In the plane of time and space——

The explosion is endless, and finally it returns to silence.

[Triggers destruction and explosion innate talent...]

After several days of attrition, Wu Pianjue’s'Extinction Ripples' 20 times, 18 times' The destruction and explosion of the'innate talent' finally fell into the attrition battle of Lin Chen's many Avatars.

"The people in the sacred talent list are indeed terrifying enough. This is still the case where I can't use the trump card to escape. I killed six of my Avatars before I died..."

Lin Chen frowned, fighting in the outside world normally, trying to kill the sacred talent list, almost impossible.

If Saint King is better than Saint King, I am afraid there is a certain probability of failure.

For the sake of caution, Lin Chen did not approach Wu Pianjue's body easily, and continued to explode his body and the Holy Artifact he carried with him with seven Avatars!

Grade 8 Holy Artifact cannot forcibly recognize the Master, only the previous generation master can transfer it to others.

Wu Pianjue is dead, Lin Chen can only crush them all!

Boom! boom!

With a series of explosions, Wu Pianjue's body and Holy Artifact were blown up together!

[The host gets 4.8 billion points of suit essence, 3.5 billion points of suit essence, 100,000 points of Saint Level essence, 290 points of Saint Level spirit strength......】

Massive spheres of attribute light When it emerges, Avatar accepts it all!

Wu Pianjue's net worth is not small, just by hitting Grade 8 Holy Artifact to obtain the essence of the suit will make a lot of money!


Where Wu Pianjue's body was blown up, a dazzling attribute beam suddenly rose!

Lin Chen's eyes became especially hot!

"True descendants of God, what kind of attribute baby will be dropped..."

Lin Chen can't wait to rush over, floating in the void a vast white attribute treasure chest of divine might! !

In this attribute treasure box, Lin Chen felt divine might, like a Supreme Divine Beast lurking, and his heart palpitated.

When your fingertip touches the attribute treasure chest, it will automatically open, and the pure white spar in the form of a hexagon will slowly rise up!

Lin Chen clearly saw that the pure white water crystal interior was actually sealed with an elephant head?

The elephant head is lifelike, its long white teeth are like crescent crescents, and its trunk is vigorous and powerful, as if the Spiritual God had come to the world.

Give Lin Chen a kind of "holding" it, and he has the illusion of a world!

The light screen immediately pops up——

[Open the Divine Spark treasure chest, congratulations to the host for obtaining: divine object Divine Spark fragments (divine elephant power). 】

【Divine Spark · Divine elephant fragments: The host can use the power of the divine elephant sealed in the Divine Spark fragments to stimulate the vitality and blood to destroy the part of the summon divine elephant. ]

[Note: This Divine Spark does not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, and the attack power is extremely strong. Please use the host with caution. The higher the host Body Refinement Realm, the faster the use recovery time. 】

"After killing a descendant of God, I actually dropped a Divine Spark fragment. Interesting, I don’t know which Divine Spark fragment is stronger than the Ultimate Sky Adversary..."

Lin Chen clicking one's tongue in wonder, took away all the attribute light spheres, took away the Qi Luck Plant Pouch held by Wu Pianjue, and evacuated the plane of time and space.

Divine flame outside the palace——

The faces of various powerhouses are completely shocked!

This kind of natural phenomenon appeared in the bones and eyes of the Saint King domain, obviously, it was Lin Chen!

He killed Wu Pianjue, the son of Martial God!

This madman really dare to do it!

The holy world is going to change!

A shocking battle will be inevitable!

Boom~! !

Lan Jingyu's hair fluttered, and a pair of pupils bloomed with divine glow, suddenly rising into the air.

His gaze is staring at Lin Chen's servant team, the sky splits with python-like cracks, spreading all the way to several millions of miles and beyond, as if the entire Heaven and Earth are about to be torn apart general!

"Well, the guardian of the Divine flame palace is furious! Get out!"

"The Divine flame palace ceremonial ceremony is over, Saint King is angry, we can't bear it !"

"Lin Chen is really an out-and-out pervert, this guy is going to kill Wu Pianjue at first!"

