The huge palm grandiose that burns the 9th layer Flame Seal hits the sky.

Each flame giant palm is as large as ten thousand zhang, carrying the high temperature of burning mountains and boiling the sea, causing space distortion!

It's not that the greater the offensive, the stronger the formidable power, the ten thousand zhang huge 9th layer Burning Heavens Palm, will concentrate the lethality more concentrated, enough to easily crush an Open Heaven Realm Perfection!

You know, Wu Pian is nothing but Perfection of the Holy Mind! This hand alone is enough to kill a large number of late Open Heaven realm and even Perfection!

There are two hundred tricks for the 9th layer Burning Heavens Palm, which is like a palm breaking the veins of the mountains, annihilating the Star River absolutely, and falling like a rain of fire to Lin Chen's position!

This move, placed in the eyes of the evildoer, is almost always a god, and placed in the holy talent list is just a common operation.

Nine Great Saints are all staring at Lin Chen, how does he deal with it?

"Two hundred tricks? Who do you look down on so much!"

Lin Chen laughed up to the sky, full of madness!

The scarlet flames ignited in the palms of his hands, and when the core method was running, the massive Holy Force burned violently, pushing his hands horizontally, and slapped in angrily!

[The host activates instant light splitting and consumes high level innate talent points...]

Boom~! !

Lin Chen’s palm shoves and rolls endless scarlet, and the anger turns into a sky-shaking giant palm, sweeping away like a squally storm, bursting out in an instant!

"This handsome is forced to add fifty, and give you two hundred and five!"

Lin Chen's laughter made countless super enchanting scalps numb! The Elder, deacon, dísciple, and dísciple of the Divine flame palace are even more shocking!

This Lin Chen is also the 9th layer Burning Heavens Palm!

It is still cultivation to the same level as Wu Pian, zero weak spot, seamless!

Moreover, no more, no less, just two hundred and fifty moves!

There are fifty more matches against Pianjue!

Does it really imply that my son of Martial God is not good?

Boom! boom! boom!

The entire Heaven and Earth, suddenly exploded like a bomb!

Two waves of sky-shielding heat are crushed together, causing space distortion, and they are continuously and quickly restored, the sound is like thunder roaring endlessly!

Even if the space is separated, many Saints below the open sky are still deafened and their eardrums are about to split.

This power, too terrifying! If it weren't for Saint King to sit and fall in the Divine flame palace, you would have to raze to the ground within several millions!

Wu Pianjue’s total acupoint expansion is 10550 times, and the total condensing acupoints is 2120 times. Each condensing acupoint is compared with the multiple of the acupuncture expansion. In addition, the ten holy caves of Life and Death Realm have a total increase of five times. The realm is doubled, and the Holy Mind is doubled. The formidable power of the Holy Force alone is enough to reach the astronomical figure of 40284 power!

Each palm of the '9th layer Burning Heavens Palm' has exceeded 40,000 powers. This wave down, it is simply pushing thousands of planes horizontally, like Prestige of Splitting Heaven!

While Lin Chen's total acupoint expansion is 157,565 times, the total condensing point is 53,500 times at this stage! The limit of Holy Force is 27970, and Holy Force alone is nearly three grades away from Wu Pian!

The heat wave swept through the sky, Lin Chen's blade light circulated around him, like a butterfly dancing, the flying knife streamer shattered the aftermath of the heat wave, and he urged the'Jade Jade Garment' again, and the fire wave couldn't invade him. .

The sword protects its lord, with a spiritual heart. It is the Grade 8 holy sword of Lin Chen, a spiritual sword!

Everyone can see that Lin Chen is strong, but Wu Pian is a little better in this wave of competition!

But Lin Chen’s battle strength is still shocking the world!

chi! Tear~!

Wu Pianjue pointed to the white glow, tearing through the heat wave, with a calm expression——"Interesting."

He turned into a glow, shuttling through the void like fire glass!

Lin Chen's backhand pointed to the "Finger of Wind Demon Death", shredding the white glow of the void, and spreading out the heavenly demon nine wings, a thousand miles in a flash!

Boom~! Even though Lin Chen was moving at extreme speed, the space behind him suddenly cracked, fisting like a knife, Wu Pianjue punched him hard on the top of his head!

Lin Chen turned around like a dragon, Holy Force burst out, raised his hand and knocked away with an elbow!

Bang~! When the air wave exploded, Wu Pian was chased by the desperate desire to win, and the Lingxi flying knife turned into a white glow and penetrated through it, forcing him to flash sideways——

Lin Chen took advantage of the momentum to retreat, soared into the air, and borrowed The gap created by "Lingxi" volleyed a whip leg to Wu Pianjue's head!

