
At this time, another arrow exploded, and Lin Chen's arrow was shattered frontally for the first time!

Wu Pianjue’s Holy Force cultivation base temporarily surpassed him in the breakthrough realm!

However, Lin Chen still has something to do! With a touch of his palm, Hengkong Ji slammed three sharp points!

clang! clang! clang!

Three snow flakes of blade glow flashed out, it was Lin Chen’s three Grade 8 flying knives! Ben Lei, Shao Shen, Ling Xi!

Three peerless flying knives were divided into five, and the blade glow flashed randomly. When Wu Pianjue's arrow was shredded, two flashes enveloped him at a flash-like speed!

"No matter how good the flying knife, no matter how strong the cultivation technique is, the cultivation base rubbish will not be able to show decent strength, break for me!"

Wandering the dragon meandering, putting away the Destroying-Heaven Bow, pulling up the'variety glove' and beating repeatedly.

Holy Force is overwhelming, with its punches like a dragon, like a raptor lying on its head, hitting a thousand shots at close range, catching a flying knife empty-handed, and breaking the blade light with a fist!

The storm-like fist shadow tore through the void, and shot down the sharp blade glow in the air!

Shih~! Tear~!

Doesn’t know, blade glow cut open Wu Pianjue’s First Layer defense, Taishi Dragon Qi was broken, and on the defense of his Second Layer'Purple Glow Sacred Armor’, it triggered [ Destruction explosion].

A series of blade glow exploded, making Wu Pian Jue qi and blood toss, pinched a cold sweat, and almost broke the defense!

For his Martial God son, "scars" and injuries represent shame!

Since he was born, no one has been able to hurt him Wu Pianjue except for being slapped and slapped by his father!

Boom! boom! boom!

At the moment the blade glow burst, the whole sky was shaken!

What exploded was not only Lin Chen's flying knife offensive, but also the natural phenomenon of the cave in the sky!

This time, it's Lin Chen's turn to start condensing his acupoints!

The nine-color holy light vortex exploded in a series of explosions, and the Holy Force condensed more and more condensed, almost a thousand sounds burst out in a few breaths!

One thousand five hundred hits, two thousand hits, coming one after another!

In the entire history of the Holy Realm, no one has been able to achieve the imposing manner of condensing acupoints and equalize the rank of sages and advance to the Open Heaven realm!

Lin Chen may be the first, or maybe the last!

"My God, how many times does he want to condense acupuncture points!"

"It's more than two thousand times! It hasn't stopped, it's still rising!"


"I'm fucking convinced, the person who had a relationship with Demon Realm was really Lin Chen!"

At this moment, Lin Chen’s power of condensing the hole, breaking the realm, No less than Wu Pianjue's power to advance to the Open Heaven Realm!

The nine-color holy light vortex that covers the stars and covers the moon directly rushes out of the shackles of the holy fire space, and even the blue guardian can’t restrain it!

Jiuguang holy light vortex extends from the Divine flame palace all the way to the outside, tens of thousands of miles, hundreds of millions of miles, covering all around all directions, expanding more and more, triggering a series of explosions!

The power of the entire Saint King domain is shocked!

Every burst of sound means that the owner of this natural phenomenon has doubled his acupuncture point!

"It's almost two thousand five hundred! It really surpassed the total condensation multiple of the sage in a single time of condensation?"

"What is the origin, what is this person?"

" Backing?"

"It's the direction of the Divine flame palace, eh? Someone chooses the War God flame palace? What's going on!"

"It's condensed three thousand times, also Don’t stop!"

"Quick! Start Sect Protection Great Array, damn, this condensing point is about to spread to us!"

"The youngster is really getting more and more It's fierce, the old man only retreats for two epochs, this holy world is not going to change? A single condensing point is three thousand times! What a joke!"

Saint King domain, those retreats The deeply hidden old monsters were all shocked out of the game!

Those superb Grade 8 forces with extremely strong background and almost semi-retired have to turn on Sect Protection Great Array in order to avoid the power of Lin Chen's cave!

Be aware that when Lin Chen condensed the cave, the entire Foreign Domain battlefield was aware of it, covering half of the galaxy surrounding the Demon Realm border, let alone in the Holy Realm!