"Damn it, kill the saint. All the people on the list can do it. It’s better not to provoke this kind of character, otherwise there are not enough lives!"

xiu! xiu! xiu!

Countless guests brought The person who led him escaped into the void and evacuated!

Below Perfection in the Open Heaven Realm, you are not eligible to stay in the Divine flame palace again!

If Saint King fights, just the aftermath of control can shatter them!

Shangguan Jue squinted his beautiful eyes, "This little fellow dare to do it. Although Wu Pianjue will not completely die at this level, there may be a glimmer of survival, but Martial God bloodline It is completely cut off!"

Shen Lingshuang pulled her sleeves, "Master beat him up, if we fight next, we want to help Master, okay!"

Shangguan Jue said helplessly: "The more you are in a high position, the less you can do the same sect slaughter one another. I can't do it yet."

Shen Lingshuang pouted: "That's too unfair. Why? Then Wu Pianjue can kill Elder!"

Shangguan Jue shook his head--"He was an assassination, plus the Elder Council favored him, and the evidence was destroyed. We can't expose him. If I do, The Elder Council must attack first, but..."

Shen Lingshuang was puzzled: "But?"

Shangguan Jue looked into the distance.

"When Lin Chen is here, there will be no peace, little girl, with your Master, are you afraid of not having a fight?"

Shen Lingshuang startled, it suddenly dawned on me!

Shangguan Jue suddenly burst into a beautiful smile.

"I haven't completely let go of hands and feet for many years. The people of Divine flame Palace can't move for the time being, but it doesn't mean that my old lady can't hammer people from other forces!"

... …

Swipe~! With a flash of dark green rays of light, Lin Chen reappeared above the Divine flame palace, located between the two camps.

"Why, Divine flame Palace wants to turn his face, right?"

Lin Chen's talk and laughter made Lan Jingyu surprised at this boy again!

Without the help of a half-step Saint King, he can actually resist his Saint King Prestige pressure, can he be so serene?

"Lin Chen, don't want to leave the Divine flame palace safely today!"

"Are you really not afraid of death? Martial God Aristocratic Family, you dare to kill people?"

"It seems that you didn't put the nine of us in your eyes..."

Divine flame Palace Elder and the nine Great Saints arrived in the air.

Wu Pian is absolutely the nine Great Saint talents, and the other saints who joined the'organization', the role is more critical. If he dies here, they must bring back an'explanation'!

The Supreme Elders of the Divine flame Palace shook their heads helplessly, only to be dispatched again!

shua! shua! shua!

Lin Chen’s servants stepped into place, standing beside Lin Chen, all the stars cup themselves around the moon.

Divine flame Gonghufatang's desire action, Shangguan Jue appeared and stopped them.

Shangguan Jue said: "Watch the changes and let this little fellow deal with him. His team is very strong."

And the four brothers of the "Sifangjiehai" of 17 layers Those who live in Bai Ruoyan and the others, and Ye Lixue who do not have the ability to watch the battle, retreat quickly!

The many VIPs who have just retreated to the distance, facing the power of tearing thousands of planes, can't help but feel palpitations...

This battle is fought, I'm afraid The eastern part of the Saint King domain also had to destroy a fifth. Under the premise that the space crystal wall of the or Saint King’s Domain is relatively stable!


At this time, Huanghuang Heavenly Might drew down from the top of Nine Heavens, watching the world, immortal forever. The brilliant golden light shines in the direction of the Divine flame palace!

Divine flame Palace Elder will be happy!

This coercion is the arrival of Saint King powerhouse!

"hahaha, Lin Chen, it must be Wu Family, this time you are dead!"

Huomei Elder raised his eyes and laughed.

However, Lan Jingyu suddenly said solemnly!

"No, the person who came is not from Wu Family!"

As soon as this statement came out, both powerhouses were on guard!

Whoever comes, is it an enemy or a friend?

The corners of Lin Chen's mouth rose up, as if he had expected something.

The old man Wuji narrows his eyes, clicking one's tongue in wonder.

"Even they were dispatched..."

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