The hidden old monsters and Ancient Ones, when they saw the servants around Lin Chen, the corners of their mouths trembled in fright!

Yes, it's not shock and consternation, it's real shock!

Throughout the entire holy world, there is no more team than this one!

What is abnormal is not only strength, but ability!

The strongest Prediction Master in the history of Shenji Pavilion · Jiang Taixu!

The holder of the divine technique in the only space in the holy realm, the spirit realm white jade Fairy · Xiao Linger!

The only one in the blood realm to see through the'Eight Volumes of the God of Despair' and control all the strongest secret arts in the world, Ji Wuchen!

The strongest killer combination in the history of Sacred Domain, destroys Gemini·Cinders and Earth!

The man in the holy world closest to body refinement Saint King Realm, Battle Domain Immemorial Dragon, Dragon Dragon Mountain!

The Grade 8 Peak Saint Level Alchemist of Danyu, Good-Fortune Pill Saint·You go to live!

Half-step Saint King’s Flame Domain Burning Heaven Arrow Saint Qi Feiyan!

The founder of the Dao Palace Formation in the Holy Realm, the twelve Dao Palace in the ice region. Purple Thousand Sorrow!

The man who controls the heavenly punishment of Wan Lei by Huang Yu, is born with Thunder God's overlord body, half-step Saint King cultivation base, Shangguan is invincible!

Former Profound Domain Grade 8 Holy Kingdom Lord, movement method alone in the Holy Realm, Blood Lord·Skylight!

One of the only masters of the resurrection divine technique, the fascinating sage Fei Wushuang!

The last true biography of the Wild Ancient Grade 9 sect'Xianxia Gate', the five Great Immortal Xianxia, ​​Jiang Wan'er!

The first conceived Primordial Spirit Heavenly Fire, born to the most dangerous god and devil galaxy in the Shenhe galaxy, the son of surprise, Situ Changsheng!

There is also the peerless sage Qin Nine Heavens who has been on the list of sages at the youngest age!

As well as the double domain of sword and sword back then, Saint King was invincible, and it was called the closest to Blade Intent and sword intent. The half-step Saint King waved over the clouds, half-step Saint King Fang Ling!

Many hidden old monsters retreat subconsciously in horror——

"These are all the pride of the age in the holy world!"

" It’s not that we old bastard are fortunate enough to experience the same era with them. I’m afraid that few new youngsters really know each other!"

"Under the world, can someone put them together? This team wants Against the sky!"

"This Lin Chen, wouldn't he really beat the holy prison and rescued them, right?"

Back then, these people crossed the saints In the world, they were just'younger brothers'!

It's better than now, they are still a younger brother in front of these people!

When I think that these people still call Lin Chen the "Lord", the Ancient Ones of each family are even more frustrated!

Since ancient times, who is qualified to be their lord!

Xing Nine Heavens was sweating coldly, and his palms were sweating.

He finally knows why, some time ago, he tracked down the murderer of Qin Family and couldn't find any clues!

This fucking investigation can only lead to ghosts! Even Saint King has to pull his hips!

"Damn it, I once really jumped on the edge of death repeatedly! If I traced these people back then, it would be difficult for me to survive without death!"

Xing Nine Heavens There are lingering palpitations.

This team is really a fantastic combination!

In addition to the 19 layers of giants, this team also has Blood Asura, Heavenly Eye·Sorrowful Ghost, Jin Wuxia and the others who became terror-stricken at the news.

Those who were once imprisoned in 18 Layer are also ruthless characters!

The powerhouses of the holy prison and the team of Lin Chen formed two imposing manners, and the courts resisted and shook the entire Saint King domain!

Lin Chen staring at both hands crossed near chest with a joke on his face, Shangguan Jue's red lips slightly opened.

"Well, you Lin Chen, you actually went to the holy prison and made a lot of trouble, and released all these monsters that were no less than the old lady!"

At this time, the hidden monsters of the Saint King domain are all shaken out!

Ying Chunqiu is calm on the surface, but in fact the stormy sea has already been set off in his heart!

He expected that those people of 19 layers might have some people stepping into the Saint King Realm world.

But he didn't expect, there are actually four!

The other eleven, even if they are less than half a step away from Saint King, still have a taste of dying desire!

