When the nine-color holy light vortex slowly dissipates, Lin Chen's aura is strong, standing alone can stand up to the sky, undefeated in the world!


Lin Chen's servant team burst out with the ten thousand zhang laughter!

"From now on, all of you stand up!"

"My lord first under the heavens!"

"You may not know, just use the higher What is the concept of rank challenge. We usually only use two words to describe this lord, hanging monster!"

"I often say one thing, back then I can rely on Body Refinement Realm. , To enter the sacred talent list with the Open Heaven Realm, my master uses the condensing realm to hammer his son of Martial God, it’s not a problem!"

"Ambush him, don’t rush to blow this wave, he is dead!"

" Our lord’s breakthrough realm and core method increase, and the backhand is a super double, making a fortune with a muffled sound. He also breaks the border? But don’t be afraid, his strength can’t beat our lord. If we can make the lord’s breakthrough to Life and Death Realm, This War General lore, but unfortunately the foundation is too solid."

"One 6 alone."

Fang Ling: "...you almost got it! Real water! "

The servants couldn't help crying with excitement. No matter how deep the experience, no matter how dark abalone, no matter how old you tiao, it is difficult to calm down at this time.

This scene is too shocking!

Now, Lin Chen has 45 holy caves in full bloom, in the middle stage of the condensed state.

The fifth single condensing of acupuncture points directly reached 6,500 times the shocking amount!

"Impossible, this kid’s cultivation technique has a big secret!"

"Even if the acupuncture point is expanded 31,000 times and the acupoint condensed 17,200 times, it is also impossible to have this This kind of battle strength!"

"There is a major secret in his body, which caused his holy cave cultivation base to burst out completely different grades of formidable power, too terrifying, what kind of cultivation technique is this? Have this kind of foundation!"

"Even the sacred talent list has never heard of this cultivation art. In the long history of the holy world, there is no such sky-defying gain!"

Nine Great Saints, their expressions are extremely solemn!

Before, they still dismissed Lin Chen.

Even if Lin Chen can fight against Wu Pian, it is impossible to reach their level.

After all, Wu Pianjue hadn't stepped into the Open Heaven Realm before.

But now it's different!

Witness this kid's congealing hole and the bursting out of battle strength with his own eyes. This Lin Chen, if he becomes the Life and Death Realm and the Star Realm in the future, it will definitely be the number one threat to their'big plan'!

Maybe, in the future, he will be able to approach or even level the "Legendary Ten" on the list of sage talents!

"Unexpectedly, you actually have this trump card, it is the god child who underestimated you..."

Wu Pianjue's eyes are cold and ruthless, and the killing intent skyrocketed!

The perfect promotion did not bring him any joy, but instead made him an unprecedented killing intent for Lin Chen!

Lin Chen shrugged, jokingly said with a smile.

"You enchanting sages, born arrogant, always feel that no one surpasses you, it seems that this handsome is still too low-key, it is time to let you know who is the best to fight."

Lin Chen's fifth acupoint condensation corresponds to the basis of the fifth acupoint expansion.

He expanded the cave for the fifth time by 2,000 times, and the 34th holy cave has a Holy Force comparable to a trillion dragon power.

An increase of six thousand five hundred times on this basis is 65 trillion dragon power! Converted into six thousand five hundred powers!

There is a virtual holy cave in Taiyi time and space, and the possession of the gods comes with a 300% cultivation technique effect, again increased by 4x! That's 32,500 powers! Really, the backhand'super double', making a fortune in silence!

In addition to Lin Chen's previous 27970 power, Lin Chen's light is the Holy Force cultivation base, which can burst out the ultimate lethality of 60470 power!

Yes, now Lin Chen, regardless of other means, is on the same level as Wu Pianjue on Holy Force alone!

Wu Pianjue’s Holy Force limit is 60,000 powers, and his Lin Chen Holy Force’s limit attack power is also 60,000 powers!

With the same level of combat power, Lin Chen really lost!

The only one who has never won, maybe only Lin Xingchen!

Since the day they met, Lin Chen has neither lost nor won against Lin Xingchen!

next moment, the face of Nine Great Saint Cai is particularly wonderful!

The emperor of the sun, the cloud bursts into the sky, his eyes burst with two ray of holy fire, and he said earnestly.

"Is it finally coming, Martial God bloodline!"