Divine flame In the palace, the big guys from all sides urged defense to resist the natural phenomenon of Lin Chen's congealing cave and Wu Pianjue's natural phenomenon of breaking the realm!

Wu Pianjue’s breakthrough natural phenomenon is horrible, but now it is Lin Chen’s imposing manner that is even better, suppressing Wu Pianjue’s power in all aspects!

The more terrifying thing is that these two people are still fighting, they haven't stopped!

If the breakthrough of Life and Death Realm or the Star Realm is okay, you can condense the cave while fighting, which is simply unheard-of!

"His sister is really a lunatic, this Lin Chen is not afraid that he will blow up the holy cave while fighting while condensing the holy cave!"

"Ghosts act, rampant Extreme!"

Everyone is amazing!

Lin Chen's actions seem outrageous, but Lin Chen's backhand is already well prepared!

Focusing on the matter of breaking the boundary and condensing acupoints, he does not need to worry about it at all!

His six Phantom Clone have long been in the air transport planting bag. The Avatar deity is one body and mind, and the six Phantom Clone are the impact of his whole body and the cultivation base!

Because the situation is different this time, Lin Chen had accumulated too much before and broke the four acupoints. This time Lin Chen condensed the acupoints in a single time. There is no need for the main body to go to the battle!

Wu Pianjue’s 81st holy cave seems to have a breakthrough to increase its power by twelve thousand! Still climbing!

And Lin Chen continued to condense his acupoints, breaking through four thousand times! imposing manner like a rainbow!

Boom~! boom! boom! boom! bang! bang!

Two unprecedented Holy Forces turned into absolutely huge waves crashing against each other and destroying everything!

Looking from a distance, it seems that two True Dragon Celestial Phenomenon have met and killed each other!

The natural phenomenon of broken borders and the aftermath of the battle have been completely confused and dizzying.

However, the continuously expanding nine-color holy light vortex, a series of cavernous explosions, are always warning everyone that they are witnessing the rise of an epic!

"It keeps on, a single time of condensing acupuncture points has exceeded four thousand five hundred times, what kind of monster is this!"

"These two people, who can win... "

"No, it is no longer a question of winning. After this battle, Lin Chen will definitely become a huge threat to the sage list. If Martial God's big plan is used, Lin Chen must be a sage. The most important enemy we have eliminated!"

All the Grade 8 powers are very solemn!

Where will they stand after this battle?

Standing in the Divine flame palace will only provoke Lin Chen, but if you don’t stand in the Divine flame palace, you will provoke the great characters of the sacred talent list!

If you remain neutral, you will miss the opening of the new era of the holy world, and miss the opportunity for the rise of sect.

The result of this battle will also influence the direction of all of them!

The nine-color holy light vortex finally stopped expanding, and when the aura dissipated, everyone's horrified faces and incredible gazes were reflected.

Swipe~! boom! boom!

When the whole day passed, Lin Chen and Wu Pianjue, fighting for a while.

At this time, the duo divine splendor is full of enthusiasm, Shengwei is majestic, Wu Pianjue's 81st holy cave, Holy Force opens the sky, and looks like Sun, Moon and Stars hanging in the sky!

And Lin Chen, with a restrained edge, the Holy Force is like a sea like a sea, if it is not moving, it will be a landslide and a tsunami, and the plane will overturn!

Shangguan Jue's eyes narrowed, clearly understood when Wu Pianjue’s holy cave was clicked, clicking one's tongue in wonder.

"It really made him a perfect promotion. Just stepping into the first holy cave of the Open Heaven Realm added the Holy Force cultivation base of 20,000 powers!"

The first holy cave in the Open Heaven Realm, adding 20,000 powers!

Now Wu Pianjue’s total Holy Force can explode more than 60,000 power! Far surpassing the realm at the time of Perfection!

Wu Pianjue is indeed against the sky, but--

All the powerhouses and even the sages, when they stared at Lin Chen, they stood up and their faces were shocked. Shocking or solemn!

The sacred talent list who was full of arrogance before, "Blood Tribulation" Fang Xietian, blood dripping all over his body, shaking the corners of his mouth, muttering to himself.

"Is there such a thing?"

In the flame space.

Lin Chen skillfully wears homemade sunglasses, and is slightly smiled very coquettish.

"It's time to show the real technology."


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