"You can't go wrong, nearly 28,000 powers, this Lin Chen's cultivation base is very likely to have reached the holy state of mind!"

"But, it's not right Lu, why didn’t his offensive have the Qi of Death from Life and Death Realm?"

"Lin Chen’s Holy Force is so much different from Wu Pian. He is in meet force with force. How to block Wu Pianjue's remaining strength! Defensive battle skills are not enough!"

"It's his Holy Artifact, good fellow, his battle robe comes from the hands of a real casting giant !"

"This is the Grade 8 defensive Holy Artifact that the old man has seen. It is the strongest defensive Holy Artifact I have ever seen! second only to Grade 9 defensive Holy Artifact!"

Sword Domain's Ancient One's eyes are shining, shocked and puzzled, what realm is Lin Chen?

The blue guardian who maintains the battle space can't help narrowing his eyes.

"Unexpectedly, this child is so powerful...the battle strength is comparable to or even stronger than the second-turn Saint! Its reaction speed is equivalent to the third-turn Saint!"

"Most sage talents in the sacred talent list have already entered the open world, but Wu Pianjue still stays in the Saint 8th layer's sacred heart. With this child's battle strength, perhaps Wu Pianjue can come up with true strength."

"After this battle, Wu Pianjue may be able to use his hand to perfectly advance to the Open Heaven Realm. Although Lin Chen this child is strong, in the end it is just a stepping stone that's all."

Divine flame At the height of the palace, Lin Chen and Wu Pianjue turned into countless afterimages and streamers to fought back and forth. The speed was already fast below one turn of Saint, and even the battle was almost unclear!

Elder Gao, the top ten of the Elder Council, is even more horrified!

The two men's tricks are predicting each other throughout the whole process! Lin Chen predicted Wu Pianjue, Wu Pianjue predicted Lin Chen's prediction, Lin Chen then predicted Wu Pianjue's prediction and then predicted, Wu Pianjue then predicted Lin Chen's double prediction...

As a result, every move of the two of them did not lock each other, every move was perfect and without blemish, but they were broken every time!

It's like a dance rehearsed countless times beforehand, and it's flowing smoothly! These two people sublimated the'battle' into an'art'-like existence!

Lin Chen is more than twice as strong as when he was in Demon Realm! The instant speed of his spirit alone was far faster than that at the time!

Furthermore, who was the servant who practiced with Lin Chen during this period, who was not the Legendary figure of the year? They practiced Lin Chen, and the combat experience they gave back was far beyond that of ordinary opponents!


The two punched each other, and when they stepped back again, the aftermath of the attack was repeatedly resisted by the circling starlight of the "Star Chase Tianchen Robe".

[Host gets 20,000 intermediate enhancement points, 290,000 top cultivation technique essence, 1.2 billion high level innate talent points, top Fire Element Energy 50 million points...]

Lin Chen laughed and laughed heartily!

"hahaha, cool! It's cool!"

The enchantments and the powerful are blushed with shame......

Damn, this Lin Chen is really a pervert , They all squeezed a cold sweat while watching the battle, how can this be called cool?

This guy, absolutely nominated for the sage list!

For Lin Chen, this Wu Pianjue attribute is really worth it! Fight all the way and fall all the way!

This Wu Pianjue is simply a treasure trove of attribute values ​​for walking, the more you fight, the more!

"The warm-up is complete, right, come on, this handsome will force you to walk a six!"

Lin Chen carefreely smiled, raising his hand and snapping his fingers!

Slap~! [The host has triggered 36 times of super chaos by launching against a hostile target, and the chaos state lasts: 59 seconds.

Om~! Wu Pianjue's mind suddenly became a mess, countless strange thoughts appeared indiscriminately, his limbs twitched, and the blood flow in his whole body was chaotic, as if his whole body was not at his disposal!


Wu Pianjue has seen how many big scenes, this kind of random state, it is not difficult for him to be the son of Martial God!

chi! Tear~!

Almost at the same time, a gray-white talisman fell from the sky and exploded suddenly!

