A shadow appeared from the top of the Brahma High Platform, tearing through the clouds!

Roar~! !

a dragon roar chants Heaven and Earth!

Divine flame Outside the palace, when he threw an empty blue guardian about to return to the palace, his pupils shrank slightly!

As one of the two Great Protectors, the blue protector has a wide range of knowledge, and he can read all living creatures.

However, at this moment, he was shocked by the scene in the sky above the Divine flame and muttered to himself.

"My God, does this thing exist in the present world after the legendary battle!"

Divine flame Palace Lord in front of the palace——

a dragon roar yin broke everyone's illusions and shook the heartstrings of all powerhouses!

The first thing that caught everyone's eyes was neither Old Senior nor peerless powerhouse, but a scarlet gold dragon claw!

The vast golden dragon claw tore through the ten thousand zhang high-altitude clouds, and then, an Ancient Dragon shining with golden light turned out!

Dragon's Might rolls through all directions and smashes the Eight Wastes in Fengyun Town!

The clouds above the entire Divine flame palace are all washed away by Dragon's Might, and Divine Dragon is born!

It is dozens of ten thousand zhangs long, like a long river. The dragon body is wrapped around scarlet clouds, lying on all fours, with five claws; Qilin head, carp tail, face with long beard and horns like deer , Chixia rises.

On the dragon body, every piece of golden dragon scales is glowing with the brilliance of scarlet gold, evolving the signs of the former Dragon Clan!

The'Overlord' from the wasteland, Jue Tianyan, stood up abruptly, looking at the ancient dragon shining with golden light, ejaculating in his eyes, and roaring in excitement and shock.

"Divine Dragon! This is the Dragon Clan with Divine Dragon bloodline!"

Divine flame All the people up and down the palace, and even all the guests, were shocked by this scene.

Dragon's Might is permeating the space, between Heaven and Earth, the shadow of the dragon is wandering, and the song of the dragon is singing and singing faintly!

It seems that what is presented in front of everyone is not a Dragon Clan, but a dazzling civilization and history belonging to Dragon Clan!

At this moment, who can keep calm? I'm afraid no one is there!

Divine flame All the guests from the palace immediately explode!

"My ancestors...this is the real Ancient Dragon! The old man actually sees the real descendants of Divine Dragon in his lifetime!"

"I'm still the first in so many years I saw the descendants of Divine Dragon once!"

"Dragon Clan challenged my Human Race?"

"What Divine Immortal is this!"

"This damn is still a descendant of Ancient Dragon! My God!"

"The dragon horn is like red jade, and the dragon's body surrounds the red clouds. The dragon scales golden light shines, and the dragon claw cuts the sky. This It’s the real Taixi Ancient Dragon!"

"I set it up!"


Almost all powerhouses are crazy and even forget to come by themselves Participated in the Conferred God Ceremony!

The super evildoer is even scared to stay in place!

In history, there will only be distant legends and very few Dragon Clan Plane descendants of Divine Dragon descendants, Holy Realm Infinite Human Race, those who have seen descendants of Divine Dragon, can be counted on one's fingers!

This is a real existence comparable to the descendants of the Demon Emperor and descendants of the gods!

It can be seen from its body that the Divine Dragon, which once soared under the stars in the world, is such a majestic angzo, it is a miracle of the spirit of all things!

"No, look! On the Divine Dragon, there is a sedan chair!"

"On the sedan chair, there is someone!"

There is someone who can exclaim For a moment, all the great powers of Grade 8, Divine flame palace urged the Holy Force up and down, or mentally perceive it!

When you witness the Divine Dragon there is a palace-like pride, it is instantly struck by lightning!

What the hell is this Divine Immortal! Can surrender a descendant of Divine Dragon to carry a sedan chair?

That is the Dragon Clan peerless Heaven's Chosen who is equivalent to the sage rank of the sacred talent list!

On potential, identity, and battle strength of the same level, the descendants of Divine Dragon are by no means inferior to Supreme Existence such as the sons of Demon Emperor and descendants of gods!

It is placed in Dragon Clan, which is the great character of Supreme, so it will lift the sedan chair for Human Race?

That's a scene that I can't even think about...

Today is actually present in front of my eyes! Everyone's world view has been subverted!

