Om~! xiu! xiu! xiu!

East-Rising Purple Qi, divine splendor shines in the world.

ten thousand zhang golden light is drawn down from the east side of the sky, paved a golden road, an invincible pressure that suppresses the heavens, and descends to the Divine flame palace!

On the road to gold, hundreds of silhouettes came to face each other.

The most powerhouse, Saint King cultivation base!

Cultivation base is the lowest, and there is also a six-turn cultivation base!

The head of the young man, dressed in white, is handsome and handsome. After both of his hands were lost, the Golden Great Dao stepped on to face him, and the divine splendor was added to his body, and his spirits were flying. There are avenues of holy light surging, Shengwei Sovereign innumerable living beings!

Between the young man’s eyebrows, there are vicissitudes of life that do not match his appearance, his eyes absorb the stars, and his pupils are as deep as seeing through ten thousand zhang red dust!

Stuck near the Divine flame palace, those hidden old monsters and Ancient Ones who are also trying to join the'big plan' of the sacred talent list, when they witnessed that team at the moment, their pupils trembled!

This team is probably the team they don’t want to see the most in their lives! !

They are actually the people of the Holy Prison!

The one headed is the big sign of the holy prison, the famous white feather Saint King in the holy world, known to everyone in ancient and modern times. Ying Chunqiu!

Ying Chunqiu's seniority is even much higher than that of Lan Jingyu.

Divine flame Palace Two Great Protectors Venerable before he became king, he was already the strongest Saint King, and he was the overlord of the Haotian Saint King at the same time!

"Your Excellency Ying Chunqiu, what is the so-called Divine flame palace?"

Lan Jingyu converged on the killing intent and asked indifferently.

A Saint King, in the current situation has Lifting The Heavy As Though It Was Light, the weight to control the situation!

The Palace Lord of the Divine flame palace is also floating in the air, frowning: "Could the Holy Prison want to judge my Divine flame palace?"

Ying Chunqiu raised his hand, indifferent The way.

"It is not your turn to speak at the Divine flame Palace, we are not here to find you."

His gaze is extremely thunder, after staying on the nine Great Saint for a while, In an instant, lock Lin Chen!

Ying Chunqiu said with a sneer: "Lin Chen, right, I really want to know who gave you the courage to dare to commit my holy prison!"

Boom~ !

Ying Chunqiu tried to suppress Lin Chen with Shengwei, but Lin was peaceful, and even had several points of coquettish smile.

As soon as this statement came out, the Ancient One stalled, and the hidden old monsters were shocked.

Even the nine Great Saints are stunned!

What's the situation? Lin Chen still has a festival with the holy prison?

That's not right! The holy prison is directly under the control of the gods, can this kid provoke the holy prison?

Lin Chen shrugged, laughed with ease.

"My courage stems from my handsomeness. If you say that being handsome is a sin, then I, Lin Chen, is already inexcusable! Your holy prison came to me, that is to say , Have you finally discovered that I am the most handsome man in the holy realm. What a sinful man!" Lin shook his head and sighed very sadly--"Ai, handsome, is it true? Is it a sin? How sad can you be? Just like Lin Chen was overly handsome. That's all! If your holy prison build an additional 20 floors of holy prison for me to live exclusively, and add a thousand beauties, an acre of land , A thatched house, one hundred million, I can't think about going with you."

Ying Chunqiu frowned, "You..."

"Huh!" Lin Chen directly He raised his hand and interrupted him: "Senior, don’t be polite! I’m a big black spear in the wave, one of the top brands of the dark horse club, and the special name of the super long wait chicken, Take a rest for two minutes, and work for another two months, and your physical fitness is better. I don’t have too many beauties, so don’t be polite!"

Divine flame, everyone in the palace: "..."

How did this kid survive until now?

You also built a 20-story building specifically for you to live in? Why do you travel to the holy prison?

A certain servant chuckled next to him and said: "Lord, how can I say that people are also Saint King, the holy prison, why don't you give me some face."

Lin Chen patted his head. "Aiya, yes, yes, face is still to be given."

Lin graciously corresponded to Spring and Autumn and showed an honest child-like sunny smile, said with a smile.

"You shit!"

Many Ancient One's mouths are pumping...

This Lin Chen is really newborn calves do not fear tigers!

It was the first time that they saw someone from the Holy Prison get eccentric and scolded!


