and all things are clearly understood.

Some are beautiful, radiant, lithe and graceful dance songs that are soft and slender like a cloud of smoke, and it seems that every melody has hidden secrets.

Some immortals are elegant, and the temperament is like the arrival of an extinct immortal. The silver Holy Splendor brilliance spreads all over the sky, transforming into clouds and fluttering, and there is a magnificent killing intent in the peerless fragrance.

Some blood energy is like a dragon, disillusioned with Immemorial animals such as Qilin and True Dragon, standing above the ground, Saint Physique seems to have a wild ancient giant creature lurking!

Some are spirited, seemingly ordinary old man, but his eyes are full of blood, and the bone-burial baleful aura is so strong that he dare not look directly at his eyes easily!

Some have a bitter temperament, both hands crossed near chest, stepping like a dragon, citing Supreme Blade Qi, Huan Zhengzheng and dragons! Blade Intent vertical and horizontal hundreds thousand li, alone breaking through the ages and the present!

Some people are indifferent, with hands down, sword lotus grows step by step, sword light falls into the sky, Heaven and Earth changes! Sword intent swept Three Thousand World!

At this moment, don't say that the Divine flame palace, the entire Saint King domain, and the various Grade 9 forces have all exploded!

All Peak Saints can clearly perceive the strong oppression of this team!

Representatives of Grade 9 sect were suddenly startled!

This team is so powerful that even Saint King can hardly resist it!

A total of sixty-two people!

The lowest cultivation base is also the four Peak cultivation bases of Rank 7 and it has the taste of being promoted to Rank 8 Saint at any time!

The eight-turn Peak Saint, sixteen people!

Nine-turn Saint, twenty people!

Nine-turn Peak Saint, there are 18 people!

But, the four behind the most terrifying team!

Everyone is a half-step Saint King!

Four and a half steps Saint King!

But with such a strong lineup, as the representatives of Grade 9, they are knowledgeable and have extensive knowledge of the history of the Holy Realm, but they can't recognize the origin of any one of them?

It seems that this team, like appear out of thin air, does not exist in the history of the holy world at all!

Too mysterious! It is too weird to imagine their origin!

"My God..."

"What kind of team is this! This is so much too strong!"

"Could it be that! Do you remember, those Grade 8 sects that were destroyed some time ago!"

"The old man didn't even recognize them. What is the origin of these people?"

All the strong expressions were horrified, and the Grade 8 powers looked at each other in horror.

They are all Old Fox, and instantly think of the destruction of the various Grade 8 forces in the previous period!

It is very likely to have something to do with this team!

"It's really here..."

Divine flame Palace Elder meeting, ten people to Elder Gao stand up! The look is particularly solemn! !

The challenger of the'Star Wars Post' of that day is really here! Such a terrifying team!

The people above, anyone who joins the Divine flame palace is the level of the right side!

There are many more. The cultivation base alone is not inferior to the current ten to Elder Gao!

Seeing this moment, Bai Ruoyanfang's heart throbbed, and there seemed to be a small lightning in his heart, his heart was numb and warm, and the eternal flame in his body suddenly fell silent.

Wu Pianjue squinted his eyes, said with a sneer——"Is there anyone who is not afraid of death?"

"Hey, there is a good show to watch."

The representatives of the three major Grade 9s glanced at each other and looked at the Divine flame side in a playful manner.

When the Elder Council was preparing to talk with the other party on sound transmission, what everyone did not expect was--

On the top of the Brahma Terrace, the four seven-turn Peak Saints headed by, With a bang, it turned out to be one-knee kneels!

Boom~! shua! shua! shua!

The wind is dancing wildly, holy light is pouring in this moment!

There are a total of 31 steps, and one powerhouse stands side by side on the left and right sides of each step.

This mysterious team, whether it is men, women or children, salutes one by one!

They are either one-knee kneels, or lean over and bend over, or bow their heads and bow to salute!

"Welcome to my lord!"

This scene is like a historic moment that has been fixed in everyone's eyes, no one is surprised, no one is afraid!

All the dísciple, deacon, and Elder of Grade 8 and Divine flame palace, instantly numb the scalp!

A chill came from the soles of their feet and went straight to the top of the head!

Be aware that every powerhouse above is equal to or surpasses the Divine flame Palace Elder Club and is chasing the peerless powerhouse at the Divine flame Palace Lord level!

However, these stunning powerhouses that can also become great characters in Grade 9 sect, all bow their heads and salute, one-knee kneels!

Eight turn Saint, kneel and greet!

Nine-turn Saint, one-knee kneels!

Half a step Saint King, bow down to welcome you!

Everyone's breathing seems to stop abruptly at this moment!

Their eyes dare not leave the top of the Brahma Steps for a moment!

Everyone held their breath, trembling, horrified, and even the cerebral cortex was heating up!

What kind of character is it that can be qualified to let these powerhouses meet with such solemn etiquette?

Even the saints of the saints list may not have this qualification!

There is no such ability to convince them!

The expressions of Shangguan Jue and Shen Lingshuang in the main hall are even more exciting! Cheers!

The girl chanted the name of Master, and the Venerable Dharma protector even called the face of Teme!

At the focal point of ten thousands, I saw a shadow on the Brahma steps!


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