Wu Pian stared at the proud man above, squeezing out a few unbelievable words between his teeth.

"Divine Dragon lifts the sedan chair?"

Even the facial expressions on the sage list are very exciting!

The descendants of Divine Dragon, who are of the same level as them, will go to lift a sedan chair for a Human Race?

What kind of person is he who is qualified to sit inside?

Saint King does not have this qualification either! !

Under the focal point of ten thousands, the stalwart Ancient Dragon of Angzang hovered down from the sky, and the vast Dragon's Might pressed the palace guarding array of the Divine flame palace'ka ka sound', and the atmosphere appeared The crack!

When the dragon body flew down, all powerhouses finally clearly saw the silhouette on the dragon sedan!

On the dragon and phoenix chair shining with golden light, sits a peerless young man, and next to him is a group of stunning beauties!

A flamboyant young man, the silver robe is like snow, with a jade belt around his waist, and starlight embellishment, shining brightly. A pair of sword eyebrows flew up to reflect the star pupils, handsome and evil, the temperament between the eyebrows passed by, and the eyes were directly below the Divine flame palace!

This scene makes all the evildoers unforgettable!

Beside the young man, there are Heavenly Immortal like clouds, and there are crowds of magnificent and beautiful people!

The gentle and lovely Rui Beast girl gently leaned over, shaking a pair of white jade-like delicate arms, beating his legs.

The crimson beauty woman with crescent brows leaned behind the boy, and the jade hand gently pinched his shoulders for him, with very gentle movements.

Tsing Yi Fairy is elegant and dignified, and if she does not stain the dusty Azure Lotus Fairy in the world, she raises her jade finger and sends a divine fruit gently to the boy's mouth.

The young master of the swordsman who is full of the country, has a slender figure, a red snow, and is extremely shy. He is as beautiful as Heavenly Immortal, just like a sleeping beauty, and fell drunk on the right knee of the young man.

The Little Demon Empress, one of the ten most beautiful in the enchanting list, is even more semi-snowy fragrant shoulder, lying slightly on the young man’s left knee, with a beautiful lip corner outlines a sly smile, a collarbone outlines, snow The neck is like a swan, beautiful and incomparable, with a smile and a frown, it can be described as charming and inverting the enchanting of sentient beings!

The last glamorous Fairy is even more sultry, leaning against the boy’s arms, three thousand green silks resembling snow and silver silks, her body is delicate but showing flawless lines, her lips are crimson, and her veil is like The smoke stains autumn frost, like a cold moon hanging on the horizon, far away and out of reach.

She is like a lazy kitten, leaning against the arms of a teenager, he is holding Fairy's weak and boneless waist with one hand, and with one hand leaning on his cheek, with a cynical smile on the corner of his mouth.

Six stunning Heavenly Immortal-like beauties, set off against the juvenile kings like the game world, cynical, leader personally bringing troops into battle proud of the world!

The moment the ancient Dragon shining golden light approached the Brahma steps, the silver robe boy slowly got up, leaving the beautiful lady alone in the chair.

Many powerhouses opened their mouths slightly, their mouths trembling, and their appearance was particularly dull.

He walked slowly down the dragon sedan chair and down the Brahma Tiantai.

Every time the young man walks down a step, two peerless powerhouses bow their heads to greet him, or kneel to greet him!

Time seems to be frozen in this scene!

Divine Palace is a superb view, with Brahma as a platform, and Ancient Dragon carrying a sedan chair.

View Saint King Foreign Domain, Grade 9 hundred. The Divine flame flickered, suddenly lost.

This boy, Long Chi Wanli, wants to compete with Saint King!

An unprecedented fighting intent turned into a turbulent trend, centered on the youth, with 62 powerhouses, broke out, rose to the sky, and swept the entire Divine flame palace!

Divine flame All the people up and down the palace, the pressure on everyone has increased sharply!

It seems that every time he takes a step, he must press the Divine flame back!

Countless powerhouses have changed their colors!

The fighting intent of this group of people is too terrifying! It seems to be irreconcilable with the Divine flame palace, so domineering!

Under the focal point of ten thousands, the silver robe boy walked step by step from the Brahma Terrace to the front of Zhu Qiang!

Lin Chen, step into the Divine flame palace!


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