Ying Chunqiu is not angry, the powerhouses of the holy prison are angry first!

Ying Chunqiu serene, he is used to seeing bad customs, Lin Chen's set is not enough to provoke him.

He is particularly calm.

"I thought that your kid was still a human being, and wanted to give you a chance to return to my holy prison. However, judging from your shit attitude, I don’t think I am going to save myself anymore. In that case. , This seat makes you perfect!"

"Holy Prison Law Enforcement Group heard the order, criminal Lin Chen sneaked into the holy prison, released the vicious holy prison criminals, penetrated the holy prison, destroyed multiple layers of the holy prison, and killed A large number of prison guards, with conclusive crimes, and bad behaviors, you will execute them on the spot, and take down all the prisoners such as Lin Chen, regardless of life or death!"

An order from Spring and Autumn to stir up waves!" !

Many Ancient One and Hidden Boss are in a daze!

The Nine Great Saint didn't react for a while!

Sneak into the holy prison?

Release the criminal?

Break through the holy prison?

Kill the prison guard?

Wait, wait! !

Are you writing a novel on this?

The damn thing is the holy prison held by the gods! The real Hegemon of the holy world!

Early-Stage was founded in the Holy Realm. Whoever wants to die in the Holy Prison, no one can live!

Except for the Fiend Empress of the year, no psychic can go in and out freely for a lifetime, even Saint King also don't dare provoke Hegemon! Absolute authority!

One day, Saint King who was sitting in the holy prison suddenly told the world that someone had sneaked into the holy prison?

The most peculiar thing is...

This person does not even reach the cultivation base of Life and Death Realm!

Jue Tianyan: "Hey hey must have a degree of outrageousness!"

Xue Yifan: "This kid sneaked into the holy prison?"

Yun Potian: "I don't believe it!"

Fang Xietian: "I don't believe it either!"

Nangong Yue: "...I'm not dreaming, am I?"

Qian Yingxue looked towards his Great Grandfather, the old man Wuji!

Could it be that Great Grandfather is here for this?


"I can't think of dignified Baiyu Saint King, there will be a day to admit the wrong person."

"If Lin Chen can sneak into the holy prison, I On the spot, eat this palace guard!"

Even the Ancient Ones and the representatives of the three major Grade 9 sects shook their heads and laughed.

No one can accept this reality.

A Condensation Realm penetrates the Holy Prison? Who can accept it!

Who believes it! Lie to the child, you are here!

This is basically impossible! Okay!


Divine flame The sky above the palace has changed suddenly! The people in the holy prison immediately started their battles! The golden road stretches endlessly hundreds of thousand li and million li!


At this time, there was a burst of laughter among Lin Chen's team.

"This day is here."

"Come on, everyone, it's time to let them know who is father!"

"Ugly People are still in coowering, handsome people have already fought hard!"

"hahaha, beat his mother! I've long wanted to use this state to fight the real thing with the holy prison!"


"I won't pretend, I'll showdown! I, Long Jiushan, is the man closest to body refinement Saint King!"

"You ask me which side of Divine flame Palace and Saint King are doing Sorry, the little child made the choice, me! Guys! All! All! Do it!"

"Take a special holy prison, fight a special, Saint King domain!"

Everyone's black robe cloaks are lifted, and the glazed masks are unveiled——

Many saint powers shake the sky and rise to the sky!

Hundreds of millions of Divine Lightning appeared out of thin air, and the colorful fairy clouds turned to the sky. In Dragon Qi Pentium absolutely, sword qi is in chaos Nine Heavens!

The servants are full!

When I saw the true colors of Lin Chen's team, all powerhouses were struck by lightning!

Nine Great Saint, dumbstruck!

Divine flame Palace Elder Council, gradually dumbfounded!

Venerable Dharma Protector Lan Jingyu was shocked.

Venerable Dharma Protector Shangguan Jue exclaimed and shook his head.

Sword and dual domain boss, shouted!

Divine flame Palace Lord, thumbs up!

The Xing Nine Heavens of the Sky Sacred Domain Qingtian Pavilion, looking at the epic team and the dreamlike combination, the corners of his mouth trembled and the whole body trembled.

"hey hey hey...what the hell is this team, my day!!"

Lin Chen's mouth rose wildly.

"This great gift, your Divine flame palace and the holy prison can be well connected!"

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