Dongfang Hongmo rubbed his chin and said thoughtfully--"Although I have seen Martial Saint bloodline, but, Martial God It's a completely different field."

Jue Tianyan frowned: "This is the first time I have felt such a powerful oppression in Wu Pianjue."

Ji Ruqing nodded Agree: "Undoubtedly, this will be the moment when Wu Pianjue's strongest battle strength erupts, and the outcome will be clear!"

Ji Qianqiu smiled beautifully and exquisitely, "Martial God can make the cultivation technique after all. What a realm it has reached, I have been looking forward to seeing it once..."

At this time, Wu Pianjue was burning with orange flames!

Scarlet veins are looming under his skin, and his whole person is like burning, completely transformed into the sun in the center of this Heaven and Earth!

The divine might between his eyebrows is vast, and when he floats in the air, he swept away from the space!

Om~! ! bang! bang! bang!

Anyone who made eye contact with him, many super evildoers were so scared that they knelt to the ground! Can't even stand still!

After three turns of Saint, my mind seems to burst! A silhouette of Supreme came to their minds!

Wu divine might press! This is the real divine might, so that everyone has the illusion that Martial God is coming!

Shen Lingshuang's pretty face, standing in the main hall, changed slightly, her face was slightly pale, and her exquisite figure was shaken.

Shangguan Jue supported her and said worriedly: "Little girl, what's the matter with you?"

Shen Lingshuang bit her teeth, "He... turned on Martial God bloodline, he His bloodline is still better than me, I was suppressed by him."

Shangguan Jue was surprised, "Martial God bloodline? Wu Pianjue, this kid, is going to work hard at last? I don’t know what Lin Chen will do. Resist..."

Elder Council and the others looked at each other one after another. Unexpectedly, Wu Pianjue was forced to such a point that even a perfect promotion could not suppress Lin Chen!


a dragon roar chant, Wu Pian definitely does not use the bow, his left hand Nine Hell Sword, the breath of death Yellow Springs rushes, his right hand holds a faint and cold brachiosaurus knife, dragon teeth carving , Such as engraving an evil dragon inlaid in the blade, the evil is sharp!

It's another Grade 8 Holy Artifact · Evil Yin Dragon! Blade Qi Dragon Transformation, the edge is evil!

Left hand sword, right hand sword, Wu Pianjue’s imposing manner rises sharply, unstoppable!

He stepped forward, and a torrent of divine might swept across the entire flame space!

Seeing this scene, the many evildoers on the list of evildoers are completely dumbfounded...

The son of Martial God, really an almighty type?

Sword Dao and Blade Dao are both proficient?

However, the next scene is even more exciting--


There was another sharp sound of drawing a knife. Lin Chen held the knife in his left hand, and the body of the knife was dark red and burned out like blood. Holding a sword in his left hand, the sword edge is as clear as a mirror, and the tip of the sword is like a bright jade, and the cold weather seals Nine Provinces!

The left hand Absolute Sword, the right hand frozen Heavenly Sword, Lin Chen is holding one blade one sword, full of madness and domineering!

Wu Pianjue eyes shrank ……

Lin Chen smiled awe-inspiringly: "Blade and Sword Double Art, but you are not the only Wu Pianjue!"

Everyone The corners of the mouth twitch.


Are you here too?

What kind of monster are these two people!

"Really, I want to see how much you can keep up with me!"

Wu Pianjue is extremely angry and laughs, one blade one sword, volleyed across the sky!

"Lotus Burial·Hell Wheel!"

Shh~! Tear~!

The dark and faint death sword lotus rushed out. Just above the ten thousand zhang sword lotus, a snow-like blade light wheel was spinning at high speed, slash Lin Chen!

The protector of the Divine flame palace, Lan Jingyu, suddenly narrowed his eyes, and with a stroke of his sleeves, the flame space was reinforced again!

This move, formidable power is more than ten times stronger than it!

On the one hand, Wu Pianjue’s breakthrough cultivation base, and the overall battle strength soared by three levels!

On the other hand, when Martial God bloodline is turned on, the formidable power of a cultivation technique will be used to surpass the original rank!

Lin Chen's mouth frantically rises.

"After the breakthrough realm, the attribute light spheres are really more, and the formidable power beyond the original level of the cultivation technique is exerted. This is not just your special attribute!"


As soon as the sound exploded, Lin Chen swung his sword abruptly!


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