Wu Pianjue's palm shook, like a black hole, absorbing and eliminating Lin Chen's Holy Force, backhand shook Lin Chen, and a claw to Lin Chen's sacred heart position!

Lin Chen's shoulders tremble sharply, his energy goes through Changhong, his five fingers clenched his fists, the fist wind is like a vortex, he violently beats away, circle and claw, and a cloud of mushrooms soaring into the sky!

Tear and pull~!

The Lingxi flying knife cut across again, and the blade glow flickered like a snow flake. Wu Pianjue immediately stepped on the "fire glaze thousand magic steps", and a fire cloud-like holy light was formed under his feet, and the whole body phantom Appeared behind Lin Chen like a lost track!

When he avoided the throwing knife, he punched Lin Chen with his head!

I don’t know, Lin Chen didn’t hide and advance, Wu Pianjue’s this fist hasn’t come out yet, his Holy Force transformed magic wings unfolded, and he slammed on the soles of his feet, unexpectedly pushing with his back. Hit Wu Pianjue from behind!

In the light and flint, Lin Chen's hands are like eagle claws, and Wu Pianjue's wrists are locked, and his shoulders exert strength. In an instant, the wind is four rolls, and the space is shattered. Lin Chen actually took Wu Pianjue's back. Fell off!

Who knows, Wu Pianjue's five fingers suddenly grabbed the void, and he fixed his figure in midair, rotating his body, holding Lin Chen with his hands back, and slamming his arm, and he also threw Lin Chen out. !

Fall back!

Lin Chen spins in the air, and when he resolves his strength, he punches in the air!

Wu Pian sneered and fisted!

Boom~! boom!

Lin Chen took ten steps back.

Wu Pian retreated three steps.

The two stepped into the void, their eyes were sharp. The wind was like a knife, screaming anger, and the two robes were rolled up, not at all messy!

chi! Immediately afterwards, Wu Pianjue fisted and took a hundred palms, the momentum was like a storm, and the infinite wind blades crushed the universe! This is the new orange-level intermediate Absolute Art, and it is also the orange-level intermediate Absolute Art with hundreds of tricks!


Lin Chen's second throwing knives'Ben Lei' was born, with two knives in his hands, Lin Chen flicked awe-inspiringly, and the innate talent launched the'Lotus Dance', and the sky full of lotus blade glow was twisted!

The blade glow flashes fascinatingly, and the horrible wave of the lotus blade glow shatters Wu Pianjue's palm! [Strengthening +15] Grade 8 is full of sharp edges!

Shih~! Wu Pianjue greeted with another palm. This palm was like a five-colored cloud, but it was burning with a divine might that burned and swallowed blood!

Lin Chen holds the "Frozen Sky" and slashes with a sword! Holding a sword in both hands, a sword'billions of starlight' stirs the Star Fragmentation River, cutting off the bloodthirsty five-color cloud palm prints!

The sky exploded, and the eyes of Sword Domain's three major'Sword Venerable' suddenly rose!

Seeing the two people flashing all over the sky, the super evil spirits were stunned!


"What Divine Immortal are these two people!"

"I can't even perceive where they are, too It's terrifying!"

"A thousand tricks in a flash, this is the battle between the man who singled out the enchanting list and the son of Martial God... as strong as a monster!"

The super evil spirits are trembling, and even the first and second revolution Saints have a sense of scalp tingling!

With their cultivation base and vision, they can barely see the trajectory of the battle and the traces of their shots!

The fighting of two people, without the slightest muddle!

The Ancient Ones with more than three revolutions can be said to be so excited!

Especially the melee combat just now, not to mention the culmination of various battle skills, have the words at hand, even the dodge, defense, counterattack, dismantling moves, breaking moves, early in the melee combat Predict and prepare in the next moment!

The fighting of two people is like a performance arranged in advance. It is extremely smooth and free to send and receive. It can be described as extremely smooth, and every move is terribly accurate!

Nine Great Saints are more or less, cast their eyes on the battle.

The Nine Great Saint and the Saints and Saint Kings of rank 7 and above can all tell——

Wu Pianjue, haven’t been serious yet!

He uses the Divine flame palace’s cultivation technique and battle skill from beginning to end!

Wu Family’s Absolute Art, and his own cultivation technique, haven’t come up yet! Holy Artifact One piece has not been used!

In contrast, Lin Chen has already used three Grade 8 Holy Artifacts!

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