【Consume 30 million top rune energy to activate Rune of Slowness. 】

As soon as this Rune of Slowness came out, even the blue guardian's color changed slightly!

The holy fire space where he himself sits, all around the void Spiritual Qi flow becomes particularly slow and solidified, almost three times below Saint, impossible to move a single step! Even running Holy Force is very difficult, almost in a state of being slaughtered!

Super Chaos and Rune of Slowness work together, and even the nine Great Saints are slightly surprised by this hand!


Lin Chen flashed several thousands li instantaneously, and slashed away with his sword at close range!

The cold and biting starlight sword glow contains a sharp edge far beyond Grade 8 holy sword. One sword divides one hundred and fifty swords into the'billion starlight', which cuts Wu Pianjue obliquely!

The countless starlight slashing mans seems to envelop Wu Pianjue——

The corners of his mouth are raised, slightly thinking of incantion.

"My Divine Art, Wu Xin is at ease..."


Almost instantly, Wu Pianjue's body was like an electric current flowing in it, all the'super chaotic' state was cleared, and the limbs did not tremble, reviving the man's glory!

"It is a martial arts curse to wipe out all negative states!"

Divine flame Palace Elder Council and the others eyes solemn!

Between the electric light and flint, Wu Pianjue's hands are covered with a pair of golden brilliance glittering gloves, which are entwined with gold threads, and there is a divine might hiding!

Grade 8 Holy Artifact,'Shenwu Variety Gloves'!

"Satisfying the moon."

Wu Pianjue raised her hand slightly, and the palm of the right hand covered with gold filaments rotated slightly, and a magical suction force was like a vortex, swallowing the stars and the moon. , Actually absorbed all the slow space nearby, and returned to its original state!

"Star Fragmentation."

The palm was covered with streamer, Wu Pian Jue slapped it with his palm, and smashed all the peerless sword glow that was enough to smash millions of continent plates!

The left hand Nayue breaks Rune of Slowness, the right hand Star Fragmentation crushes hundreds of millions of starlight!

Wu Pianjue raised his hand to shake, and all the broken light of sword glow was concentrated in one!

"Hold the sun!"

The palm of the hand suddenly fell into pieces!


All Lin Chen's offensives have been broken!

"Oh? Is it finally true? I have hammered a lot of fake descendants of God before. For real descendants of God, I want to try today to see how it feels!"


Lin Chen is not only not surprised, but full of excitement!

Wu Pianjue sneered: "Lin Chen, you are qualified to be my opponent!"

Tone barely fell, Wu Pianjue stepped on, with brilliant brilliance floating under his feet, stepping sideways A flash——

The Saint complexion under the cultivation base of all four turns greatly changed!

At the speed just now, even they didn't react!

At this moment, the nine members of the Shengcai List are showing great interest!

Wu Pianjue, finally serious!

"It's too fast, this is...Martial God Absolute Art, orange-level high level movement method battle skill "Martial God step"!"

"This is still known as the orange-level high The Absolute Art of the first movement method in the level! Created by Martial God, matchless in the world! Together with the peerless movement method of the orange-level high level, it may not be comparable to "Martial God Step"!"

The Elder Councils are ecstatic!

Once the Martial God child is serious, Lin Chen this child will undoubtedly lose!

If the cultivation difficulty of the orange-level intermediate cultivation technique is 100, then the orange-level high level cultivation technique is 10,000!

Once the orange-level high level cultivation technique is used in the battle, the trend will be completely different!

Not to mention, the "Martial God Step", which has the reputation of "the first movement method Absolute Art", is performed by the son of Martial God, and the speed is almost continuous across the plane of the void!

Bang~! Boom~!

Almost the same moment when Wu Pianjue disappeared, Lin Chen's silhouette hit the spot!

Everyone didn't even see when Wu Pianjue passed by!

Ten Great Elders showed a knowing smile, this scene, as it should be by rights!



With a cracking sound, Lin Chen's silhouette actually burst into countless clouds of light and blood like broken lights!

The'Martial Venerable' Xue Yifan suddenly opened his eyes, and for the first time a trace of shock appeared in his calm expression!

"He also used the orange high level movement method?"

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