It is possible at any time to open the position of the 100th holy cave and advance to a half-step Saint King!

"Really deserved to be the pride of the times. They can make such rapid progress in the holy prison. If they are allowed to cultivation normally, will they all surpass this seat?"

Ying Chunqiu killing intent skyrocketed!

At first, he was peaceful, thinking that his Vanguard Team was more than enough to deal with their entire group.

It seems that the one to emerge victorious is still unknown!

This group of people, especially the 19 layers guys, all have to be wiped out!

They are the characters who are most likely to advance to Saint King in the holy world besides the list of saints!

Every time there is more Saint King, the situation in the holy world will get chaotic!

Long Jiushan stepped on the sole of his foot, the void shattered, and he laughed proudly: "Leave the three nine-turn guys on the left to me, this Uncle will hammer him to death!"

Ji Wu Chen gave a chuckle, the blood energy in his palm was disillusioned, and said with a smile: "The three inhumans and ghosts on the right, let the old man stop them."

Shangguan Wudi stretched his waist , The infinite lightning tore the void of crackle broke out all over, Lang said with a smile.

"Fang Ling and Lang turn Old Yun, you can concentrate on dealing with the Saint King of the Divine flame palace."

Qi Feiyan and Shangguan Wujie glanced at each other, their hearts felt bright, and they stepped into the air. One step, directly blocked in front of Baiyu Saint King!

Ying Chunqiu sneered: "Two and a half-step Saint King want to block this king?"

Shangguan Wudi sneered: "What are you pretending? If it's not your holy prison framed, I lie down It’s better than you with cultivation!"

Qi Feiyan raised his hand and shot at Ying Chunqiu with a bow, no nonsense at all!

The light of the arrow stirs the wind and the clouds, and the light of the clouds is twisted like a whirlwind!

Boom~! The arrow light was squeezed and exploded by Ying Chunqiu, and his movement method was unfolded. Layers of phantoms flashed into the void. Like a Demon God, Shangguan Invincible pulled away more than tens of thousands of heavenly punishment lightning, which suddenly enveloped Ying Chunqiu!

Lin Chen's team is half dispatched to start the War Saint prison team!

The entire Divine flame Palace is directly caught in an unprecedented melee!

"Quickly let the disciplines evacuate!"

With an order from the Elder Council, major deacons have been covering the evacuation of the innovative dísciple of the Divine flame palace!

Such a large-scale melee, with the participation of Saint King, once the fighting power spreads, the disciplines simply cannot bear it.

Lin Chen snapped his fingers, "Sorrowful Ghost."

"Subordinates are here!" Sorrowful Ghost one-knee kneels, respectfully.

"I will give you a quarter of an hour to wipe out all the dísciples of the Wu Pianjue faction, without leaving a single mouth."

Lin Chen said calmly: "I want to use Divine flame." Gong dísciple is a cauldron guy, cut weeds and eliminate the roots."


Sorrowful Ghost turns into a wisp of smoke, like ghost-like disappears!

"Everyone, Elder, take this opportunity to take down Lin Chen this child!"

Lan Jingyu coldly shouted, the Supreme Elders of the Divine flame palace and the Elder Council can only act!

Fang Ling smiled sharply.

"Hehe, I haven't let go of hands and feet to fight for many years."

Lang Fanyun suddenly said with a smile: "We will play again after our friendly match. We will play this game first. Saint King knockout!"

Fang Ling laughed and waved his hand, sword qi vertical and horizontal, the spiral tornado-like sword light storm blocked Lan Jingyu!

The waves turned into a sabre light and suddenly slashed towards Lan Jingyu!

Two people, one blade one sword, fight against Lan Jingyu’s guardian!

The other half of Lin Chen's servant team immediately stood up for most of them and greeted the War God Flame Palace directly!

The entire Divine flame inside and outside the palace suddenly overwhelmed the sky!

The symbol of the Divine flame palace is completely destroyed, and the palace is sinking. If there is room to move, it will not be able to keep the main hall of the Divine flame palace!

The old monsters retreated and then retreated, their expressions horrified.

To actually do it, it's still'one dozen two'!

They look into the sky in the sky, the young silver robe floating in the air. Perhaps this is the real power to turn the sky back!

Lin Chen's team directly went to Divine flame palace and holy prison two giant forces! !


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